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Written by a patient at Birmingham Heartlands Hospital
14th December 2019

Mr Simmons is a fantastic surgeon and I couldn’t be happier with the result of his amazing work following my rhinoplasty surgery. I couldn't breath out of my left nostril after a series of traumas to my face. Mr Simmons managed to open up the channel and straightened my deviated septum. I was initially worried about the surgery however he took time to go through the procedure and totally reassured me. He is kind and considerate with a lovely personality as well as remarkably talented and professional surgeon who performed and incredible job. I can now breath and it looks amazing.

Written by a patient at Spire Little Aston Hospital
9th December 2019

I had suffered for blocked sinuses for more than a decade then I got referred to Mr Simmons he is very pleasant , professional and very compassionate . He explained to me in a very specific and understandable way what is going on with my condition. After my surgery it was a big changes , I can breathe well and sleep better ,, how so thankful I am to Mr Simmons, I will highly recommend him to everyone who’s having the same problem I had,,,

Written by a patient at Manor Hospital
10th September 2019

Mr Mark Simmons is no doubt an exceptionally highly skilled specialist ENT/Plastic surgeon with years of expertise, extensive training and passion backing this (literally a magician of nasal related surgeries!). With a background of historic nasal trauma and a prior unsuccessful septoplasty; I was left with severe nasal breathing difficulties plus some adverse cosmesis. Therefore facing a complex revision surgery to attempt to correct these. This septorhinoplasty surgery was recently carried out by Mr Simmons. Even at this early stage of my recovery all I can say is WOW; I never expected it possible to obtain such fantastic breathing results. My sense of smell and sleeping is also greatly improved as a result. When considering the nature of this surgery; naturally one of my hold ups was in relation to leaving adverse aesthetics/totally changing my appearance as a result of extensive surgical intervention. Mr Simmons couldn't of been more reassuring and most importantly, forthcoming and clear in relation to the possible complications upon all consultations. To my delight as swelling as subsided my nose still resembles my nose and as in fact been left neater than prior to surgery. Which in turn as also left me more confident with the appearance of my nose; plus happier with the overall outcome. I would also add that given the level of surgical involvement this entailed; I found the pain and initial recovery period to be less severe than I anticipated; which only adds to the long list of positives I can vouch for of Mr Simmons. The only constructive feedback I could provide would be in relation to the ENT team who support Mr Simmons at Manor Hospital Walsall. This is as a result of the Dr who I saw when attending to have my sutures removed; leaving one in by error. Which led to myself having to reattend a few days later once I had noticed this. By no means should this have any reflection on the fantastic care provided by Mr Simmons as an individual; but I mention it as I felt it was such a shame that this kind of situation could jeopdise another patients otherwise exceptionally high overall experience when being under the care of Mr Simmons. This has been a positive life changing event for me; of which I couldn't thank or recommend Mr Simmons enough. For anyone with nasal breathing, aesthetic or combined issues of this nature I would urge you to seek contact with Mr Simmons.

Written by a patient at Spire Little Aston Hospital
10th September 2019

Mr Simmons is a very pleasant consultant that listens attentively to you about your condition and then finds a solution to swiftly relieve pain. Thoroughly recommended.

Written by a patient at Spire Parkway Hospital
19th August 2019

For as long as I can remember, I had been desperately unhappy with the appearance of my nose. I had a deviated septum and a bump at the top. I chose to visit Mr Simmons privately at Spire Parkway hospital and it was the best decision I could have made. He was kind, attentive and reassuring. I had an open septrorhinoplasty operation on Thursday and had the cast and stitches removed on Monday. Mr Simmons used a range of techniques throughout surgery to ensure I recovered well with minimal pain and bruising. I now have an aesthetically pleasing nose and a clear airway on either side. I honestly couldn’t have hoped for more and would absolutely recommend him for anybody considering cosmetic rhinoplasty.


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I am a Consultant ENT surgeon offering consultation in all aspects of general ENT for Adults and Children. I have a specialist interest in diseases of the nose ( airway obstruction, nasal allergy, sinusitis etc). I offer cosmetic surgery for the nose and ear and have an interest in surgery for Rhinophyma.

Nearest Cosmetic medicine specialists