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Written by a carer at East Surrey Hospital
19th January 2019

My daughter was under the care of Mr Simon Monkhouse firstly at Spire Gatwick Park and subsequently at East Surrey NHS Hospital. From the initial consultation Mr Monkhouse was informative, explaining every detail and had a demeanour that immediately put you at ease. His ability, care, dedication,diligence and understanding of individuals fears and how to allay these are second to none. His dedication to each of his patients is to be admired. I can not recommend Mr Monkhouse highly enough and would like to truly thank him and his team for the first class care given to my daughter.

Written by a patient at East Surrey Hospital
22nd December 2018

After suffering a suspected hernia I was referred to East Surrey Hospital by my GP and placed under the care of Mr Monkhouse who at the consultation confirmed the GP's diagnosis. The procedure necessary to repair the hernia (mesh inserted via keyhole surgery which would be done as a day case) was explained clearly and in detail. I then joined the waiting list which proved to be fairly short. Prior to the operation, issues around the use of mesh used in hernia repairs surfaced in the media which gave me some cause for concern. An email to Mr Monkhouse late on a Monday night resulted in an immediate reply addressing my concerns and providing reassurance regarding the type of mesh used, the method for inserting it and the complication rates which research had proved to be low. The operation was entirely successful. There has been a complete absence of pain with only the mildest of discomfort for just a few days immediately post-surgery. The follow-up meeting yesterday (two months after the operation) has confirmed that all is well. The quality of care that I have received from Mr Monkhouse, his surgical team and the staff at East Surrey Hospital has been superb. Even the food - both variety of selection and quality - was excellent! I'd like to express my deep gratitude to Mr Monkhouse, his team and the staff at East Surrey for looking after me and providing such great care.

Written by a patient at Spire Gatwick Park Hospital
21st December 2018

Simon and his team are simply the best. I had a sleeve at Spire Gatwick nearly two weeks ago and I am thrilled with the care and support I have received.

Written by a patient at Spire Gatwick Park Hospital
21st December 2018

I went to see Simon Monkhouse in January this year. I suffered extreme chest infections/pneumonia and pleurisy. I was on antibiotics and steroids continuously and it got to the point that I only had a maximum of 9 weeks off of them before I got another infection. Simon was the person that my doctor wanted me to have a chat with as my weight was creaping up because of the continuous steroids, I was always so hungry. I didn’t even contemplate weight surgery until my chat with him. I had taken my mum with me so I understood exactly what he was saying to me. He took on board my health history and went through the options that he felt would benefit me. He told me if I had a gastric sleeve that would help me with regards to my lungs. I thought I would be seeing a man basically telling me I’m fat and I should do this and that! How wrong was I, he is totally understanding, non judgmental and only wants what he feels would be right for you to achieve the outcome you want. Absolutely no pressure and I had 3 meetings with him, last one was with both parents so my dad could be fully onboard. My mum said to me on the way home, you don’t need this, you have to have this operation to give you quality of life. 21 weeks post op, I’ve had not one of my inhalers (I was on 20 plus puffs a day from all of them) 4.5 stone lighter and only 2.5 stone to my target. You’re meant to lose 80% of your total excess body weight over a year. I lost 50% of that in 12 weeks, it’s slowed down with my monthly weight loss which is understandable but I’m still losing and have now lost 64.5 inches off of my whole body. I’ve gone from a size 22/24 to a 14. I was 11 when I was a size 14!! I still have a way to go but I can honestly say the only regret I have from my lungs point of view (losing weight is a great bonus too!) is that I didn’t know about Simon Monkhouse and his amazing team years ago. Simon has not only saved my life literally, but he’s given me my life back to which I will always be so so grateful. I’m living life again and it’s absolutely fantastic. Without this man and his team I would be heading further into life having to have oxygen tank strapped to my back. If you’re contemplating weight loss surgery, this is your man. The aftercare is second to none, it’s always about the patient

Written by a patient at Spire Gatwick Park Hospital
21st December 2018

It took me a long time ..almost a year to decide on bariatric surgery. However I never felt pressurised into having surgery. Simon Monkhiuse was able to answer all my questions and concerns. Although a monthly support group is a great idea I think there needs to be a opportunity for new patients to see post op patients during one of their appointments for a more formal meeting to share their own experiences.


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Consultant Upper GI & Bariatric Surgeon

Mr Monkhouse was the recipient of the "Your Care Matters: improving the patient experience" award at the SASH Annual Staff Awards of Excellence 2015. This award is presented to a person whose great work is repeatedly highlighted.