Mr Robert Winterton was awarded the iWantGreatCare certificate of excellence in 2024 for delivering outstanding care.



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7th January 2023

I had Gyneacomastia surgery with Mr Winterton, I am a young 31 year old male and had been conscious of this for a long time. The surgery went even better than expected. Would highly recommend and very pleased with the results.

3rd January 2023

After having four children I had been very unhappy with a stretched tummy, and muscle separation (Diastasis recti), I was size 14 on top and 12 on the bottom, so I guess you could say my body shape is an inverted triangle, therefore I usually would put weight on around my middle, so I knew an abdominoplasty was what I wanted. My journey began in 2021, after several consultations with other potential surgeons I was not feeling wholly reassured by my experiences. As my search continued I found Mr Winterton's name repeatedly popping up again and again on forums with endless amazing transformations and before and after pics. After reading reviews on his work, manner, skill and care, how could I not go for a consultation. My initial contact with Vicki (Receptionist) was a positive experience, she was friendly, and took time to inform me of the general process of having a consultation, she also reassured that Mr Winterton would be completely transparent and open with me with what could be achieved, and if there were any questions I could always contact them. During my consultation, Mr Winterton's manner was more than what I had read of him, there was an empathic side as I relayed my medical history, and how I was affected by my appearance under my clothes. The huge difference between Mr Winterton and the other surgeons I consulted with, is that he took into consideration my medical history and explained due to previously having a blood clot (DVT) after a caesarean, that unfortunately he would not be able to operate unless I'd had specific blood tests that proved I did not have any clotting disorders. Whilst I was upset at this set back, I found myself so grateful that my life was taken seriously and that ethical practice was high on Mr Winterton's agenda. Further to this, I was also required to have a consultation with Dr Patrick Waits 'Anaesthetists' (who was also very thorough), regarding a rare condition I had to make sure going under anaesthesia would be safe for me. When all my results came back clear, Mr Winterton was then happy to do my surgery, and I was ecstatic for him to finally make my tummy better than what it was. Overall I guess you could say, Mr Winterton was open and upfront and extremely thorough in every manner, making sure I was well enough to operate on, managing my expectations, telling me what he could realistically achieve for my body type, as well as what to expect during the healing process. After my surgery, I felt like a different person, once the bandages came off I was blown away by what I saw, an extremely neat scar, no excess skin, and a tummy that I'd no longer need to fold into my jeans. A year after my surgery, where my skin was previously stretched during pregnancy, it had become a little loose, again Mr Winterton's frankness lent itself to suggesting taking a slither of skin away under a local anaesthesia, this was a straight forward procedure of which took a couple of weeks to heal. I feel from my experience that Mr Winterton fits the entire criteria of how a surgeon should conduct themselves. Ultimately, Mr Winterton and his staff make an outstanding team, from start to finish I have felt looked after by all, I cannot fault the patient care I have received. Thank you Mr Winterton.

21st December 2022

After losing over 9 stone I had issues with loose skin on my arms , thighs and stomach so in April I booked an appointment to see Rob. He looked at each area and suggested what I needed and I went away to think about it. I had my 2nd consultation and said to him everything you suggested I wanted. From then on I haven’t looked back. On the 22nd September I had a fleur de lis tummy tuck, arm lift and thigh lift. On day 6 I had my dressings removed and you could really see then the amazing work Rob had done it really is truly remarkable. Rob and his team are absolutely amazing. Rob is a true professional taking the time to listen to your needs and answers any questions you might have. Rob is a very skilled surgeon and I felt 100% confident having him as my surgeon. Vicky his assistant was also fantastic getting back to you with appointments, price etc. I’m 3 months down the line now and have to say it’s the best thing I have ever done. If your looking for a cosmetic surgeon I wouldn’t look any further than Rob Winterton and his team.

7th December 2022

my tummy tuck And to say I am delighted with the results would be an understatement. So why have I waited 2 years to write a review? Purely to give a completely rounded review. I am still as amazed today by what he has managed to achieve as I was 2 years ago. The transformation can only be described as epic. The positive impact it has had on me has truly surprised me it has given me confidence I never thought was possible. I would give Mr Winterton 11 out of 10 not only for the results he produces, but for managing my expectations. On my 1st consultation he advised that I needed to lose some more weight to bring down my BMI which I did. I held up my end of the deal and he more than fulfilled his. Both the before and aftercare I received was world class the team that work with Mr Winterton are as dedicated as he is and I would recommend them without hesitation. All that remains for me to do is to thank Mr Winterton and the team for changing my life I am truly the happiest I have been in years

30th November 2022

Mr Winterton was great - he was very reassuring without being patronising and listened carefully to my hoped-for outcomes, whilst also trying to communicate what was possible. I am really happy with my breast reduction results. I also appreciate that he suggests very few post-care products - if you watch YouTube or do research, you think you have to buy all sorts of products for scars, but ultimately my body has done most of the work by itself.


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Thank you for looking me up!
I count myself very lucky to specialise in surgery that makes such a positive difference to people’s lives. With 17 years’ experience in plastic surgery and cosmetic surgery, my expertise covers everything from tummy tucks to microsurgical limb reconstruction in children.
So, whatever you are looking for, you can be confident you will be in safe hands.

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