Dr Warren Hyer was awarded the iWantGreatCare certificate of excellence in 2024 for delivering outstanding care.



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Written by a carer at Northwick Park Hospital
23rd May 2020

The care that my child received from Dr Hayer and his team during the Coronavirus Lockdown was exceptional. We did worry whether my child would continue to receive the care that he needed during lockdown. But he continued to have his appointments as usual.

Written by a carer at Northwick Park Hospital
11th May 2020

Dr Hyer first saw my 15 year old son in February half term and performed a colonoscopy within the same week, diagnosing IBD. Dr Hyer has a very reassuring manner and gave my son and I great confidence in his care from that first appointment. My son initially responded well to the medication first prescribed, then just as the lockdown occurred his recovery plateaued and then his symptoms worsened. Due to Covid-19 in the hospital, I was very hesitant to take my son into Northwick Park for our regular appointment with Dr Hyer and the Specialist Nurse, and instead opted for telephone consultations. With the deterioration of my son’s health, Dr Hyer & the Specialist Nurse from the IBD clinic suggested that Dr Hyer should really see him face to face in clinic. We attended the IBD clinic at Northwick Park last Thursday. The area that Dr Hyer treats patients is completely separated from the part of the hospital treating Covid-19 patients. We had our temperatures taken before we entered the area for treatment, we were also given masks and sat apart from other patients in the waiting area. It was so much better for my son to see Dr Hyer face to face for the appointment, After examination Dr Hyer discussed a new treatment plan with us and things were very quickly put in place for the following week. I wish we had attended his clinic earlier in the lockdown. We consider ourselves very fortunate to have Dr Hyer managing our son’s care. He has been so supportive and encouraging and has always given us hope that there are treatments available that will help our son with his condition.

Written by a carer at Northwick Park Hospital
11th May 2020

Dr Hyer was amazing, was very reassuring, kept my daughter very relaxed and happy. He kept us constantly informed of what was happening in a very relaxed and easy manner. After the procedure my daughter said she had nothing to worry about. I can't rate him highly enough!!

Written by a carer at Northwick Park Hospital
10th May 2020

Dr hyer is one outstanding dr! Along with his team at St marks that are looking after my son at present is second to known ! The care and attention we are getting from him is outstanding and to know your coming in for a ten minute appointment because the complexity of the issue - time just doesn’t matter as he doesn’t rush you at all , and spends the time it needs ! Dr hyer will also see my son urgently at short notice and even arrange procedures , tests and admissions ! Just knowing that the team and dr hyer are contactable is easing my sons anxiety over his unfortunate condition /disease. Keep it up and the nHS is doing at this time of crisis an outstanding job !

Written by a carer at Chelsea and Westminster Hospital
28th February 2020

Dr Hyer was fantastic in explaining everything to my son, who felt comfortable explaining what was happening. Dr Hyer has a great rapport with parents and children and we are very thankful for his efforts.


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Consultant Paediatrician and Paediatric Gastroenterologist in NW London.
Specialising in paediatric gastroenterology, nutrition, food allergy, and paediatric endoscopy.

Consultant Paediatric Gastroenterologist to St Mark's Hospital, in NW London. Paediatric Lead for St Mark's Polyposis Registry UK. Formerly Consultant Paediatrician in Royal Children's Hospital, Melbourne (2007).

Website: www.dr-hyer.co.uk