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Written by a patient at East Surrey Hospital
13th September 2016

I cannot recommend, or indeed express my gratitude, highly enough with regards to the care that has been provided to me from Mr Simon Monkhouse. Having previously been subjected to severe medical negligence during a life threatening illness and surgery, and incompetence on many more than one occasion, whilst being at East Surrey Hospital, I was understandably very wary of being treated for such a serious illness, and further surgery, there again. However, the care I have received from Mr Monkhouse has been nothing short of OUTSTANDING. Mr Monkhouse was not only kind and caring, with the utmost professionalism, but he always made time to answer any questions I had, or to dissolve any worries, by ensuring I knew exactly what was going on and providing me with all the information I required to feel reassured. On the day of my operation, which thankfully was an extremely short wait from consultation, Mr Monkhouse greeted me as I went into Theatre, again reassuring me that it was him that would be doing my surgery. After, in recovery, it was him that visited me to update me on how things had gone, as apposed to a nurse. And then again he visited me on the ward the following morning to check on my progress. I can honestly say that I would have expected less from Private Care (and have had so!!). I really wish there were more doctors, working for the NHS, that could show and provide the exceptional care that has been provided to me by Mr Simon Monkhouse. I would like to say a truly heartfelt thank you, and I would also like to thank Mr Monkhouse’s secretary Ellie who also provided second to none support throughout my time as his patient. Pamela Beasley-Mayle

Written by a patient at East Surrey Hospital
9th September 2016

I was referred to mr Simon Monkhouse in mid 2014 by my GP, who requested that I be seen urgently for 'symptoms of volume regurgitation and severe heartburn'. Mr Monhouse speedily arranged a gastroscopy and diagnosed a large hiatus hernia and oesophogitis. I always had great confidence in Mr. Monkhouse, because he explained my condition, and his proposed procedure to repair the hiatus hernia, and to perform a fundipiclation. During my recovery in hospital, Mr Monkhouse visited me several times. At all times I have had great confidence in his care. Appropriate pain relief, advice on diet, in the short and long term was carefully proved, plus appropriate sachets of post operative drinks, and later omeprozole prescribed.. The consistency of care Mr Monkhouse has provided during the past couple of years has resulted in a real improvement my stomach pain, and acidity and digestive problems. Today I was discharged, with a totally typical reassurance that he will be happy to be informed of any future similar problems. Thank you so much Mr Monkhouse and to your team! Pat Riedtmann. Grateful. Patient!

Written by a patient at East Surrey Hospital
24th August 2016

I have had occasion to be treated by Mr Monkhouse on two occasions during this year. Firstly in January he carried out a repair to an inguinal hernia which was a recurrance from a repair some 15 years ago. I found his manner and professional attitude to be first class and the whole team at East Surrey Hospital made the experience to be without stress. I told him then that i doubted that he could improve on that. However i nee to call on him again as I had an inguinal hernia on the other side which required his attention in July this year. This time the procedure was carried out i the day unit at Crawley Hospital.Again Mr Monkhouse filled me with confidence and I told him that i would like him to do the procedure for me. The team and himself surpassed my expectations and i have mad a full recovery. Should I ever again need an operation within his area of expertise I would always ask for him to be my Surgeon.

Written by a patient at Nuffield Hospital Haywards Heath
23rd August 2016

Mr Monkhouse arrived on the ward like a celestial angel. I thought for a second he even had a halo but I had had a lot of morphine. He took away my pain immediately with a single touch and I have now even learnt to speak Mandarin and play the harp at the same time. I could not have done this without his divine intervention. Some have called him a demi-god. I think this underestimates him.

Written by a patient at East Surrey Hospital
22nd August 2016

During my recent illness, Mr Monkhouse was not only professional but extremely efficient. He has a fantastic manner and my confidence after being treated, in my opinion unfairly by the system was totally restored by him. I do understand the pressures of the NHS but at times during my illness, without Mr Monkhouse's final involvement and his insistence in getting the matter finalised, I truly felt at a loss. I can not thank Mr Monkhouse enough for taking on my case and ensuring that I was dealt with swiftly and with care. Even after being discharged, he continues to show due care and attention. Due to his care, I am now on the mend. Mr Monkhouse is not only a huge benefit to the hospital but to all the patients he treats and looks after. Keep up the good work and once again a massive thank you from myself and my family xxx


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Consultant Upper GI & Bariatric Surgeon

Mr Monkhouse was the recipient of the "Your Care Matters: improving the patient experience" award at the SASH Annual Staff Awards of Excellence 2015. This award is presented to a person whose great work is repeatedly highlighted.