Mr Vasileios Arzoglou was awarded the iWantGreatCare certificate of excellence in 2024 for delivering outstanding care.



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Written by a NHS patient at Hull Royal Infirmary
31st July 2021

I was operated on by Mr. Arzoglou's team on 22nd April 2021. Everything from being admitted to discharge was excellent. The day of my surgery was extremely busy on the Ward due to emergencies. I feared my surgery would be cancelled but I was taken to theatre later that evening which I was grateful for.

Written by a NHS patient at Castle Hill Hospital
26th July 2021

Mr Vasileios Arzoglou is one of the best doctors (along with his counterpart at the same hospital , Mr Spink ) I have had the pleasure to meet . He really listens to what you have to say ,and gives you as many options to improve your health as possible, at the same time giving his advice in a way you understand . I felt completely at ease in his company on the two occasions I met him , and I left feeling he would be there for me if I ever needed his help in the future .

Written by a NHS patient at Hull Royal Infirmary
21st July 2021

I have had several consultations with Mr Arzoglou over the past eighteen months and I have found him to be one of the kind, courteous, and patient doctors I have ever met. My daughter accompanies me to all of my medical appointments and we both are in agreement that Mr Arzoglou asks many questions to try and find out what is causing the problem and listens very carefully to my response and my daughters. He explains everything in great detail and makes sure that you understand the course of treatment that he is giving before you leave the appointment. Both myself and my daughter cannot praise Mr Arzolou enough, from our first meeting with him he made such an impression on us both, we put every faith and all of our trust in him and which ever course of treatment he thought best for myself, Mr Arzoglou is just brilliant.

Written by a private patient at Spire Hull and East Riding Hospital
12th July 2021

The cause of my back pain was swiftly identified and confirmed by MRI, with the risks and benefits of surgery clearly explained, both in writing and in person. My operation was a success and I am now pain free, and very grateful for the excellent care that I received.

Written by a NHS patient at Hull Royal Infirmary
10th July 2021

He was straight to the point, told me what needed to be done and outlined all the risks involved. The operation was a success and I've got my active life back.


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