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Written by a private patient at Goring Hall Hospital - part of Circle Health Group
24th April 2022

I had decided that I would ONLY have a G.A. Then I met with Dr. Uncles and he asked why I was so adamant about a GA. I gave my views which basically came down to “I don’t want an injection where I might potentially wake-up mid-surgery” He listened well, showed understanding of my fears however having done several hundreds of Spinal Anaethetics was able to veer me in his preferred method. I asked what were the benefits, pros and cons and generally gave him a good grilling. I have no recollection of the operation, I was not nauseous and knew that I had been in good hands with an Anaethetist that actually really cared about putting my fears at bay! In closing,I outdated recommend getting anything you are worried about, explained to you beforehand so that will also facilitate a good outcome.

Written by a private patient at Goring Hall Hospital - part of Circle Health Group
22nd April 2022

Mr. Uncles visited me pre-op to discuss anesthesia for my knee replacement operation and completely put my mind at rest. I was a little anxious about the spinal injection but he explained it in detail and allayed my fears. He and his colleague were extremely kind and caring during the procedure and I just floated off!!

21st April 2022

Having just entered Goring Hall Hospital for a total hip replacement surgery and feeling very concerned mainly about the anaesthsia aspect,Dr Uncles carried out what i considered to be a thorough explanation of his procedures in a manner which a): removed most of the concerns i had and B):enabled me to arrive at the decision as to which procedure to adopt.I found the whole procedure to be less daunting than I had imagined it to be thanks to the kindness and professionalism of Dr Uncles and his Team.the whole experience at this hospital was one of a professional caring nature from all concerned.

Written by a private patient at Goring Hall Hospital - part of Circle Health Group
21st April 2022

I recently had an operation and Doctor Uncles was my anaesthetist. The care I experienced was fantastic. I felt very safe and reassured that I would be taken good care of. I would fully recommend him to any one.

Written by a NHS patient at Worthing Hospital
19th April 2022

I found the doctor and his younger colleague were very attentive and clearly wanted to give me the best care. They explained what they were doing and what would be happening from start to finish.


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I am a specialist Anaesthetist with interests in Obstetric, Ambulatory and Inpatient anaesthesia. I employ a variety of anaesthetic techniques including general or regional anaesthesia, although I often use them in combination to optimise and enhance patients' peri and post-operative experience.
I am dedicated to putting the patient first through the provision of safe and reassuring care delivered in conjunction with my colleagues and associates.
I was present at the inauguration of the Helsinki Declaration in June 2010. This enshrines the values essential to the promotion of the highest professional and safety standards expected of anaesthetists. It is my hope to match or even exceed the expectations of patients who place their trust in me.