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Written by a patient at The Grosvenor Nuffield Hospital
24th January 2019

I had been having hip pain for approximately 5 years, before deciding I had put up with the pain long enough. I contacted my insurance company who gave me a list of 5 consultants. I reviewed each one on the internet and decided to select Mr Malek, so people thought this was a peculiar way to select somebody who would be 'cutting into me'. Following my first meeting with Mr Malek I decided to go ahead with the operation and I don't regret one moment of my decision. My hip replacement operation took place at the Nuffield on 8th November 2018. When I came round from the operation the only pain I was in was from the actual wound. I was up and walking the next morning and haven't looked back. 5 weeks after the operation I was driving again and occasionally use a stick to help me walk but most of the time I walk unaided. If I had to have my left hip replaced or a knee replacement, I would be contacting Mr Malek again. Thank you for the care you took before, during and after the procedure.

29th January 2019
Response from Prof. Ibrahim Malek

I was my pleasure to provide the help you needed at The Grosvenor. I am delighted that you have been able to regain your independence and quality of life after the procedure. Best wishes for future. IAM

Written by a patient at The Grosvenor Nuffield Hospital
19th January 2019

I am a 28 year old female who has suffered with a hip problem for over 10 years. For the past 9 years all my problems fell on deaf ears causing extreme pain,virtually no quality of life and on the verge of depression. All of this vanished the day I met Mr.Malek. From my first consultation with him he has provided me with the best care I could have wished for. I needed a complete reconstruction of my left hip and due to my age and weight all the previous doctors (in which I include my G.P) I had seen were reluctant to move forward in rectifying my problem. Mr Malek was the exception to the rule. He genuinely listened to me and the way I was feeling and agreed to operate on me. On December 4th 2018 I went into the Nuffield in Chester whereby he performed the surgery which I must add has been a resounding success. Throughout this time he has continually given me the best before,during and after care I could possibly wish for and for this I am extremely grateful. I would not hesitate in recommending this surgeon to anybody irrespective of age,weight or gender.His bedside manner is wonderful, he puts you at complete ease which in my case was no mean feat. Words cannot describe what this man has done for me as I am at last pain free and for that to me he is priceless. On another note the team he has around him are also wonderful people and I would like a special mention to his secretary Anna Gizzi as she was my first contact who showed me so much compassion. Thank you once again Mr. Malek.

21st January 2019
Response from Prof. Ibrahim Malek

I don't have words to describe my feelings to learn about your recovery. Totally ecstatic!! Thanks for having the faith and courage during this challenging time. Many thanks for your kind words about my team as well. I will forward it to Anna who I am sure will be delighted with the results of the surgery and off course your appreciation. Best wishes for a bright future. IAM

Written by a patient at Spire Yale Hospital
11th January 2019

Mr Malek carried out a total hip replacement, left side. The pre op assessment was thorough, so much so that it was found that I had a slow irregular heart beat, and was fitted with a pacemaker within two weeks, then was able to undergo hip surgery. The operation was carried out under local ( spinal ) anaesthetic, an interesting experience, with no discomfort at all. I was able to move about on crutches almost immediately, and was discharged after a two night stay. Recovery was rapid, I was driving after three weeks, and able to walk unaided after about four-five weeks. Now at seven weeks, I am walking one -two miles regularly. The scar has healed and is barely visible. X rays show a perfectly aligned replacement. Previous arthritic pain and difficulty in moving no longer a problem. Strength is improving with time and I anticipate a full recovery. I would definitely recommend Mr Malek for his skill and care.

11th January 2019
Response from Prof. Ibrahim Malek

It was a pleasure to see you both today in great spirit. I am extremely delighted that you had an uneventful recovery and I hope you will have a lasting improved function after this op. Best wishes. IAM

Written by a patient at Spire Yale Hospital
10th January 2019

My hip replacement has been a great success and after two weeks I was able to walk unaided. Mr.Malek inspires confidence before surgery and his post operative attention was excellent. He is a most charming person to deal with and I add my recommendation without reservation.

10th January 2019
Response from Prof. Ibrahim Malek

I was an absolute pleasure to be helpful to you and I am extremely delighted to note the procedure has been a success. Many thanks for your very kind words and recommendation. Best wishes. IAM

Written by a patient at Spire Yale Hospital
22nd December 2018

Mr malek is a very professional surgeon, who goes above and beyond his duty to make sure that your surgery is successful. He gives you full support pre and post surgery making you feel at ease, I have white coat syndrome, but being amongst mr malek and his team didn’t seem to increase any symptoms! Sam the blood doctor, kept my fear of needles to a minimum also! Big shout also to the after care team, caterers and cleaners also at spire, what a credit! Anyone who is having future surgery with this brilliant man no need worry. Thanks for all your support, see you in 2019!

22nd December 2018
Response from Prof. Ibrahim Malek

I am glad to note that you are satisfied with our team's performance at Spire Yale Hospital. Many thanks for your kind words as well. I will forward this to our management team who will be delighted. Best wishes for your recovery and have a great festive season. IAM


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Prof. Ib Malek joined BCUHB at Wrexham Maelor Hospital in January 2018 as Consultant Trauma and orthopaedic surgeon specialising in Lower Limb arthroplasty (Hip and Knee Replacement). He completed his specialist orthopaedic training from Wales training programme. He successfully completed 18 months fellowship at Adelaide, South Australia from Central Adelaide Health Network and prestigious Calvary Wakefield Hospital. His main interests are improving outcome following primary hip and knee arthroplasty, Enhanced Recovery After Surgery, Computer Assisted Orthopaedic Surgery (CAOS) and revision hip and knee Arthroplasty procedures.

Nearest Orthopaedic and trauma surgeons