Mr Asif Parkar was awarded the iWantGreatCare certificate of excellence in 2024 for delivering outstanding care.



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Written by a NHS patient at Spire Hartswood Hospital
12th April 2022

I had a right knee replacement on the 3rd Feb.2022. Throughout the whole experience I received the most professional care and understanding from Mr. Parkar and his team. He explained everything to me before and after the operation and if I had any questions or concerns. I felt total confidence in him and would certainly recommend him to any future patient. I would like to take this opportunity to thank him and his team for all that they did for me during this time.

17th May 2022
Response from Mr Asif Parkar

Thank you for the kind words. Appreciate your feedback.

Written by a NHS patient at Queen's Hospital
12th April 2022

My experience with Mr Parkar and his team was exceptional. The first time I met him when he took a substantial amount of time to listen to me and my issues. He explained carefully what he could do to help and also bought in his registrar and trainees into the conversation so that others could benefit from his expertise. The day of the operation he spoke to me to ensure I was confident with everything i was having done (an ITB release for snapping) The following weeks after my operation my leg became more mobile and it was apparent that the surgery had been a success. A problem that had plagued me for years was finally fixed and I was able to bend my leg down stairs again. When I had my follow up appointment he assessed it, xrayed it and asked about pain and going forward. All in all good care. As much as I thought he was an excellent surgeon, I hope to never need to see him again!

17th May 2022
Response from Mr Asif Parkar

Thank you for the kind words. Appreciate your feedback.

17th May 2022
Response from Mr Asif Parkar

Thank you for the kind words. Appreciate your feedback.

Written by a NHS patient at Queen's Hospital
31st March 2022

I was given a clear and concise explanation to my actual condition in a professional yet humanely approach. He was able to give me the options of the types of surgery that were open to me and the advantage’s and possible disadvantages to each of the options offered to my personal circumstances. Whereas before I was apprehensive about the the complexities of surgery I left the appointment in a positive attitude and even now can‘t wait for the day.

17th May 2022
Response from Mr Asif Parkar

Thank you for the kind words. Appreciate your feedback.

Written by a NHS patient at Spire London East Hospital
30th March 2022

I found the doctor to be communicative informative and caring. He was able to answer my questions clearly giving me a better understanding of the care path I need to take going forward.

17th May 2022
Response from Mr Asif Parkar

Thank you for the kind words. Appreciate your feedback.

Written by a NHS patient at Queen's Hospital
26th March 2022

I had Bil Trochanteric Bursitis PRP injections in February 2022, after an initial flare up that caused pain and tenderness which eased off over a three week period, I have been able to gradually increase the amount of walking I can do. Short walks to begin with a few times a day. By the sixth week I was able to walk to my local supermarket and do some shopping which I would never have been able to do prior to the PRP injections. This is the first treatment that has given me such a significant improvement with regards to pain and mobility.

17th May 2022
Response from Mr Asif Parkar

Thank you for the kind words. Glad PRP injection has worked for you. Appreciate your feedback.


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Mr Asif Parkar (MBBS, MRCS, FRCS (T&O)
Consultant surgeon in Trauma & Orthopaedics

Specialist interests (Knee & Hip)
Sports knee injuries (meniscal management, ACL, multi-ligament injuries)
Patella instability (MPFL & extensor mechanism realignment)
Joint preservation surgery (Osteotomy)
Total Hip replacement through direct anterior approach (DAA)
Partial (UNI), primary and revision hip and knee replacement

Mr Parkar was trained through the prestigious Royal London Trauma & Orthopaedic training rotation programme. He has done fellowships at the Barts health NHS trust, London, Guy’s and St. Thomas’s NHS foundation trust, London and a north American fellowship based in Calgary. These are level one trauma centres and tertiary referral centre for complex Orthopaedic procedures.

His NHS practice is based at Queen’s Hospital and King George Hospital, London. His practice is mainly focussed around sports knee injuries, ligament reconstruction and computer assisted joint replacement for patients with existing deformities. He is one of the few surgeons in the country with fellowship training in performing hip replacement through direct anterior approach. He is also the infection control lead for the department.

He has been actively involved in research and has published his work in several peer reviewed journals. He has a degree in computer and robotic assisted joint replacement. He has a holistic and evidence based approach towards patients care.

Mr Parkar was awarded certificate of excellence for providing great care "I want great Care" in 2022 & 2023. He was also awarded trainer of the year 2022 through Royal National Orthopaedic Stanmore Training Programme for registrars.