Mr Patrick Lusty was awarded the iWantGreatCare certificate of excellence in 2024 for delivering outstanding care.



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Written by a patient at Spire Wellesley Hospital
23rd April 2019

Two months ago I had a total left hip replacement in the Southend Wellesley Hospital Mr Patrick Lusty carried out the operation and his very professional approach coupled with a readiness to answer all my questions gave me confidence that I was in safe hands. After the operation he came to check on my progress at least twice a day. Thanks to him and his team I have been able to start getting back without pain to my normal activities.

8th May 2019
Response from Mr Patrick Lusty

Thank you very much for taking the time to leave this review. I am pleased you are recovering well and I wish you well for the future. Patrick Lusty

Written by a patient at Southend Hospital
16th April 2019

I had a serious fall and fractured my left hip very badly. I was operated on my Mr Lusty at Southend Hospital on the NHS. Mr Lusty decided the best option was to give me a total hip replacement as the damage was so severe. It is now 11 weeks on and I would like to thank him for making an extremely upsetting and scary experience far less traumatic. He made me feel safe and explained the whole procedure very clearly to me.. He professionalism is second to none yet there is a kind, compassionate side to him. My scar is extremely neat and I have made good recovery (particularly it was a trauma as well as a hip replacement). I would have no doubt in recommending him. He is a highly skilled, knowledgable surgeon. Everyone I have spoken to who have helped me through this procedure have only the utmost respect for Mr Lusty and I totally agree and appreciate how lucky I was that he was on duty that day. I would like to add that all his team and all the staff at Southend Hospital work very hard and were all very kind.

8th May 2019
Response from Mr Patrick Lusty

Thank you very much for taking the time to write this review. I am so glad you have recovered well. Best wishes Patrick Lusty

Written by a patient at Spire Wellesley Hospital
31st March 2019

Mr Lusty is simply the best. His expertise is second to none. I never dreamed that a total knee replacement could have been done with so little post op pain! The whole experience from initial consultation to discharge and physio has been wonderful. Mr Lusty gave me so much confidence to go ahead with the surgery. Simple explanations of the poor condition of both my knees and no nonsense straight talking about what to expect. Within 48hrs of the op I was walking with only 1 stick and after only 1 week I could walk with no sticks at all. I was very apprehensive about having a spinal block anaesthetic, but I was put at ease and helped to decided it was the best option. They were right. spinal block is so much better than a general anaesthetic. No sickness and I was drinking tea within an hour of surgery in the recovery bay. and eating a sandwich when back on the ward. I had to retire early from a very physical job because of the pain in both knees. I could not stand long enough to do my garden, cook, do housework or even walk in the park with my grandchildren . 6 weeks post op and I feel like iv'e got my life back. What a joy to be able to stand for more than 5 mins! Now I can't wait to have the other knee done and improve my mobility even more. I can't thank Mr Lusty enough for his incredible skill and his team for all their care. I feel very honoured and lucky to have received my treatment from this team. Geraldine Brown

31st March 2019
Response from Mr Patrick Lusty

Thank you very much for taking the time to give this feedback. I am so glad you have done well after your knee replacement. The best outcomes after knee replacement are are when patients work hard on their rehabilitation so you should credit yourself with your recovery. Best wishes Patrick Lusty

Written by a patient at Spire Wellesley Hospital
27th March 2019

Mr Lusty has quite literally given me back my life. Some years ago Mr Lusty did a knee repair for me and I was up and about the next day. At the time he did suggest that I would need a new hip but like all people I thought I was indestructible! After some years of increasing pain and diminishing ability to go about ordinary tasks I was lucky enough to have a referral back to Mr. Lusty. From the first meeting Mr Lusty took time to explain the whole procedure, risks involved and proposed outcomes not from some rattled off script but genuinely tailored to me. Unlike other surgeons there was direct eye contact, a hint of humour and total confidence that he would do everything possible to make life better for me. A previous surgeon had terrified me with a throw away remark about arthritis in my spine. As my mother is severely disabled with the same condition I was devastated to hear that news. Mr Lusty immediately told me that although he could not cure the arthritis in my spine the new hip would undoubtedly help relieve some of the back pain I was experiencing. I was admitted on a Monday and operated on the same afternoon. A spinal anaesthetic was administered. Much better and quicker to recover from than the total knock out anaesthetic. The whole team were dedicated to making me feel relaxed and confident. I very much enjoyed chatting to the anaesthetist during the operation. I was up later that day with the help of the nursing staff and by the following Wednesday morning was ready to go home. I did abandon the codeine given to me as I found it too strong. I have used paracetamol in diminishing amounts since and only when I felt it necessary. Within a week walking aids were abandoned and I was managing to get around with confidence. My back pain had largely disappeared and the joy of being able to walk without terrible grinding pain was miraculous. The two follow up visits to the physio Steve were very helpful and reassuring. I am now in fine fettle and have started joining my husband to walk our lively dog. Seven weeks last Monday since the operation and last evening celebrated with a walk up the hill with the dog. I am 67 this year but feel that number is irrelevant! I plan to walk the hills for years to come and at last play with my grandchildren again. I will be forever grateful to such a talented surgeon who has made this possible. Thank you Mr Lusty.

31st March 2019
Response from Mr Patrick Lusty

Thank you for taking the time to leave this feedback. If you have a stiff arthritic hip you have to move your spine more to walk. This means your spine has to work harder increasing the rates of back pain. A hip replacement in these circumstances can improve back pain and a good hip replacement is one of the best operations in medicine. Best wishes Patrick Lusty

Written by a patient at Spire Wellesley Hospital
8th March 2019

My experience in the hospital was excellent. I found the staff to be patient and kind as I was especially nervous about the procedure. Mr. Lusty's expertise was self evident, i found him to be reassuring and considerate throughout the whole time. The operation has conformed to my expectations and I am very grateful to Mr. Lusty.

31st March 2019
Response from Mr Patrick Lusty

Thank you very much for taking the time to leave this feedback. I am glad all went well. Best wishes Patrick Lusty


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Specialises in

  • Orthopaedic and Trauma Surgery


Treatment information
Some of the principal treatments carried out by Mr Patrick Lusty include:
Hip replacement surgery Joint manipulation treatment Joint pain treatment (joint injections) Knee arthroscopy surgery Knee ligament surgery Knee replacement,Sports injury and sports medicine

Professional profile
I have been a consultant orthopaedic surgeon since 2007. I completed international fellowships specialising in joint replacement and sports medicine surgery. I am an expert in hip and knee surgery.
I specialise in hip and knee surgery. I perform minimally invasive joint replacement surgery, revision (redo) joint replacement surgery of the hip and knee. I also practice soft tissue knee surgery such as arthroscopy (keyhole surgery), and arthroscopic anterior cruciate reconstruction surgery, and meniscal (cartilage) repair and resection.
I have been running a busy consultant practice for over ten years. I have performed more than 2000 primary joint replacements (hips and knees) and more than 200 revision joint replacements (redo hips and knees) on the national joint registry. My outcomes outperform the expected in terms of revision rates on the national joint register and patient function from Amplitude outcome data (from data of over 1000 patients at Spire Wellesley) I perform many knee arthroscopic procedures including anterior cruciate reconstructions. To ensure optimum patient outcomes I recruit my patients to the Amplitude clinical outcome system for long term follow up (
I welcome appropriate patients wishing to refer and pay for treatment themselves without the need for a GP's letter of referral. I am available for appointments at the Spire Wellesley Hospital on Monday, Thursday morning, evening and Saturday morning.

Nearest Orthopaedic and trauma surgeons