Mr Narendra Kumar Rath was awarded the iWantGreatCare certificate of excellence in 2024 for delivering outstanding care.



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27th June 2019

I would firstly like to thank Mr Rath from the bottom of my heart for giving me hope that my life may return to some sort of normality. If I can explain a little. Both myself and my husband were never at home. Our life was a busy whirlwind. Working long hours, travelling and socialising. That all ended six years ago. My husband was diagnosed with lung cancer. Work, travel and socialising ended. As he had so many complications and operations I became his carer. I then was diagnosed with osteoporosis, Fibromyalgia, arthritis on top of which I had a heart attack one Christmas morning. I also suffered for months with H.Pylori. Due to my many falls which resulted in some fractures I was referred to a wonderful lady at Broadgreen Hospital Dr Carroll. As my local GP Surgery were totally disinterested Dr Carroll fought my corner pestering everyone. Then, after more than three years, finally was referred to a lovely gentleman Dr. Chawla who in turn referred me to the wonderful Mr Rath. He went into in-depth questioning and I explained how unbearable the pain was, having to go upstairs on my hands and knees, carrying my husbands meals up to him. Most days I couldn’t walk by the afternoon. I just couldn’t do even basic things let alone go out socially. In his wisdom he decided to proceed to surgery. To say I was terrified was an understatement. I need not have worried. From the moment I walked into Walton Hospital the staff and the nurses were so friendly and kind, assuring me I was in the best hands. Mr Rath once again questioned all my symptoms and pain direction, again explaining the procedure and he decided to proceed. He was so kind to me. He then came and seen me before theatre and was there during the time with anaesthesia team, who were absolutely brilliant. Next thing I knew I was waking up and was returning to the ward. Mr Rath rang the ward to check I was ok. He then came and seen me twice that day to ensure I was feeling fine. The first thing I realised was that I didn’t have any pain but my leg was numb, which is apparently normal. Mr Rath was back to see me at 7.00 a.m. the next day checking that I was ok. What an incredible person. Before I summarise I would like to mention the nursing staff of Caton Ward. They are a credit to themselves and the NHS. One nurse actually made me tea and toast at 1.00 a.m. in the morning. I mean I was amazed how kind and thoughtful they all were, even though they are run off their feet. So a huge thank you to you all. Mr Rath, I can’t begin to explain what an incredible specialist you are and how skilled but it’s not just how brilliantly gifted you are, it’s your truly caring gentle nature. You go way beyond for your patients. I will never forget your wonderful smile, it goes right up to your eyes and lights your whole face up. Just picturing your smile cheers me up and makes me smile. When I returned home that day all seemed well and we went to bed. That night at midnight, I found my husband unconscious on the bedroom floor, I couldn’t seem to bring him round. Because of my operation I couldn’t manage to put him in the recovery position. I just couldn’t help him like I normally do. I was so scared. Anyway he was rushed to hospital. He is back home but awaiting tests on his heart as he may have angina or a murmur. I am now feeling very tired but NO PAIN Yippee!!!!! The only part that remains numb is from my ankle to my toes and hopefully this will improve with time. Even if it doesn’t go, it’s zillion times better than the pain I was in. You are so amazing and I will always be eternally grateful that Dr. Chawla was kind enough to refer me to you. I feel that I have been truly blessed to have had you perform your gift. I am honoured and I humbly thank you. It just doesn’t seem enough to say thank you but I hope anyone who reads this will be given hope for their future health and also to allay any fears they may have. Bless you, Kindest Regards, Irene Howard

30th June 2019
Response from Mr Narendra Kumar Rath

I am really sorry to hear about your husband, hope he is recovering well. Wishes with you and your family. I very pleased to know that you are pain free and had an excellent care during your stay. Wish you speedy recovery and see you soon. Regards NKR

11th June 2019

My husband had Spinal Stenosis. He had suffered for many years with back pain, discomfort and numbness to the legs and feet. Worst of all he wasn't able to walk for more than 50 yards, without having to stop and lean on something or just sit down. His quality of life was awful and it affetcted his day to day life including work. We visited Walton Hospital and met Mr.Rath. Although apprehensive of taking any risks (which all surgery brings) We both felt reassured and confident that this was the man for the job. From start to finish Dr Rath was amazing. He did a magnificent job of repairing John's back and the operation was a huge success. The day after surgery John was able to walk up and down the coridor with ease. His scar healed nicely and we had no complications. We are walking the dog together most days. (the dog is in shock). One month on and John is back to normal life. We have walked up quite a few hills and it feels like a miracle. We would both highly recommend this surgeon, who is excellent at his work and obviously passionate about improving patients lives. We will be forever grateful.

17th June 2019
Response from Mr Narendra Kumar Rath

Thanks you for your kind words. I pleased to know that you are doing well and enjoying your life. All the best for the speedy recovery and see you soon at the follow up clinic. Regards NKR

6th June 2019

Explained everything in detail and very responsive to my needs

6th June 2019
Response from Mr Narendra Kumar Rath

I am pleased to know that you had good care. Wishing you speedy recovery. Regards NKR

26th May 2019

From the very moment that I met Mr Rath I knew I was in the right place. He listened to me and beleived in me. He is a brilliant dedicated surgeon and he & his team do a wonderful job at the Walton Centre. A true gentleman.... After my operation on the 22/05/19, he checked on me & made sure I was comfortable on the ward. I know that I can contact the hospital or Mr Rath's personal Secretary if I have any concerns or worries. After many years of suffering neck and arm pain and nobody listening to me, I can now hopefully carry on with my life. Thank you so much Kindest Regards CJ

29th May 2019
Response from Mr Narendra Kumar Rath

Thank you for the kind words and I wish for your speedy recovery. I am also pleased to know that we have provided the care you expected. As you said correctly, please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any concerns. Regards NKR

21st May 2019

Very helpful and easy to talk to , operation went great , very caring all round , no complaints about any of my appointments or procedures

22nd May 2019
Response from Mr Narendra Kumar Rath

I am pleased to know that you are doing well and we have achieved the set goal. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you need any further help. Best Wishes NKR


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Mr. Rath is an Orthopaedic Spinal Surgeon at “The Walton Centre” and specialises in KEYHOLE SPINAL SURGERY.

EndoSpine Clinic -

Trained in the UK, his initial spinal training at the University Hospital of Wales was followed by higher training at the prestigious Robert Jones and Agnes Hunt Orthopaedic hospital Oswestry.

He was awarded masters in Trauma Surgery and has been academically continually active with multiple international presentations and publications.

He covers all aspects of spinal surgery including Back & Neck Pain, Sciatica, Lumbar stenosis, spondylolisthesis, and spinal deformity.