Mr Philip Turton was awarded the iWantGreatCare certificate of excellence in 2024 for delivering outstanding care.



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Written by a NHS patient at St James's University Hospital
27th July 2022

I went to see Mr Turton for a nipple sparing preventative double mastectomy and implant reconstruction due to extensive family history and high risk of developing breast cancer. I was really nervous, but during my initial consultation Mr Turton put my nerves at ease. He explained clearly exactly what he recommended and how the procedure could be carried out. His confidence and obvious expertise gave me comfort during what was a tough personal decision and time. I’m now 4 months post surgery and happy with my results, my reconstruction looks natural, slightly fuller and I feel confident both in and out of clothing. I’ve also received quite a few compliments with how they look! I also feel calmer and happier knowing my risk of developing breast cancer has been reduced so significantly. I’m now able to carry out all normal day to day activities, although still choose to take it easy carrying heavy bags and exercising as I build my upper body strength back up. Very grateful for Mr Turton and the incredible team at St James’s hospital. Thank you.

Written by a private patient at Nuffield Hospital Leeds
5th July 2022

Just Do It! I started wearing a bra at my last year in primary school. When you’re young having bigger boobs can be seen as a good thing! They weren’t massive and of course they hadn’t sagged, they were an asset As my 20’s came and went my boobs were bigger still, they were now into E cups. As my 30’s and mid 30’s went by, my boobs started to droop and going braless wasn’t an option. Horse riding became uncomfortable unless I anchored them down with a tightly zipped up gilet and any other exercise became more like an exercise in scaffolding to make anything faster than a walk vaguely comfortable. Taking up jogging meant wearing 2 underwired bras with the second one being a crop top in very strong material. Yes it secured my boobs better though not totally but it also restricted my rib cage in taking deep breaths. I did a couple of Great North Runs all the same and lots of horse riding because you just ‘get on and do’ in my book. In fact when I look back my sports playing days were always a bit hampered with the discomfort of bouncing boobs. I guess you know no different but I do wonder what it might have been like without these things. When I got to my mid to late 40’s my ‘assets’ had become a liability. They’d always been a challenge to get tops and dresses to fit them. I’m 5 foot 1” and they swamped my ribcage, climbing in size as time went on to a 36FF or 36G The droop got worse and now when I turned over in bed, my boobs flopped over with me. Lying on my back in the bed or in the sun meant my boobs all but slid under my armpits. They didn’t much feel like an asset any longer and they had no practical use either as I have no children. At 40 I started to really think I’d have them reduced. Cost, time off work, fear something would go wrong and the sense that it was just vanity meant I didn’t do anything about it. About 9 years ago my best friend had hers done. She was full of praise for the benefits but her surgeon, though well known, wasn’t great and she had fairly scary scars and an aesthetic that she wasn’t happy with. This put me off a little but the thought never went away. Three things changed my mind and brought me to Mr Turton. First, a close friend in her 80’s was very poorly and I was helping her wash. Her boobs were on her thighs when she sat down and she said she’d wished she’d had something done about them when she was younger. Secondly I bought a pair of high waisted skinny jeans (from Primark!!) and my boobs just skimmed the waistband!! And finally I am the big 6-oh this year and it felt like time to do something or forget about it forever. I was recommended to Mr Turton by a previous patient who sang his praises with a breast augmentation. I went to see him and as you will read from many other reviews, he’s a very professional and skilled specialist breast surgeon who also happens to be a very nice caring man. By the week before the op I had done with worrying about anaesthetics, recovery and cost and was SO ready for the op. Bring it on. My op was fine, I had limited discomfort (no pain that paracetamol couldn’t ease) and the hardest bit is being patient for the first 3 weeks until you can shower and drive again and life gets back to being more normal. Well if normal for you is where you keep on peeping at your boobs and smiling!! Since my op there have been the obvious benefits but to be honest there are also quite a few things that simply hadn’t occurred to me like….. • When sitting at the dining table, I can see my lap. In fact food drops on to my lap rather than my boobs. That’s new! • When sitting at a table I no longer need to decide whether to put my boobs on top of the table or butt up to it – yes that really was a thing. Now they don’t come close to the table • I feel normal. My body is no longer suffocated by this huge booby coverage. It’s like I’ve re-discovered an old friend that was hidden underneath for so many years • I have a rib cage – who knew!? • I don’t have 95% of my neck ache I used to get daily. The money I spent at the chiropractors and sports massage people would have paid for this op and then some • The grooves in my shoulders have significantly reduced. I didn’t believe they would. • I don’t have to take my bra off when I get home to get rid of the discomfort of wires, straps and generally feeling trussed up • My posture is more upright – it’s not weighed down any longer • Getting into the walk-in shower I no longer am at risk of catching my boobs on the glass. Same goes when opening doors, no longer do I need to allow for boob space!! • I haven’t started buying any new clothes properly and I’m sure that will bring some immense joy and such a wider range of styles to wear. But I have a wedding to go to in Sept and the familiar dread of “aargh what am I going to wear” has been replaced with “oooooh what shall I wear?” I’m going on holiday in a couple of months – a swimsuit or bikini that isn’t built from scaffolding and makes me look like a big fat old frump will be a revelation. • Many of these things have only been recognised post-op because over time we slowly and imperceptibly adapt to what’s grown (and drooped) in front of us that we barely notice it, til it’s gone Do I wish I’d done it years ago – 150% yes Do I think Mr Turton and his team are to be recommended if you are thinking of getting a reduction – 150% yes. Gerry is wonderful and his anaesthetist is fab, bedside manner and I had the least after effects of any GA I’ve ever had. Is it worth the money – absolutely Has it improved me physically – completely Has it improved me mentally – yes really surprisingly and far more than I imagined possible Just do it

