Mr Ashutosh Acharya was awarded the iWantGreatCare certificate of excellence in 2024 for delivering outstanding care.



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Written by a NHS patient at Warrington Hospital
24th July 2024

Mr Acharya was responsible for the operation to replace my right hip some 8/9 years ago. The operation was a total success and I have not had any post operative issues with my hip since. Mr Acharya was very informative during the pre and post operation consultations, and he has been very empathic throughout the process. He has a very pleasant disposition and combines serious dialog with light conversation that puts you at ease. I would highly recommend Mr Acharya. He is extremely professional, leaving you with total confidence with the treatment recommended.

Written by a NHS patient at Spire Cheshire Hospital
6th June 2024

After suffering with osteoarthritis of the right knee for around a year and a half and not being able to bend my knee and was in absolute agony with the pain I was referred to Dr Acharya. On my first consultation he instantly knew that I needed a full knee replacement. I was informed at all times what this involved and what the recovery period would be. I had my knee replacement 6 weeks ago and I can now walk properly my knee bends fully and I am now nearly pain free. I would highly recommend Dr Acharya and I cant thank him enough for how he has changed my life.

Written by a NHS patient at Spire Cheshire Hospital
6th June 2024

He was very informative and understanding making use I knew what was happening and what to expect. 10/10 would recommend

Written by a NHS patient at Cheshire and Merseyside NHS Treatment Centre
24th April 2024

My appointment with Mr Acharya was a consultation following my left knee replacement operation in September 2019 to assess the condition of and effectiveness of the knee replacement. Following an x-ray of my knee joint which was performed virtually straightaway after arrival I had the consultation soon after. My consultation lasted about 10 minutes and Mr Acharya was courteous, polite and informative after assessing the x-ray and carrying out a hands on assessment of the mobility of the knee joint which was assessed as excellent. I wish to thank Mr Acharya for giving back to me the freedom of movement and the ability to walk free from pain.

Written by a NHS patient at Spire Cheshire Hospital
14th April 2024

I was first diagnosed with arthritis in 2014 but I was not in much pain. I continued exercising until Covid struck in 2020 by which time I was walking with a considerable limp. A further X-ray in September 2021 showed severe arthritis in my left hip. I discussed various treatments with the physiotherapist at the Knoll Surgery and opted for a replacement. I had choice of hospitals from the NHS Choice Team and first met Mr Acharya about October 2021 at the Cheshire Spire. He was very efficient and decisive having no hesitation in recommending a full replacement and said it would be about a 6-month wait, which surprised me as I was expecting about 2 years! The operation took place on a Saturday morning under an epidural and sedative and yes, I was very apprehensive but Mr Acharya, the anaesthetist, and theatre nurse put me at ease. I was totally unaware of what was happening after the epidural but “came to” very quickly. Following the operation, I was on pain killers but never felt any real pain whatsoever, just some discomfort. I was up the following day on crutches with the physiotherapist and was soon walking up and down the corridor and stairs. I went home on the Tuesday and still feeling no pain came off the pain killers after 3 or 4 days. From there my recovery was extremely rapid, dispensing with the crutches after a couple of weeks, and back to walking our dog. After a year, the scar is very faint, I have no pain or limp whatsoever and I go to the gym 2 or 3 times a week. I cannot thank Mr Acharya enough and I am sure my excellent present condition is down to his skill and technique.


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I am a Trauma and Orthopaedic consultant working at Warrington, Cheshire. I specialise in surgery of hip and knee. I perform total hip replacement, total knee replacement and keyhole surgery of knee including ACL reconstruction. I take pride in the quality of care given to my patients and am fortunate to have excellent team of staff to support me. I hope you find we meet with your expectations and wish you well on your road to recovery!

Nearest Orthopaedic and trauma surgeons