Mr Nicola De' Liguori Carino was awarded the iWantGreatCare certificate of excellence in 2024 for delivering outstanding care.



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12th November 2020

I have recently had surgery to remove my gallbladder. Dr De'Liguori Carino was very professional from the initial consultation right up until the post operative checks. Everything was explained in full detail and in a sensitive manner. Following my surgery, Dr De'Liguori Carino supported me in caring for my wounds to ensure effective healing. The scarring is minimal and the surgery went to plan. All of my questions were answered and I was made to feel at ease. This was my first time having any form of surgery and I can honestly say it was a pleasant and swift experience.

Written by a patient at Manchester Royal Infirmary
30th September 2020

Hello doctor De Liguori, You may not remember me(Ian Middleton aged 75). You carried out a whipped procedure for me in early June this year. I have contacted you to tell you I am as fit and well now in September as I was before the operation.I swim in the sea,Waikato miles and ride an exercise bike.this is all down to your superb skill. Thank you sir for saving my life. Best wishes Ian middleton

Written by a patient at Manchester Royal Infirmary
17th September 2020

Truly amazing surgeon. Need I say anymore!

Written by a patient at Manchester Royal Infirmary
1st July 2020

I owe my life to mr de Liguori Carino Nicola.I had heard he was the leading surgeon in the country for the wipple I know that to be true.I am 74 and there were complications.he cleared the cancer completely as he sald he would. What I did not know beforehand was what a complete gentleman he is as he takes you through preparation and aftercare fully informing you all the way. Thank you sir.your certainly the A team. Ian Middleton

9th June 2020

Having been rushed to A&E in January with immense pain in the abdomen, I was diagnosed with severe cholecystitis and it was obvious that I would need to have my gallbladder removed. It was recommended that i should consult Mr Nicola de'Liguori Carino at the BMI in Cheadle. An appointment was made quickly and he explained clearly how the operation would take place and what the possible dangers and side effects would be. I had to wait for the inflammation of gallbladder to reduce before the op could be performed but even so I was scanned and booked in for surgery within 4 weeks. The operation was a straight forward keyhole process with just 3 small incisions and i went home the same day. I found Mr De'Liguori to be at all times courteous, understanding, thorough and completely professional, and I felt extremely lucky to be in his care. The other staff at BMI were also fantastic at all times. Mr De'Liguori called me 4 weeks after the operation with genuine concern that all was well with my health. I have had no side effects since the operation and have returned to a normal life and diet. I feel extremely fortunate to have received the care that I did.


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Mr Nicola de’ Liguori Carino is Consultant General Surgeon who specialises in hepatobiliary and pancreatic (HPB) surgery .
His main interests are in disease of the liver, gallbladder, biliary system and pancreas. He also has an extensive practice in hernias repairs. He completed his surgical training in Italy with a period spent at the Ohio University Hospital, Columbus, USA. Before being appointed as a Consultant in Manchester, Mr de' Liguori Carino spent 4 years training in HPB and transplant surgery at the University of Liverpool and Leeds. His Hepatobiliary and Pancreatic Unit at Manchester Royal Infirmary, University of Manchester, is one of the largest HPB unit's in the UK and Europe.

He has experience in the treatment of gallstone disease with the most modern techniques with emphasis on rapid access to treatment and recovery. Mr de' Liguori Carino performs laparoscopic cholecystectomy, laparoscopic and open hepatobiliary(liver) , pancreatic and digestive surgery, including very complex liver, biliary and pancreatic resection. He also treats a consistent number of hernia cases with both laparoscopic and open approach.

He is committed in liver and pancreas cancer research programs taking part multiple ongoing clinical trials.