Written by a private patient at Nuffield Hospital Leeds
26th June 2022

Well what can I say, After wanting a breast reduction for over 20 years, I was finally at a point in my life where I could have one. After extensive research I came across Mr. Philip Turton. I liked the fact he just did boobs and nothing else. During the first consultation i met the wonderful Gerry his breast nurse who’s mobile number I was given for any questions or worry’s I had. Then I met Mr Turton, I found him to be a true gentleman, honest and empathetic to my rather large heavy and very long breasts. So long I was unable to have the 3D scanner to see what they may look like. But Mr Turton explained where my nipples would be ( which was a shock as I couldn’t remember them over being there…) and that I wouldn’t leave with large breasts and he would get them as small as he could but with an emphasis the safety of my blood supply. Which I found very reassuring from some of the horrors my research had led me to see. After 2 weeks to allow for a cooling off period he rang me and I told him I was eager to go. At this point he asked me to email Viki his secretary to be put on the waiting list. Viki, I might add, has the patience of a saint as I bombarded her with requests for any cancellations and questions about when I would hear about my op. She came up trumps and rang me with the most perfectly timed cancellation for me. ( my reaction said it all, I don’t think she will forget it in a hurry) The big day came and it was a do it alone thing due to covid restrictions but I needn’t have worried because the staff at Nuffield were amazing from walking through the doors to walking out ( 2kg lighter than when I walked in I might add) The room was very nice, with everything you could want and the different staff were in and out doing there bit to make my stay run smoothly. Gerry came in , nice to see a face I knew, she has such a calming manner and very professional of how thing must be done. Mr Turton came in to mark me up ready for the op. Was I nervous? No I had complete trust in his man, even though I’d only ever seen his eyes ( damn masks) 4-5 hours later with the best wake up I’d ever had from anaesthetist and the best nurses, so caring and obliging, I was back in my room, in a very comfy bed, nice and warm, no pain, tea and a sandwich just in time for the great British bake off which I thought I was going to miss this week. Nurse were in and out checking on me constantly and bless them, helping me to the bathroom with two drains and a drip and a chest you darent move is no easy task! Drains out and home the next day with a list of does and don’ts and painkillers. 3 days post op,no painkillers needed, I actually couldn’t believe how little pain I was in! 7 days post op, went to see Gerry for my dressings changing she’s so lovely, even let me have my appointment later as I travel 1.5 hours drive away. 14 days post op and all dressings off and surgical bra on. 21 days post op and a visit to see Mr Turton My new perk, small sensitive nippled boobs are perfect what a man! He has no idea how much he has changed my life. It’s not just the obvious things like pain that’s gone it’s all the other things that you only realise after. I decided to write them down as I know other ladies will get it! I’ve been completely honest beware. The biggest thing for me was breathing Every single time I take a deep breath now, I grin, each breath is a pleasure to take.  I haven’t taken any asthma medication since my op I went for a walk 3 days post op and wondered what the black things were on the pavement? It was my boots! I can see my feet and knees!  I put a zip front top on today  And it zipped all the way to the top!  TO THE TOP!!! It actually made me cry.  I feel like I’m constantly walking in a swimming pool, the only place where I felt ‘light’ but I’m not I’m just walking about! The freedom is unreal. In bed my arms sit by my side right by my side instead of my boobs sliding under my armpits.  I have a waist!!!!!!!!! I go in!!!!!! Not out!!!!  I have a midriff, I’ve not seen that for 20years!  I haven’t had a single twinge or cramp or pain from my shoulders or back, not one!  After a shower I can wrap a towel round me, and it stays there! I walk…. taller. I can see my nipples! I can bend over without holding my boobs to keep them in my bra Men look at my face!!!!!! I have so much more body confidence, I feel I look normal, now I bought a dress! No more separates for me! Size 22 top size 12 bottoms I can reach to tie my shoe laces without getting out of breath fighting to see over my boobs. I have bought a coat ( 3 sizes smaller) it zips up and it shows I DO have a figure! Everyone can’t believe how slim and younger I look and how much happier I look I no longer have to hold my boobs if I have to run for something When braless, I no longer trap my nipples between the sink and my tummy when standing at the sink I’m looking forward to the next hot weather and not having to buy sudocrem The steering wheel doesn’t rub on them and the seat belt sits in the right place When I’m on my hands and knees my nipples don’t reach the carpet Bending over doesn’t make me out of breath anymore I hope this helps any ladies who are undecided or not sure who to choose. Mr. Turton and your amazing team Thank you It must be amazing to give such joy to so many women. 

