Dr Hugh Jones was awarded the iWantGreatCare certificate of excellence in 2024 for delivering outstanding care.



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Written by a patient at Kingston Hospital
11th February 2014

The care given is of the highest quality and competence with very professional back up from an expert Rheumatology nurse who is easily accessible via e-mail which provides a cohesive care package.

Written by a patient at Teddington Memorial Hospital
9th February 2014

I see Dr Jones in Teddington Hospital Out Patients Department which is wonderful. He explains the treatment very clearly and is sympathetic and charismatic. One always finishes the consultation feeling better and more cheerful. And what is more, his treatment is proving very successful.

Written by a patient at Queen Mary's Hospital
19th August 2013

I saw Dr Hugh Jones on Friday 16/08/13 I would recommend this doctor highly.He made me fell at ease,his mannerisms were second to none. He was humourous and was serious when needed to be. He was very polite. Can't fault him. Hospitals are not the best place to be but when you get a doctor like this it makes the experience so much better. Keep up the good work.

Written by a patient at Kingston Hospital
10th August 2013

Today was my second visit to see Dr Hugh Jones. On my first visit on the 11th June 2013 I had been diagnosed with Rheumatiod Arthritis and I was in serious pain. Dr Jones prescribed to extra medications to take for eight weeks. I had various blood tests during this period to check my condition, (as I am on Warfarin) after about four weeks the pain eased a little, and when I saw Dr Jones today 6th August 2013 all my pain had gone, and I could use my arms and hands as normal. What a great man this Dr Jones is. I have to continue my medication and visit him in six months time to be assessed again, but I am sure I will be just as delighted as I am today with my treatment. Thankyou Dr Jones.


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