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Written by a member of staff at Queen Victoria Hospital
1st October 2015

I am a colleague of Mr Malhotra and specifically chose his practise to visit so that I could improve on my own surgical techniques and I must say without hesitation that Mr Malhotra is an exceptional surgeon who aims to provide the most compassionate and highest level of clinical and surgical care to his patients. He is also an excellent listener and understands his patients concerns addressing them expertly during the consultation (I have witnessed this repeatedly and consistently). Mr Malhotra is also an excellent teacher. Considering his advanced level of clinical and surgical skill and how well he is thought of even in oculoplastic circles the very refreshing quality Mr Malhotra possesses is his enduring generosity with his expertise and his openness to learn further - even from persons less experienced than himself. Mr Malhotra is to be commended highly.

Written by a patient at Spire Gatwick Park Hospital
17th September 2015

I was extremely unhappy about the deep dips under my eyes which were having a drastic impact on my appearance . I read excellent reviews about Dr Malhotra and his treatment for tear troughs using fillers.After a consultation with Dr Malhotra I immediately went ahead with the fillers which was virtually pain free . I felt Dr Malhotra really understood my issue and was reassuring and professional . I am happy to report I am extremely happy with the results and although the price may be higher than others offer it is worth the peace of mind that you are being treated by the best . Rebecca

Written by a patient at Queen Victoria Hospital
6th August 2015

I had a gold weight put in my eye to help me close my eye after a head injury. The eye, even though it shut mostly, it still need lubricating and would droop when I was tired. I met Mr Malhotra and he recommended inserting a platinum chain instead of the gold weight. This would help me shut my eye better but also to make the eye look better and more normal. The gold weight was cumbersome and could be seen by others most of the time like a lump in my eyelid. I had the operation under sedation. The gold weight was removed and the chain put in. This did not take long and I did not feel much pain. I was given antibiotic gel to put on the eye for two weeks and saw Mr Malhotra a month afterwards. I had hardly any swelling after the operation or pain. I was amazed that immediately it was doing the same as the gold weight functionally and looked so much better. People cannot even see it now, and remark on how good my eyes look. Many thanks to Mr Malhotra and his team. Having Facial Palsy on one side means that there are a lot that people who notice my one sidedness especially when I talk or smile. The gold weight (although better than nothing when I had to wear an eye patch) just made it stand out even more. The chain in my eyelid has helped my confidence because I believe hardly anyone could see any difference in my eyelids. I am very grateful and glad I had the operation.

Written by a patient at The Mcindoe Centre
1st August 2015

Mr Malhotra and his team are brilliant. Being an ultra nervous patient, he worked out how to deal with my fears with reassurance and care. The team were great too at every stage. Now I have my sight restored and can drive and do all the things I want to safely and with confidence. I recommend him and his team to everyone. Yours, Richard Johnston

Written by a patient at Queen Victoria Hospital
2nd June 2015

I would like to comment on my experience with Mr Malhotra and his team at Queen Victoria Hospital. On the 10/4/2015 I underwent an upper eyelid weight Insertion with Platinum segments, a levator recession combined with a lower eyelid lateral tarsal strip, retractor recession and lateral horn release. I felt very nervous but Mr Malhotra and his team were absolutely fantastic and quickly put me at ease. They were very professional and caring, Mr Malhotra even asked me what music I would like ? I was going to say Rock and roll but thought classical better suited the procedure :). I am absolutely delighted with the result and so pleased I had the Platinum segments as I can not see or even feel them. I now have full eye closure and vastly improved blink response and my confidence is returning. I am waiting for a fat transfer to my brow, temple and cheek area as Mr Malhotra recommends this over an eyebrow lift. I would like to thank Mr Malhotra,Mr Nduka, Vanessa and all the wonderful staff at Queens Victoria Hospital. You have all done so much to help me and I am eternally grateful.


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Raman Malhotra is an award-winning ophthalmic and oculoplastic surgeon whose work has received international recognition.
He runs courses, gives lectures and speaks at medical institutions and conferences worldwide on topics ranging from facial nerve palsy to eyelid lifts and tear trough fillers. He has written textbooks and numerous medical papers that have been published in leading journals. He also runs a successful fellowship programme.

In 2007, Mr Malhotra received the American Academy of Ophthalmology Achievement Award and in September 2011 he was awarded a National Clinical Excellence Award by the Department of Health and in December 2015 he was awarded as Silver National Clinical Excellence Award by the Department of Health.

He has expertise in eyelid, orbital and lacrimal disorders. In particular, aesthetic eyelid surgery, ptosis surgery, thyroid eye disease, watery eyes, facial palsy, eyelid skin cancer management and reconstruction and facial dystonias such as blepharospasm.

His website is:

Nearest Ophthalmologists