Professor Sanjiv Jari was awarded the iWantGreatCare certificate of excellence in 2024 for delivering outstanding care.



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Written by a patient at Spire Manchester Hospital
17th February 2017

I have undergone a second Anterior Cruciate Ligament (ACL) repair under the care of Professor Jari at Spire Manchester Hospital. The first operation in 2011 was a complete success in that I returned to full fitness and playing netball at the level I was playing at. The second operation in December 2016, is so far just as successful, except this time round I feel even more confident in the progress I am making. This is perhaps partly down to knowing what to expect and completing the 'prehab' work which was required before the operation. 8 weeks post surgery I have full stability, I am able to jog, and my focus is on obtaining equal strength in my right hamstring as to that in my left. Professor Jari has allowed me to return to what I love doing and therefore has made my quality of life better. As a patient, I would suggest taking notes in each consultation with Professor Jari as sometimes the best instructions are not printed on a patient leaflet. Although I don't intend to return for any further knee surgery in the near future, I would certainly want the knowledge, efficiency and skill of Professor Jari. I wouldn't hesitate to recommend Professor Jari. Thank you.

Written by a patient at Spire Manchester Hospital
1st December 2016

Knowing that I needed a knee replacement I undertook a lot of research regarding which specialist I would consider to be the best for me and then decided Professor Sanjiv Jari was my preferred choice. He used the "Signature Knee Replacement" method which was less invasive and my recovery time was much quicker. Throughout Professor Jari monitored my progress and I cannot fault the aftercare I received from him. I have been extremely pleased with Professor Jari and the result of my knee replacement

Written by a patient at Oaklands Hospital
29th October 2016

I recently had a total knee replacement, by Prof. Jari. He is a caring person who listens to what you have to say. He explained the options, procedure, and possible side effects to me. I received the best of care by Prof Jari and his team. Thank You

Written by a patient at Oaklands Hospital
24th October 2016

I have now had two knee replacements due to osteoarthritis under the care of Professor Jari. He is a professional guy who is compassionate, listens and shows empathy, taking his time explaining the procedure with all possible side effects. Good advice was given by him regarding my existing medication due to another long term condition. I have nothing but good things to say about both procedures as I received the best possible care and I had complete trust in Professor Jari , his team and his skills as an orthopaedic consultant. I certainly would have no hesitation in recommending him as he was first class and nothing was ever any trouble for Claire his practice manager .

Written by a patient at Oaklands Hospital
20th October 2016

A very profectional and courteous manner. Everything was explained in detail. Pre op preparations and a formal easy explanation as to the expectations of what has been a very successful operation. After care and a six to eight week course of rehabilitation by the first rate physio team, followed by an extensive at home training programme has given me my pain free knee again. As to how to improve the whole experience, Professor Jari and his team have set a very high standard. Best Regards. Mr. Clifford Greenhalgh.


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Professor Sanjiv Jari is a renowned knee expert, with a special emphasis on sports injuries and arthritis.He is able to offer steroid injections into the knee joint, in addition to hyaluronic acid injections and n-Stride, which is an autologous treatment designed to combat arthritis. He has been involved in the development and advancement of minimal incision and keyhole surgical techniques and enhanced recovery techniques all of which potentially allow shorter hospital stays and quicker return to function. He also offers personalised Signature Total Knee Replacement surgery in addition to being the first surgeon in the North West to perform a Mako Robotic Assisted total knee replacement.