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Written by a patient at Spire Gatwick Park Hospital
5th May 2017

Easy and considered journey through Bariatric surgery. I felt listened to and that my choices were respected. Delivered clear Evidence Based Practice, through up to date knowledge of current research and best practices. Clearly compassionate and caring about patients choice and welfare.

Written by a patient at Spire Gatwick Park Hospital
5th May 2017

From my first introduction to Simon, and his team, I felt totally at ease and confident in their care and knowledge of the treatment I needed. Simon is friendly and approachable, going above and beyond for his patients, as well as being a talented surgeon. He has created a fantastic team who also go above and beyond in their care and commitment for their patients. Because Simon was very clear to outline all the possibilities relating to my condition, I had no doubt that the best course of surgery was recommended to me, which allowed me to make the best choice confidently. The Support Group that Simon has instigated at the Spire, pre and post surgery, is amazing because you feel that you are cared for, you are able to access information and continue to find the best way to care for yourself, with the knowledge that it is expert information. I wouldn't hesitate to recommend Simon to friends and family who need his speciality of surgery.

Written by a patient at Spire Gatwick Park Hospital
5th May 2017

Mr Monkhouse is a very professional and caring surgeon, he is also approachable thorough and friendly. I always felt fully informed of my care and the options available to me for my treatment. When there were some challenges with my chosen treatment plan Mr Monkhouse worked tirelessly to resolve these and find a way forward that was in the best interests of myself and yet still achieved the end goal. I felt I was given the best care possible from Mr Monkhouse and would recommend him to any and all patients, He always puts his patients care and wellbeing first and is clear and concise in his communications. Ultimately my surgery was very successful and I have been more than happy with the results, however the part played in that journey by Mr Monkhouse is vast and I am incredibly grateful for what we have achieved.

Written by a patient at Spire Gatwick Park Hospital
5th May 2017

I cannot recommend Simon highly enough, the support, care and expertise received has been fantastic from the word go. I am very pleased that I found him and chose to have my surgery with him. I believe that his care and support has helped make me a success story on my weight loss journey.

Written by a patient at Spire Gatwick Park Hospital
5th May 2017

Having plucked up the courage to even enquire about my procedure, the moment i met Simon i knew he was the one I wanted to treat me. That first impression was critical for me and proved to be absolutely right. I was treated like royalty even before fully committing to my treatment by not only Simon but every one of his team. You could not wish to meet a more friendly yet professional team all looking out for your welfare and state of mind, and i say this without any reference to fees. I believe would absolutely be the case should i have taken the treatment through public services. Simon is most definitely a specialist, there's no question that his skills are at the top of their game which when matched to his style and empathy put him in my opinion right up there as best in class. I would have no doubt in my mind that should i ever need any further GI surgery i would travel however far needed to be treated by Simon. You are a life changer and a true medical professional in every sense. Thank you.


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Consultant Upper GI & Bariatric Surgeon

Mr Monkhouse was the recipient of the "Your Care Matters: improving the patient experience" award at the SASH Annual Staff Awards of Excellence 2015. This award is presented to a person whose great work is repeatedly highlighted.