
Mr Rohit Gupta, BSc(Hons) MBBS(Lond) FRCS(Eng) FRCS(Tr&Orth)

769 reviews

Mr Rohit Gupta, BSc(Hons) MBBS(Lond) FRCS(Eng) FRCS(Tr&Orth) was awarded the iWantGreatCare certificate of excellence in 2024 for delivering outstanding care.



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Written by a NHS patient at Ashford Hospital
14th November 2022

Mr Gupta first performed surgery on my shoulder in 2010. I had a great experience then and sort him out to do the second, larger operation for the total shoulder replacement this year. My shoulder had been getting progressively more painful over recent years. Back in 2010 Mr Gupta told me that the keyhole surgery would improve it and buy me time but I would ultimately need a replacement in later years. Prior to seeing Mr Gupta, this year, I almost had a second keyhole procedure with another surgeon last year. This other surgeon had firstly referred me for a US guided injection which was ineffective and then he proposed a second keyhole clean up procedure. He did not scan my shoulder prior to the proposed operation and he expressed the view that it was not worth the risk to do the shoulder replacement due to my underlying health condition and previous surgical history. Hearing this I was very unhappy, so I decided to get a second opinion and looked up Mr Gupta and arranged a private appointment with him. Once he reviewed my case, he elected to have new scans conducted and advised me that I would need a total shoulder replacement. He then talked me through all the risks, including the additional ones with my condition along with the benefits of having this procedure. I was delighted to find out that he still worked at Ashford and St Peters and that he would be able to see me again there. I had the operation in August and was amazed at how little pain I was in shortly after it compared to the operation I had when I was 18. He went through the old scar and has left no additional scarring and I am pleasantly surprised at how tidy it is. Three months later I have full range of movement back and am in zero pain. I am able to do things now without being in pain such as moving in bed and sleeping, pushing myself up and propelling myself around with my crutches which I need on a daily basis. The treatment I have received from Mr Gupta has exceeded all my expectations, could not have been better! I am very grateful, it has been truly life changing!

Written by a private patient at Prime Health Clinic
14th November 2022

Soon after my operation I did see Mr Gupta who was the surgeon. However, I was still so drugged that I have no idea what was said.

7th November 2022

It was very good service

Written by a NHS patient at Ashford Hospital
3rd November 2022

I suffer with Arthritis which has caused my right index finger to distort and cause me to suffer severe pain over recent years. Having had a similar experience some years ago and, unfortunately, receiving a poor level of medical expertise then which did not resolve the (then) problem satisfactorily I was anxious to find someone who would deal with this significant problem properly. Mr Gupta was recommended to me by my G.P. I have to say that, from day one, any trepidation I had about the outcome of this latest experience was allayed immediately. It was obvious from our first meeting that I had met with a very knowledgeable and totally professional consultant. Also, very importantly, I had met with a true gentleman who approached his profession and me, his patient, with a caring and sympathetic attitude. Mr Gupta suggested a replacement of the joint in my finger. Given the importance of the index finger, he suggested the implant of a moveable joint. The procedure was explained fully (including the possibility of failure) and the operation went ahead with me feeling that I was in the best of hands. To cut a long story short, after a couple of years, the joint failed and I found myself in Mr Gupta's care again, this time being faced with a replacement of the initial replacement! I hasten to add that the implant itself had not failed but the bones of the finger had unfortunately not been strong enough and the implant ends had penetrated the bones at either end of the implant due to their weakness. Mr Gupta shared my disappointment but was very positive about being able to replace the implant with a 'fixed' joint that would provide me with a more positive outcome. I was put on his urgent list and the second procedure took place within a very short space of time. Due to the damage to the bones this procedure was going to be a very delicate one but I was absolutely convinced that the right man was doing the job and had no hesitation in going ahead. In the last six months I have attended Mr Gupta's outpatient clinic regularly and he has kept a very close eye on the progress of the finger's healing and the joint's 'settling down', which I can say has been completely successful. I wouldn't say that anybody exactly enjoys having to attend hospital and when it is necessary it can be very daunting. To have been a patient of Mr Gupta was a very positive experience, despite the reasons for it, and I would absolutely reassure anyone who has the need for this type of attention that Mr Gupta is, in my opinion, the man for you - I can't recommend him highly enough. I wish him all the best for a continued fulfilling and successful career.

1st November 2022

This is the second time Mr Gupta has operated on me albeit on different shoulders! I would not have gone back unless I was entirely confident in his ability. He is totally professional, reassuring and never rushes his patients. I understand he is widely regarded as the best in his field and my experiences would confirm that. Importantly he is also easy to contact via his private office where his two PAs are always approachable, helpful and reliable. Thank you Mr Gupta.


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Mr Rohit Gupta, BSc(Hons), MBBS(Lond), FRCS(Eng), FRCS(Tr&Orth), is a Consultant Trauma and Orthopaedic Surgeon specialising in Upper Limb surgery at Ashford and St Peter's Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, Surrey since 2005. He provides NHS and private treatment for shoulder, elbow, wrist and hand complaints, both surgical and non-surgical. He considers it to be an immense privilege that he is regarded as the premier Upper Limb Specialist to consult in his part of the UK by his patients and peers alike.
He is internationally renowned for his advanced arthroscopic (keyhole surgery), upper limb trauma, and arthroplasty (joint replacement - primary and revision) skills.
His research interests are also exclusively in the upper limb. He regularly lectures and instructs on advanced surgical courses nationally and internationally, and runs a busy tertiary referral practice helping numerous colleagues with their most complex, difficult-to-treat upper limb problems, incl. revision joint replacements and complex tendon transfers around the shoulder.
He is regarded as a key opinion leader in the field of Orthopaedic upper limb surgery, at the cutting edge using the most advanced technologies and techniques both diagnostically and surgically. Hence he is also regularly invited to participate in national / international teaching masterclasses in advanced upper limb surgery.
He is very proud to be awarded the IWantGreatCare Certificate of Excellence in recognition of consistently receiving outstanding patient feedback six years in succession during 2019-2024.

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