Mr Mark Wevill was awarded the iWantGreatCare certificate of excellence in 2024 for delivering outstanding care.



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Written by a patient at Optegra
23rd April 2019

I had researched lens replacement procedure for about a year and decided to go with Optegra and it turned out to be the best decision to have made my experience with Mark Wevill was professional and friendly and I had every confidence in him. I am so grateful not to have to wear glasses anymore and able to see so clearly. So if you are thinking about lens replacement I would say go for it ! Mark Wevill is a brilliant eye surgeon. Thank you Mark

26th April 2019
Response from Mr Mark Wevill

Thank you for the compliments and for taking the time to write such a kind review.

Written by a patient at The Westbourne Centre
26th March 2019

If you are at all worried about eye surgery (as I was) go to see Mark. I thought I needed laser treatment, but was too old. I had lens replacement instead and it is one of the best things I have ever done for myself. No more swapping one set of glasses for another, or stumbling because the floor wasn't where I thought it was. I had my usual diabetic retina scan and eye test a couple of weeks ago, and the optician was very complimentary. She checked me for driving too and told me I no longer need distance or intermediate glasses. I had told Mark I didn't mind using reading glasses, but I don't always need them either. I know this is going to sound overly dramatic but Mark has changed my life and I am truly grateful for his skill and knowledge.

26th April 2019
Response from Mr Mark Wevill

I'm so please you're so much better without your glasses and I was able to change your life. Thank you.

Written by a patient at Optegra
5th February 2019

63 years ago as a sports mad 11year old I was given the devastating news “you need glasses”. My mother, bless her, within 12 months found the only Optician in Birmingham supplying contact lenses, not the new style, but hard full eye cover ones. So began the life of artificial eye correction with differing improving methods employed, although the grime of the City of London finally put paid to my wearing contacts continually in my fifties. Then the local optician mentioned that a cataract was starting to affect my vision. I did a lot of research, when you are retired you have the time, and finally decided to contact Optegra for an initial consultation. I walked in and immediately felt confident my choice was correct. The whole place exuded professionalism, appointments on time, excellent surroundings, great ambience and very friendly and helpful staff. Having had a myriad of tests on a seemingly endless supply of equipment I met Mr Wevill who told me I was suitable for multi focal lens replacement and went into great detail what the operation entailed, pros and cons. He then listened intently to my own questions, realising I am sure that I was reticent about anyone performing surgery on my eyes. Like all the staff he was professional, friendly and put me full at ease, I decided to go ahead. I had both eyes done, a week apart, and the surgery involved surprised me. Firstly there was no pain and secondly it was so quickly carried out, approximately 15 minutes or 5 great songs playing at the time, I am not sure this was part of the treatment just that we had the same tastes! The follow up aftercare was thorough over the next 3 months and I am now completely free from the incessant weight on my nose, unfortunately 63 years too late to improve my cricketing and footballing abilities! All I can say is the whole experience was worth every penny it cost and more, I am absolutely delighted with the results. Finally what was the most impressive and welcoming part of the whole experience, a phone call I received from Mr Wevill on the evening following the operations. Silly really, but I thought I am not just a client, they actually care.

26th April 2019
Response from Mr Mark Wevill

Wonderful, I'm so pleased you're glasses free and I'm sorry I can't get you back onto the cricket field!

Written by a patient at Optegra
11th January 2019

I had laser eye surgery from Mr Wevill 6.5yrs ago. And my experience and eyesight to date have been perfect. My sight was particularly poor, hindered by severe short sightedness. I also have narrow eye openings (sorry the technical terminology is lost on me) meaning it’s very difficult to place contact lenses and clamps (necessary for laser surgery) on my eyes. I remember the surgery well as Mr Wevill had with his work cutout with me resisting throughout the procedure. After the experience I had a very brief (almost a few hours) of recovery and the rest is history. Needless to say my eyesight had been one to brag about and I would only recommend this consultant to anyone going forward. Suki

28th January 2019
Response from Mr Mark Wevill

Hi Suki, thanks for taking the time to make my day with a great compliment 6 years after your treatment. I'm so pleased you're still enjoying seeing without glasses all these years later. Thanks again!

Written by a patient at Optegra
1st October 2018

My wife & I both attended an open evening at Optegra in Birmingham, hosted by Mr Mark Wevill. We were very impressed by his friendly, professional approach with absolutely no pressure. After extensive eye scans we were deemed suitable for refractive lens exchange which we had performed a few weeks later. The procedure lasted a mere 15 minutes and all the way through we were reassured by Mr Wevill & his team Everyone was extremely kind and really couldn't do enough for us. We religiously followed our regime of eye drops & 6 weeks later, after a couple of follow-up appointments we are free of specs with pretty perfect vision. Mark Wevill is clearly a brilliant eye surgeon who is obviously well respected by his team. He treats each patient with great personal care, he explained everything in great detail and answered questions thoroughly, and we trusted him completely. All in all we are extremely pleased we made the decision to go ahead. Thank you Mark & team! Geoff & Annette Turvey

9th October 2018
Response from Mr Mark Wevill

Hi Geoff & Annette, thank you for your great review and I'm pleased you're seeing so well.


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A Fellow of the Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh, Mark Wevill has been restoring vision with cataract, lens exchange and laser eye surgery for over 20 years. He has postgraduate qualifications from the Royal College of Ophthalmologists and has been invited to speak at over 20 surgeon conferences. And he regularly works in Eye Hospitals in Africa.
0121 4870877