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Written by a patient at Spire Gatwick Park Hospital
13th February 2016

I have been researching tear trough treatment for about 3 or 4 years now as I have been really unhappy with my (hereditary) under eye bags which were also quite sunken. I am 37 years old and the eye bags really aged me and I was really self-conscious about them (not helped by other people constantly pointing out how tired I look!) I went to see 4 different people for consultations over the years as I was so nervous about getting it done. (I have never had anything done before). Last July I had a consultation with Mr Malhotra as from researching this treatment he looked to be the most experienced in this area. He was so understanding and listened to what I wanted. He didn't make me feel silly for being nervous (as other surgeons/practitioners had). I also gave him a picture of me from about 10 years ago. He understood that I wanted to just look like a refreshed, not tired version of me. It still took me until this month to pluck up the courage to book the procedure. The day of the treatment I was very nervous. Mr Malhotra has such a calming nature and put me at ease straightaway. The treatment itself was so quick and painless with instant results. I am so glad that I chose Mr Malhotra to do this treatment. I look 10 years younger and my eye bags have disappeared. It is exactly what I wanted and both sides are symmetrical. I have had no bruising at all just a little bit of puffiness - Amazing! I really think that this is down to Mr Malhotra's technique. I even went out to dinner the same day - I thought I would be hiding inside for the week after at least due to bruising. It is now the third day after treatment and I am so happy with the result. Even though there is still some puffiness I can see that the final result will be brilliant. My confidence has returned and I am looking forward to life without bags!!! I wish I had done it years ago!

Written by a patient at The Mcindoe Centre
2nd February 2016

I first met Mr Malhotra over four years ago. While living overseas I suffered from thyroid eye disease - it wasn't the worst example of the condition, however due to late diagnosis it had quite a detrimental affect on both my vision, eye comfort and facial appearance. Once I had recovered I returned to the UK and consulted with numerous surgeons to discuss surgery to restore my appearance. Of those surgeons Mr Malhotra was the most empathetic, professional and thorough, however I made the disastrous mistake of choosing another surgeon who was recommended to me via a cosmetic surgery forum, primarily due to cost. As a result of a very poorly performed surgery with numerous errors I was left with disfigurements and functional problems far worse than those caused by my illness. I have had to undergo almost three years of reconstructive surgery costing tens of thousands of pounds with still more to undergo - some of the problems are not fixable. In the course of seeking repair for my facial problems, I felt it would be prudent to consult with Mr Malhotra again and for once, I made the correct choice! I never felt that I could regain my old appearance and was fairly convinced there was no surgical solution that could help me anywhere in the world. Mr Malhotra proposed a conservative surgery that would go as far as possible to restoring my old eye shape without risking further damage. Mr Malhotra, his staff and medical team were kind, supportive and professional from my first consultation to final check up and I am overjoyed with the results - I feel I resemble myself more than I ever thought possible - particularly without invasive surgery. I do regret my decision not to opt for Mr Malhotra years ago and feel I have learned a very difficult (and expensive lesson)!

Written by a patient at Spire Gatwick Park Hospital
29th January 2016

The doctor who diagnosed me as suffering from ptosis of one eye, strongly recommended Mr Raman Malhottra for treatment. When I consulted Raman Malhottra, he was very thorough in the examination he undertook and in addition to confirming the doctor's diagnosis, he also diagnosed that my other eyelid was suffering from ptosis as well. His explanation to me of the possible effects of the ailment, if neglected, was clear and persuasive. The surgery was successful and the aftercare he recommended was what was needed and my eyesight in both eyes was back to normal in the timescale he predicted The follow-up consultations were re-assuring and not only does he have the necessary professional skills, he also possesses excellent manner when dealing with patients

Written by a member of staff at Spire Gatwick Park Hospital
24th January 2016

Raman Malhotra has been really kind and gently with me, but also professional. I'm an italian doctor in Nucleare Medecine, and I have an annoing epiphora since 2014, after a cronic use of eye drops because of allergy. After having discovered this problem, I was visited by many different italian ophthalmologist.... with the same diagnosis "epiphora" due to the block of both lacrimal calanicula and the same advise to solve the problem: installation on Jones tube. This technique is demolitive and not 100% conclusive. I was quite upset and disappointed, so I decided to find other solution doing a reaserch on web (pubmed) and I found an article written by Dr Malohtra, in which epiphora had been treated using botox. I decided to contact him by email and to go in UK to meet him. The visit was well done, with lots of examintaions to evalute my situation. Finally Dr Malhotra decided thatnow for me the best solution is the botox injection and he made it after having explained me all procedure, pro and con. Injection is very quick and painless and the result is visible in a week and it lasts for 4-6 months. In my case the epiphora is not disappeared but is improves and for me It's just a great succes. I'm very glad to have come in Uk to meet him and I really appreciated his professionality and his availability.

Written by a patient at The Mcindoe Centre
9th January 2016

Fat Transfer to the Face I was recommended to Mr Malhotra by a nurse 'in the business' and my initial concern was eye bags. I hadn't expected to be offered treatment to my face as a whole, nor had I expected the option of what seemed to me a potentially more natural and less invasive procedure... and one that was also relatively low cost. The initial consultation was followed up by a thorough letter, detailing the choices and pros and cons, and the same attention to detail was given to pre and post-operative information. The day in hospital was helped by being well cared for by staff and it was reassuring to see and speak with Mr Malhotra, who has a gentle manner and is clearly very experienced in his field. Recovery time felt a little nerve racking for me; with changes in swelling it is difficult to judge quite how things will settle down. I knew I could make contact if I had concerns but instructions were sufficient and a follow-up at 10 days was perfect. I found I could return to work after two weeks and am now looking forward to the second follow-up in another two months (it is a little over 5 weeks since my operation now). There are quite a number of benefits to fat transfer and I'm certainly pleased with the results.


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Raman Malhotra is an award-winning ophthalmic and oculoplastic surgeon whose work has received international recognition.
He runs courses, gives lectures and speaks at medical institutions and conferences worldwide on topics ranging from facial nerve palsy to eyelid lifts and tear trough fillers. He has written textbooks and numerous medical papers that have been published in leading journals. He also runs a successful fellowship programme.

In 2007, Mr Malhotra received the American Academy of Ophthalmology Achievement Award and in September 2011 he was awarded a National Clinical Excellence Award by the Department of Health and in December 2015 he was awarded as Silver National Clinical Excellence Award by the Department of Health.

He has expertise in eyelid, orbital and lacrimal disorders. In particular, aesthetic eyelid surgery, ptosis surgery, thyroid eye disease, watery eyes, facial palsy, eyelid skin cancer management and reconstruction and facial dystonias such as blepharospasm.

His website is:

Nearest Ophthalmologists