Written by a private patient at Nuffield Hospital Leeds
22nd June 2022

My life has changed forever since walking through the doors at the Nuffield to my first appointment with Mr Turton. As soon as we met I was instantly at ease, he listened & more importantly understood me .. For over 30 years my large heavy, droopy breasts have defined me. What I buy, what I wear , how people see me & how I feel. I hated them & never felt good in any bra, bikini, top or dress.. Forward on almost 5 months post surgery from my breast reduction & uplift ( no implants ) and here I am a completely different person. So much more confident & happier. Clothes shopping isn’t a chore, I’m not filled with dread when someone invites me to a party or wedding.. I can’t tell you how many comments I’ve had asking how much weight I’ve lost!! The answer is nothing ! I wasn’t nervous at all about the surgery, I was so excited I was like a kid at Christmas again! I was also a little shocked & surprised that I had no pain at all when I came out of theatre & I only needed paracetamol.. The aftercare was amazing , special mention to Jerry the nurse who works with Mr Turton and who was always at the end of the phone if I had any questions ( and I did ) Once my dressings were removed & I saw my new breasts I almost cried ! Perfect size, perfect shape, just beautiful. I loved them. When I read other reviews with the quotes it’s changed my life I thought I’m not sure it can do that, do they really mean it? All I can say is YES they do! The best decision I have ever made. I cannot recommend Mr Turton highly enough, and I have not hesitated to recommended him to friends, work colleagues & family. Thank you so much Mr Turton I’m not sure you will ever know what a difference you have made to my life..

Written by a private patient at Nuffield Hospital Leeds
9th June 2022

First off i saw 4 other surgeons before booking to see Mr T, once i walked in the room i knew he was the surgeon for me, he was thorough with everything the positives and the unlikely negatives, I left feeling 100% sure he was the man for the job after the two weeks down time to think, I instantly booked in. First operation day came September 2021 nervous beyond belief but knew i was in safe hands, a few tears but the best reassurance, from there right through my recovery i had all the support i needed, face to face check ups, Gerry his outstanding nurse always on the end of the phone. My next operation April 2022, after the uplift reduction (September 2021) was for some fullness (all my choice) for some implants again felt much more at ease and nothing but outstanding. I am now 9-10 weeks post op, feel myself, so much more confident, clothes i have always dreamt of wearing, my final check up today and a few tears i feel like Mr T and his nurse Gerry are now my friends, absolutely no words can describe how amazing him and his team are. I would recommend Mr T to anyone, literally, when you walk in that room you know he is the educated surgeon everyone needs. Thank you for everything, you have made my dreams and more complete and i will miss you both. Natalie Burley


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Mr Turton is a Specialist Breast Oncoplastic and Aesthetic Breast Surgeon with over 20-years experience at Consultant specialist grade, and over 30-years as a Doctor. He restricts his surgical practice specifically to the breast. He operates as a cosmetic, oncoplastic and reconstructive breast surgeon carrying out several hundred cosmetic, reconstructive and cancer operations per year.

He has a very large private cosmetic breast surgery experience and has carried out well over a thousand such operations including breast augmentation, breast mastopexy, breast reduction, revisional breast augmentation, implant exchange, explantation with uplift, en-bloc capsulectomy, correction of asymmetry, correction of tuberous breasts, correction of nipple inversion, male breast problems such as gynaecomastia, liposuction of the breast, BIA-ALCL. He also performs breast cancer and reconstructive surgery in the NHS sector, including risk reducing mastectomy and reconstruction for patients with the BRCA gene or very high risk family history. He has a rapid access breast clinic in the private sector for any breast concerns with full investigational facilities available.

Mr Turton works with an excellent team of experienced staff in two of the country's flag-ship private hospitals- the Leeds Nuffield and the Spire hospital in Roundhay.

His website has more detailed information:

NHS practice based at St James's University Hospital (Consultant Oncoplastic Breast Surgeon for over 16-years), and Private patients treated at the Leeds Nuffield Hospital and Spire Hospital Leeds

0113382008 (Private Secretary - Nuffield and Spire Hospital)
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