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4th July 2021

I spent the past two years in increasing hip pain, it took some time to get the correct diagnosis and from my first appointment with Mr Shah I knew I was in the right hands. He wasted no time in making sure I got on his surgical list, in this case on the NHS at Blackheath BMI Hospital. I was anxious about the surgery but knew the alternative was continued crippling pain, to my surprise he called me the night before to reassure me which certainly did help. The surgery was very successful and now seven weeks later I'm fully active and energetic again. The nursing staff at Blackheath were wonderful and the physiotherapists got me back on my feet right away and on the road to recovery. At all times Mr Shah has treated me with respect and truthfulness, he always listens attentively and never dismisses any of my concerns. He is also lively and has a great sense of humour and I wouldn't hesitate to recommend him. I honestly feel I have a new lease of life thanks to him.

Written by a NHS patient at Guy's Hospital
3rd July 2021

Re: Mr Zameer Shah. Mr Shah was smiling and gave eye contact throughout our first meeting. I felt I was being listened to and that, far from the inadequacies of GP telephone consultations, there was help for me and my situation, dismissed by my own GP and for pain control too. I wasn't rushed or made to feel I was taking up Mr Shah's time at any stage during my consultation and felt comforted by this gentleman's assurances regarding my future care. Without doubt, I would not hesitate to recommend Mr Shah for anyone needing orthopaedic surgery and send my best wishes and grateful thanks.

30th June 2021

I was very anxious and nervous about my total hip replacement, both months before and as the date of my operation got closer. Mr Shah was very supportive, both in advance of my operation and in the days leading up to it, and helped allay my fears by explaining everything, including what I could expect at each stage of my recovery. He called me the night before the operation, on a Sunday, as he knew I’d be worried. On the day he talked me through the procedure again and told me I had nothing to worry about. He was right … the operation is a complete success and my recovery was fast. His nursing staff were also great; making sure I was able to do the simplest of tasks eg walking up and down stairs, before leaving the hospital … just two days after my operation. His professionalism and expertise shines through every step of the way and his bedside manner is second-to-none.

Written by a private patient at London Bridge Hospital
30th June 2021

Following a serious car accident back in 1995, my right femur was pinned and the head of the pin was housed in my right hip for almost two years - after which it was removed. As the years passed, my right hip began to remind me of this old injury and eventually, by my late 60s, I was in increasing pain and my mobility was so restricted that I had no quality of life. By 2019, my life was just a living hell, but with the onset of the pandemic, I could not obtain any treatment under the NHS and, due to various medical conditions (most of which originated from the car accident) I was not eligible for private medical insurance - hence self funding was my only option. Due to my underlying medical conditions (in particular Chronic Kidney Disease) any surgery I need has to be undertaken in a hospital with the facilities (namely ICU and dialysis units) to deal with any potential complications. I live in Gloucestershire and after paying TWO lots of fees for consultations, scans and X-rays with two different consultants in my area, I was refused treatment because the NHS hospitals had closed their doors to private patients and the private hospitals where these consultants were registered did not have the necessary facilities. So after wasting a huge amount of time and money, I contacted HCA and arranged a telephone consultation with Mr. Shah. Mr. Shah responded with empathy, honesty and reassurance. He pro-actively acknowledged the implications of my co morbidities and, whilst he did not under estimate the potential risks, I felt confident that he and the team at the London Bridge Hospital were equipped to deal with my situation. My consultation with Mr. Shah inspired my trust and gave me new hope. After X-rays and scans, Mr. Shah confirmed that I needed a total right hip replacement and I made the decision to arrange this operation at the London Bridge Hospital on a self funding basis. I have to say that this is where I began to feel nervous again as the administration and, especially, the arrangements for the pre-op assessment left much to be desired. This was all down the the Hospital and it had nothing to do with Mr. Shah, but it did undermine my confidence. However, as soon as Mr. Shah learned of the problems, he sent me the most reassuring e-mail which restored my trust. My surgery was completed on 26/04/2021, with no complications and I was even discharged a day earlier than anticipated. Prior to the operation, I had an apparent leg length discrepancy of over 3 inches, but Mr. Shah miraculously managed to correct this to a differential which is so slight it is barely noticeable. So I am no longer rocking form side to side when I walk - although until I have rebuilt and rebalanced my muscular strength, I find it more comfortable to walk with a stick for the time being. I have the separate issue of a VERY large abdominal hernia (following surgery to repair a perforated stomach in 2019) and until that is repaired, my mobility will still be compromised, but I am no longer in pain, I am able to drive - and the surgical scar has healed brilliantly. I feel that I have been given a new lease of life and it is all thanks to Mr. Shah. As the saying goes, not all heroes wear capes - my hero wears scrubs!

