Mr Shahram Anari was awarded the iWantGreatCare certificate of excellence in 2024 for delivering outstanding care.



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Written by a patient at Birmingham Heartlands Hospital
26th March 2018

Mr Anari operated on my nasal polyps last year the operation was a great sucess, i cannot thank him enough for the relief i have received. My operation went smoothly i followed his after care advice and had no further probelms.On a recent check up all was well ,so havenow been discharged. Thank you mr Anari and your team for your excellent care.

Written by a patient at Spire Parkway Hospital
22nd February 2018

Mr Anari carried a forehead flap repair to the top of my nose following removal of a basal cell carcinoma through MOHs surgery. I was really worried about the two operations that he was going to perform but he reassured me in advance about what was going to happen and explained that the longer term outcome of this treatment was the best route I could take. I have been really impressed with both his approach and the skill he has demonstrated through the whole process. Both operations have been a complete success and just six weeks on the outcome is much better than I could have imagined. I really don't think that you would get any better treatment from any other surgeon anywhere in the country. Thank you so much Mr Anari.

Written by a patient at Spire Parkway Hospital
5th February 2018

A lovely sincere man who listened and was understanding

Written by a patient at Spire Parkway Hospital
5th February 2018

My nose reconstruction due to a BCC was very successful and although a large part of my nose needed reconstruction, it is barely noticeable now. Mr Anari is very safe & skilful, he very patiently answered all my questions.

Written by a patient at Spire Parkway Hospital
28th January 2018

I needed a 20mm diameter removal of melanoma on my left ear which my dermatologist advised is a difficult procedure due to the composition of the ear. My dermatologist said that Mr.Anari was the best person in the area to undertake such an operation due to his experience in the sphere of ears and noses. I met Mr. Anari and he was very thorough in explaiing what the procedure entailed and what I could expect my ear to like like after the operation. The main objective was clearly to remove the melanoma fully but the thought towards cosmetic appearance was also important. The operation was conducted with local anethetic which meant I was awake during the procedure. I think this was an excellent decision. It is interesting to be awake and altert during the porcedure. Mr. Anari and his theatre team were very considerate towards me as they know there is obviously great concern regarding the cancer and the appearance of the ear afterwards. We discussed the final method that would be used on my ear as there were two options. One involved tucking the bottom of the lobe upwards which kept the ear solid afterwards or the other was to insert a graft which had considerations of floppines and having to have the graft taken too. We opted for the former. Mr.Anari was correct in that when all the stitches and inflamed scar tissue from the operation had subsided the ear would be a little deformed but generally fine. The aftermath of the operation was excellent. I had to protect my ear for 3 days which was not problem at all. I had some soreness and pain for a day and a half for which I took paracetamol. I was given a stronger painkiller by the hospital but I preferred to not use them if possible. After that time I took no other pain killers. I was advised not to exercise or undertake strenuous movement for 4-5 days which was also no problem. After 2 days I removed my bandages as advised to and I was very pleasantly surprised. There was a lot of dried blood but that is to be expected and when that was very carefully cleaned off the view was fine. I was advised to be very careful in cleaning so as not to introduce any infection. I was given a 7 day course of antibiotics and some anti bacterial in a tube to apply as per the instructions on the tube. After 3 days I attended a social function and although the scars and stitches were visible I decided it was not too bad to look at. After 2 weeks the ear was really looking fine and stitches had mostly dissolved. Now 6 weeks later and with everyone I know who would give me an honest opinion, several did not really notice my ear. If you look face on you can see one is larger than the other but side on the operated on ear has a bit of disfigurement but I feel no self conciousness about it at all. My view has always been that the important fuction was to remove the cancer and if I had lost my ear completetly to achieve this then so be it. Life is just paramount. However, I did have some concerns as to what my ear would look like with 20mm removed. As I stated previously I have no self conciousness at all. After four weeks from the procedure I met Mr.Anari to discuss the biopsy and reveiw the operation. Fortunately the meanoma was removed and the ear looks fine. My dermatoligsit was correct in his choice of Mr. Anari. His specialist knowledge and calm assured approach is very reassuring. I do not have any major point of how the care could be improved. I entered Spire Solihull on Saturday afternoon, had a clean pleasant room, had some drinks and food after the procedure before being allowed to leave. It was about 4.5 hours and I had great concerns beforehand as I have little experience of hospitals and operations. To have a local anasthetic option was a complete winner for me. To be in attendance to the procedure whilst alert and to then be able to leave the hospital mobile and in control , although not fit to drive, was great. During the evening after the operation I was quite able to have a relatively normal evening at home before bed. Sleeping was a little difficult for 2-3 nights as one has to be careful not to sleep on the operated upon ear. But I slept fine and after a couple of nights you get into a system and everything is fine again. The preconceptions I had about hospital, the procedure and recovery we all far far worse than the reality which was really good. In conclusion I am very pleased with all easpects of my operation and pre and post operative care. I would probably have like the biopsy results more quickly after the operation as any cancer causes great strain and distress. However, as we were close to the Xmas/New year holiday the wait I had was not unreasonable. I would have complete faith in recommending Mr.Anari to other patients and would gladly go to him again but hope I never have to. My family and friends all consider me to be very fortunate in the treatment I received and the final apperance of my ear. Anthony Weaver Sutton Coldfield England


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ENT Consultant Surgeon with a Specialist Interest in Nasal Problems