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Written by a patient at The Berkshire Independent Hospital
29th June 2019

Titus Adams was fantastic at putting me at my ease from the very first consultation. I knew I had made absolutely the right choice of surgeon, as he listened very carefully and discussed every step of the procedure with me from start to finish and the anticipated outcome. Titus was very happy to show me numerous examples of before and after work, that he had undertaken, as well as a detailed hand drawn diagram of the planned procedure. The end result was a complete transformation of my breasts which had 20 year old implants from a previous surgeon, as well as a full tummy tuck after having had 4 children, including twins, from which my stomach had never recovered. Not only do I now look so much better than before, dressed as well as undressed, but feel fantastic in myself too, rediscovering a trim silhouette, which has motivated me to take overall better care of myself. Thank you Titus, you understand the female body so very well!

Written by a patient at The Manor Hospital, Oxford
27th June 2019

I highly recommend Mr Adams. From the very first moment I stepped in to his office he completely put me at ease. I felt embarrassed that I was thinking of plastic surgery as this was always something I said I wouldn’t do but within minutes I felt confident and able to freely discuss my decision. I had always been skinny around 8 stone and then I developed hypothyroidism and had ballooned to 11 stone, mostly around my torso. I had become miserable and depressed and had no libido which was affecting my marriage. Mr Adams was completely understanding and sympathetic. He always treated me in a relaxed but completely professional manner. The surgery was explained well and comprehensively. I had breast reduction some lumps removed from my armpits, liposuction for remodelling and a tummy tuck. I hadn’t realised quite how incapacitated I would be for the first two weeks something to be aware of if taking time off work. I kept my scars dry for two weeks(no showers) and so had reduced risk of infection, in fact they healed remarkably quickly. I took arnica and used hibiscrub religiously to keep germs away. Then once the tape came off lots of bio oil. The results are fabulous. I feel like the fat suit has been unzipped and the old me has emerged. My stomach is flat and I have an hourglass figure. My breast are where they shouldbs, my husband loves them even though he said I didn’t need to change them, I think he’s changed his mind! I can wear sleeveless clothes again as no armpit lumps which is amazing. Although I still have a while to go before the scars are less visible I truly feel fantastic and my libido is better than it has been in years. Very good for our marriage. I wouldn’t hesitate to recommend surgery to anyone feeling unhappy in themselves as it really has changed my life. Kate Somerset.

Written by a patient at The Berkshire Independent Hospital
21st June 2019

I was referred to Mr Adams by two people who highly recommended him. All my interactions with him have been very good, he has provided great advice and support through the process. I am very impressed with the results of the surgery and the after care provided. The scars are minimal and with treatment are fading a short period after my surgery. I would also highly recommend him.

Written by a patient at The Berkshire Independent Hospital
16th June 2019

I had a breast augmentation and mastopexy with Mr Adams. From the initial consultation up to my final review after 6 weeks he was very professional, answered all my questions and some I hadn't even considered. The operation went smoothly and I am thrilled with the results, I wish I'd taken the plunge and had it done years ago. It is my total pleasure to recommend Mr Adams and The Berkshire Independent Hospital.

Written by a patient at The Manor Hospital, Oxford
5th June 2019

Having a baby at just 18 years old, with no reliable guidance as to what and how much to eat, I gained around 4 stone during the gestation period and was Ieft with a saggy, stretch-marked stomach and what I can only describe as a lip of skin hanging down over my pubic line. My baby’s father didn’t mind whatsoever and neither did I until I later became single. Decades on, and several failed relationships later, I decided that it was time to take action. How could I find someone suitable to settle down with until I could fully love myself?! My confidence outside of the bedroom was fine; I was meeting and dating suitable partners but when it came to intimacy I was suffering so much distress even at the thought of taking off my clothes let alone actually doing it in front of someone special. And it wasn’t just intimacy that was being affected. Clothes shopping was always a nightmare for me in particular finding suitable underwear, bikinis, jeans, skirts and dresses. I managed to find a style I could stick to but was hardly ever 100% satisfied with the way I looked. I’d been considering having an abdominoplasty for around 5 years when someone I met through a mutual friend told me about Titus Adams. She too had experienced more than her fair share of distress before having a ‘mummy makeover’ with Titus. Immediately I contacted Bella, PA to Titus, who arranged my first consultation. I was on my way… My first consultation with Titus was easier than I thought it would be, mainly because he put me at ease with his kind, gentle demeanour. Titus listened to me, was empathetic to my situation, gave fabulous advice, drew diagrams and explained what he could do. I was blown away to be honest and hadn’t considered that the saggy, stretch-marked area of my stomach could be fully removed by having a full abdominoplasty! Titus advised me to have a think about my options; I knew that I would be going for it but followed up a few weeks later with another consultation as I had a few questions and concerns before booking the surgery. It’s been six weeks since I took the plunge and had my surgery with Titus. I was delighted with the results as soon as I woke up from my anaesthetic and looked down to where my sagging stomach used to be. I opted for surgery at the Nuffield Manor Hospital in Oxford where the staff were extremely caring and kind. Recovery takes a while; I took two weeks off from my desk job, wore a binding garment for six weeks (day and night) and tried my best to take things easy. I can honestly say that having an abdominoplasty, performed by Titus Adams, was the best investment in myself I could ever make. I now walk tall with my head held high. I’m proud of my beautiful figure for the first time in 30 years and look forward to shopping for clothes with no more hang ups. And I am now ready to bare all for my Prince Charming! If you are thinking about cosmetic surgery, I cannot recommend Titus enough. Go for it – it will be the making of you, I promise.


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Titus Adams has a very successful and discrete cosmetic surgery practice in Oxford, Berkshire and London. He does not push patients into providing reviews and avoids self-promotion. He relies principally on word-of-mouth referrals and other means of referral, often via undisclosed forums.

His NHS practice involves the management of skin cancer and breast reconstruction.