Written by a NHS patient at Guy's Hospital
17th June 2021

I had seen Dr Shah initially in February 2020 and from the outset he understood my complicated medical history and understood the severity of the pain and the condition of my hips from just examining me. I was unable to walk properly as a young man in his late 20s and early 30s for 4 years as a result of inflammatory arthritis in both hips due to my autoimmune condition which resulted in both hips being completed dilapidated and not fit for purpose. At the time the pain itself was affecting my daily activities. Dr Shah then prioritised me urgently to be x-rayed and after examining understood that I required both hips to be replaced. Consequently I was booked in by Dr Shah and his team to have bilateral hip replacements in October 2020. Prior to the surgery Dr Shah had seen me and explained the procedure itself and what I am expected to feel afterwards. Dr Shah had explained this in great depth and provided me with all the answers I required (considering I went in with a list of questions on my phone) Dr Shah nevertheless was very patient and empathetic and answered all my questions with depth, diligence and in lay terms for my understanding. Prior to the consultation with Dr Shah where he would brief me on the procedure itself I was quite apprehensive. However after the consultation I felt comfortable with the surgery as all my concerns were addressed by Dr Shah and I was fully informed of the procedure that was scheduled to take place. On the day of the surgery Dr Shah and his team were very diligent and organised. I was briefed by Dr Shah and his team on the day of the procedure and also asked to complete the necessary paperwork and was provided with an explanation of what it entails and the purpose of the same. The procedure itself as it was bilateral hip replacements was tough and as Dr Shah described it to me "it is like having a double haymaker in one go...". However straight after the procedure Dr Shah had advised me "it went really well and the hard work starts now..." with regards to my physio and mobility. So the aftercare I received on the ward was phenomenal from Dr Shah and his team. Despite my care being over the weekend period I was regularly visited and seen by Dr Shah's team to ensure I was coping well and recovering and to manage my pain relief. They were also very keen to ascertain during my stay in the hospital how my physio was going. I was in hospital for 5 days after my procedure and Dr Shah and his team made sure I was in a good enough condition prior to discharge. They briefed me in terms of what to expect, ensure that I had the relevant pain relief to get me through the soreness and the physio sessions that I would be undertaking during my recovery process. I went home very comfortable of what is the plan of action and what is expected of me due to the clear instructions and insight Dr Shah and his team provided both prior to the procedure and also my after care. Whilst recovering and undertaking physio sessions I was seen within 6 weeks and also 4 months after the procedure just to see how I was doing and coping. If I had any issues or concerns with my recovery I was also able to book in to come and see Dr Shah in his clinic and he would address and provide me with a further plan of action on how to assist my recovery. I must say I was privileged to have been cared for by Dr Shah and his team. Undertaking bilateral hip replacements where I was doing both hips at the same time is a very difficult procedure both medically and also alleviating any concerns or apprehensions I had as a patient. Dr Shah and his team did just that and made such a difficult procedure doing both hips at the same time very assuring and smooth with myself with outlining the expectations and also being there to address any concerns or queries I had. Dr Shah is a very knowledgeable, empathetic, diligent, understanding and also clear in briefing and providing expectations and surprisingly a great team player as rarely you get that with surgeons. He understands that his team is a reflection of himself when it comes to his patients and his team were indeed just that. This was reflective by how happy he was seeing me do well and he was not celebrating himself but with his team and that is a sign of a good leader. I would highly recommend patients to be comforted and reassured by the care they would receive under Dr Shah as he is a surgeon who is very knowledgeable within his field and is able to provide great care and service and lay out the procedure in lay man terms for non-medically practicing patients. From my experience being under Dr Shah's care he understands what is required, and provides in very clear terms what should be expected and puts patients at ease by addressing concerns and ensuring patients themselves are cared for. Would highly recommend! Even with my eyes shut now I have gone through his care once before! But I would not want Dr Shah to shut his eyes particularly during a procedure! :)


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