Mr Shahram Anari was awarded the iWantGreatCare certificate of excellence in 2024 for delivering outstanding care.



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Written by a patient at Birmingham Heartlands Hospital
18th March 2019

Dr anari one of the best he done my nose surgery I use to have problems sleeping and breathing after he done the surgery my nose shape gone better my breathing much better and I can sleep better at night can’t thank him enough

Written by a patient at Spire Parkway Hospital
15th March 2019

I was referred to Mr Anari's clinic with a large lump at the side of my nose. Mr Anari explained the surgical procedure in detail and in a gentle way I could understand and didn't frighten me. On the morning of the surgery ,I was surprised to find that I didn't even feel anxious. Everyone under Mr Anari's leadership, everyone was kind and concerned for my welfare. I felt "safe". I was made comfortable and warm and truly didn't feel a thing. The first night and next day were uncomfortable and I really didn't sleep at all. My face was swollen and tight. I didn't need painkillers after about 24 hours and used an ice-pack just a few times. Mr Anari removed the stitches himself and checked that all was well. Now less than 5 weeks later, it is hardly noticeable. I would advise anyone in similar circumstances to go ahead and have the surgery---the safest option. I am deeply grateful to Mr Anari for his knowledge and skill and his priority concern for my welfare.

Written by a patient at Spire Parkway Hospital
8th March 2019

I had MOHs surgery for basal carcinoma on my nose by Dr AlRawi, followed by forehead flap nose reconstruction by Mr Anari. I am pleased to say after 3 months my nose is looking much better and healing really well. Every time I have seen Mr Anari he has given the very best care, compassion and he makes you very confident in what he is going to do. I will totally recommend him for this type of surgery.Obviously a very worrying time when going through it but the end result is just amazing.i was in pain at times during the recovery but it was expected and the medication was always there.i would recommend both Mr Al Rawi and Mr Anari to anyone going through this.the kindness and skill they both show is exactly what's needed when going through a very traumatic time.

Written by a patient at Birmingham Heartlands Hospital
19th February 2019

If you are about to under go surgery with Mr Anari, I would like to reassure you, that you will be in the very best hands! In September 2018, I under went surgery to remove a BCC from my nose, at Solihull Dermatology Unit. The day after, I went into Heartlands hospital, where Mr Anari and his team, carried out a 'Forehead Flap' (a live graft on to my nose with skin from my forehead). The prospect of this was rather daunting, especially as there was an added risk, with me being a kidney transplant patient. However, I was immediately put at ease from the moment that I met Mr Anari. He explained everything so well and was very kind, caring and very approachable. I am so happy to say, that the operation was a great success and my nose looks absolutely incredible; all thanks to the sheer brilliance of Mr Anari. I am in complete awe of him. My Renal Consultant was also so impressed with the care and attention from Mr Anari and what an amazing job he made of my nose! I cannot thank you enough Mr Anari.

Written by a patient at Birmingham Heartlands Hospital
11th February 2019

Mr Anari is a friendly, warm and professional doctor. He explains well the procedure and aftercare and appears genuinely interested in his patients and has a caring attitude. His rebuild of my ear was efficient, highly professional and a total success. I can't thank him enough for his dedication and skill.


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ENT Consultant Surgeon with a Specialist Interest in Nasal Problems