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Written by a patient at Queen Victoria Hospital
15th May 2016

In July 2015 I was diagnosed with a basal cell carcinoma just under the inner corner of my right eye and was referred to Mr Malhotra for a consultation. He arranged for me to have Mohs surgery which would be followed two days later by an appointment for any reconstruction that might be necessary. The Mohs surgery revealed that the tumour had spread up into my lower and upper eyelids and wound itself round both tear ducts. The necessary removal of the tumour resulted in an extensive defect and both tear ducts were sacrificed. Fortunately, as Dr Shergill, who had performed the Mohs surgery, assured me, I could not have wished for a better surgeon than Mr Malhotra for the reconstruction. Throughout the reconstruction Mr Malhotra and his team inspired great confidence and put me at my ease, taking the utmost care to ensure that I was comfortable and relaxed. An experience that could have been very frightening was made as pleasant as possible for me. After surgery Mr Malhotra came to see me to tell me that everything had gone well and to advise me about aftercare. I was very worried that, due to the loss of my tear ducts, I would have a constantly watering eye. He was very understanding and reassured me that it was unlikely that I would have any problems. He suggested that I allow two to three months to see how it went. He was confident that my eye would look perfectly natural within nine months and I would be able to wear contact lenses again in a few weeks. Just before I was discharged Mr Malhotra came to see me again to ensure that I had no other questions or concerns. When the dressing was removed after five days, I was amazed to see that even at that early stage my eye looked far better than I could have hoped. After a few weeks no one could believe that I'd had eye surgery and, as Mr Malhotra had promised, I was able to wear my contact lenses and had no problems with a watery eye. I did not experience any pain or discomfort during surgery, immediately afterwards or in any of the months that followed. After only a few months my eye looked perfectly natural with no trace of a scar. I feel extremely fortunate to have been referred to Mr Malhotra and cannot praise him highly enough. I should like to thank him and his whole team for their professionalism, kindness and understanding.

Written by a patient at The Mcindoe Centre
5th May 2016

Mr Raman Malhotra Bilateral ptosis & upper blepharoplasty I cannot thank Mr Malhotra enough for his skill and professionalism. I hated my droopy eyelids which made me look permanently tired, and when I realised they affected my overall vision I decided to do something about it. Two weeks ago at the age of 68 I did. It was a daunting prospect until I met Mr Malhotra. He immediately put me at ease with his caring and professional manner. He looked at younger photos of me and took new ones. He studied my face as a whole and asked me what I wanted to achieve. He suggested the best option for me was a Bilateral ptosis and upper blepharoplasty with possibly a Restylane filler for my under eye hollows at a later date. I really felt I could trust him with my precious eyes. All through the operation I felt comfortable and assured by the whole team. Mr Malhotra provided a comprehensive programme of aftercare and can easily be contacted if necessary. He said it would take time to settle but I am more than pleased with the results already.

Written by a patient at Queen Victoria Hospital
24th April 2016

Meeting Mr Malhotra eight years ago had a significant impact on my life. I had lived with a hemi-facial spasm for eleven years and his kind, supportive professionalism enabled me to makes the best decisions for myself. He creates an ethos for his team of the upmost consideration and the highest level of professional care for their patients. I cannot thank him and his team enough.

Written by a patient at The Cadogan Clinic
29th March 2016

Raman Malhotra Upper eye lid contouring. I was very lucky to have had my upper eye lid treatment done by Dr. Raman Malhotra, I always hated my upper eye lid hollows and thanks to Mr. Malhotra they are now gone!!! Mr. Malhotra did not only assess my eyes but the structure of my whole face. Mr. Malhotra was very understanding of what I wanted and he was very honest about the procedure. The procedure was not painful and you could see the results straight away ! The filler was very well moulded on top of my upper eyelid and my eyes suddenly looked more fresh and plumped but in a very natural way (exactly how I wanted). I was told that there is a chance of bruising and I will wake up with swelling. I was a little worried because at night my eye lids felt sore but when I woke up in the morning I did not suffer from any bruising and the swelling was unnoticeable!! I'm not sure if its because my body handled the product very well ! Overall I had a normal day the next day, My eyes just looked fresh, I did not suffer from any side effects and no one noticed anything unnatural. Before I met Mr. Raman Malhotra I had consultation with a few other doctors but I refused to go ahead with the treatment because they were not familiar with upper eye lid fillers and recommended fillers on other parts of the eyes which was unnecessary! Mr.Malhorta however knew exactly what it means to get rid off upper eye lid hollows and I had never felt more confident!! Its been a week since my treatment and the filler have settled in very smoothly. I am so thankful I came across Mr. Malhotra ! I cant not recommend a better Doctor !! It has been a wonderful experience for me! I am a fan ! :)

Written by a member of staff at Queen Victoria Hospital
22nd March 2016

I am a colleague from Spain and I had the pleasure to do a two week observership with Mr. Malhorta in East Grinstead. During my stay I could witness that Mr. Malhorta is a caring and attentive ophthalmologist to all his patients with provision of medical care of very high standard. He is also an outstanding surgeon who has extreme care in providing the most safe, secure and relaxing environment during surgery and in follow-up appointments. I was personally impressed by the level of expertise in the treatment of facial palsy with his own personal grading scale which has international recognition, addressing all the mayor aspects of ophthalmic involvement in this pathology. I am thankful to Mr. Malhorta for setting a whole new standard of medical care for me.


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Raman Malhotra is an award-winning ophthalmic and oculoplastic surgeon whose work has received international recognition.
He runs courses, gives lectures and speaks at medical institutions and conferences worldwide on topics ranging from facial nerve palsy to eyelid lifts and tear trough fillers. He has written textbooks and numerous medical papers that have been published in leading journals. He also runs a successful fellowship programme.

In 2007, Mr Malhotra received the American Academy of Ophthalmology Achievement Award and in September 2011 he was awarded a National Clinical Excellence Award by the Department of Health and in December 2015 he was awarded as Silver National Clinical Excellence Award by the Department of Health.

He has expertise in eyelid, orbital and lacrimal disorders. In particular, aesthetic eyelid surgery, ptosis surgery, thyroid eye disease, watery eyes, facial palsy, eyelid skin cancer management and reconstruction and facial dystonias such as blepharospasm.

His website is:

Nearest Ophthalmologists