Miss Sascha Dua was awarded the iWantGreatCare certificate of excellence in 2024 for delivering outstanding care.



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Written by a patient at Broomfield Hospital
6th July 2015

Sascha was brilliant from diagnosis right through surgery and after care. she is down to earth and put me at ease with her confidence and positive attitude when I was most vulnerable. I feel blessed that I had one of the countries best surgeon to guide me through my cancer. in a nutshell miss Sascha Dua saved my life and I will forever be thankful xxx

Written by a patient at Broomfield Hospital
23rd June 2015

I cannot thank Sascha enough for what she has done for me throughout what were the scariest few weeks of my life. From diagnosis through to the start of re-construction she and her team have treated me, both medically and emotionally, with the utmost professionalism and care. Sacha has explained every aspect of my condition from initial diagnosis through to treatment with great clarity giving me the confidence that I am always in the best possible hands. She is always upbeat and caring so she feels like she is a good friend as well as a highly skilled surgeon. I have found that being dually trained as an onco-plastic surgeon has enabled her to treat my condition and then carry out re-construction in a seamless way that may not have been possible if I had been treated by someone with a narrower skillset.

Written by a patient at Broomfield Hospital
23rd June 2015

I had my 3 yearly mammogram on May 6th, called back and appointment a week and a half later with scan, biopsy and diagnosis. Met Sascha the same week. Fantastic lady, took the time to explain everything to me in as much detail as I wanted. Felt very reassured but obviously nervous. Lumpectomy performed on 11th June by her associate (Mr Liptay-Wagner) - also a lovely and extremely skilled man who took time before and after the op to explain everything. (How on earth did he manage to take out a lump and yet my breast hasn't changed shape??) The anesthetist was brilliant and also explained everything to me and came to see me before and afterwards. The breast care nurse was wonderful and all the nurses and staff had such caring and good attitudes. I now have had clear results and am about to see an oncologist and go for radiotherapy. What a good experience for something that would have been life-threatening and awful had it not been for this whole team of wonderful people. Thank you so much for your wonderful and caring practice.

Written by a patient at Broomfield Hospital
10th June 2015

I was diagnosed with breast cancer on my birthday 21st January. I was extremely upset and extremely shocked as I am only 43 years of age. Sascha Dua was absolutely amazing. She was very thorough but also made sure that she kept it very light hearted as she knew that I was an extremely nervous patient. She made little jokes to stop me from getting overstressed which I have to say really helped. On one occasion we were waiting for my results from my lymph node surgery and Sascha took the time to call me at home and give me the great news that they were clear. I know that she is extremely busy and to take time to actually call me I felt was very impressive. When I attend my appointments my sister comes with me and Sascha always remembers her name and is always very friendly and comforting. What an amazing lady. I would just like to take this time to say, thank you, thank you, thank you

Written by a patient at Nuffield Health Brentwood Hospital
21st May 2015

I went to Sascha when I found a lump in my breast and as soon as I met her she put my mind at ease, she explained everything thoroughly, honestly and in a manner that I could understand fully. Within days I had a lumpectomy and just a week on my scar is neat, bruising is minimal and I have nearly full mobility back in my arm. Sascha is professional, caring, understanding, so approachable you can ask her any questions without any qualms and the support she gives you is simply above and beyond. Honestly she is just amazing and without her I don't think I would be feeling as strong and positive as I do. I would highly recommend Sascha to everyone and cannot suggest any improvements as the care I received was excellent.


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Sascha Dua FRCS MD is a Consultant Breast Surgeon with specialist training in Oncoplastics, Breast reconstruction and a further higher specialism in cosmetics. Sascha went to medical school at Guys and St Thomas's (University of London) and undertook her higher surgical training at leading centres including 4 years at the Royal Marsden Hospital, where she won a scholarship to undertake a doctorate as the first surgical scientist at the Breakthrough Breast Cancer Research Centre, reknowned for its work on the BRCA2 gene and cancer genetics. Sascha was awarded the prestigious Raven Prize in Academic surgery for research in 2007, and has been a specialised breast consultant since 2011 in Mid Essex Hospitals Trust.

Sascha lives in Danbury. For private referrals please contact 01245234474. or info@tpm.org.uk