Mr Patrick Lusty was awarded the iWantGreatCare certificate of excellence in 2024 for delivering outstanding care.



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Written by a patient at Spire Wellesley Hospital
28th February 2020

Mr Lusty undertook a total hip replacement for me. I have a pacemaker which can be affected by certain diathermy apparatus during surgery. I was totally impressed to learn that Mr Lusty had consulted with the cardiologist about this issue prior to my surgery. My opinion is that Mr Lusty is a perfectionist with great attention to detail. Two weeks after discharge I had a slight problem with an allergic reaction to the wound dressing and as a result was seen immediately by Mr Lusty himself who prescribed treatment and saw me every few days until the problem was resolved. My new hip is amazing, after two weeks I was walking with no sticks and was pain free. I am glad Mr Lusty is young

4th June 2020
Response from Mr Patrick Lusty

Thank you very much for taking the time to write a review. I try to pre-empt any problems, and if something is not going perfectly I want to get involved as soon as possible to sort it out. Best wishes Patrick Lusty

Written by a patient at Spire Wellesley Hospital
3rd February 2020

Honest, straightforward, caring attention together with expert evaluation and recommendations. Professional surgery to the highest standard, with aftercare visits and post operation consultations. The Spire hospital provided associated care to the highest standard.

4th June 2020
Response from Mr Patrick Lusty

Thank you very much for taking the time to write a review. I am very glad everything went so well. Best wishes Patrick Lusty

Written by a patient at Spire Wellesley Hospital
30th November 2019

Excellent service from the beginning to the end. Thank you.

1st March 2020
Response from Mr Patrick Lusty

Thank you for taking the time to leave this review. I am glad you appreciated the care we gave you. Best wishes Patrick Lusty

Written by a patient at Spire Wellesley Hospital
21st August 2019

I received a total hip replacement on 3rd July 2019, was up and out of bed same day and home the following day. When I met Mr. Lusty I was hugely impressed by his professionalism, high energy, great focus and caring approach to the problems I was experiencing. In my opinion he is surely right at the top of this field in knowledge, patient care and surgical skills. My mobility was so poor I could see I had muscle wastage on my right side and I was housebound through pain and inability to stand up straight. I believe his wonderful, precision surgery has corrected what would have been a life limiting disability. I researched consultants before I went to see Mr. lusty and will always be grateful my good sense and good fortune took me to him. If you need this procedure or are contemplating it, this is the surgeon to go to.

28th August 2019
Response from Mr Patrick Lusty

Thank you for your kind feedback. I am lucky enough to be doing a very successful operation with the support of a great team. I am glad all has gone well. Patrick Lusty

Written by a patient at Southend Hospital
6th August 2019

Mr Lusty carried out revision of canulated screws and a total left hip replacement in March and after 5 months, I have been discharged. I fractured my hip and it was repaired with screws and after some 10 months unfortunately developed necrosis, which meant the bone had died due to lack of blood supply. I had developed leg shortening which made me walk with a bad limp, in fact most of my time was spent resting, due to the the pain I cannot stress how much this operation has improved my life, from immediately after the surgery. I had a general anaesthetic, due to the revision of the screws, but still recovered well and was discharged home on crutches. I had expected severe pain, but am delighted to say that it did not happen. I was advised Paracetamol and codeine, but did not take the latter very often. I did the Physio exercises 3 times a day and progressed to walking with 1 stick extremely quickly. I found the Paracetamol helped and the exercises became easier within a week or so. Prior to my fracture I was at the gym and doing cardiac rehab exercises. This came to a stop with the fracture, but now I am back to walking, all be it a slower pace than before, but then I am an older lady and never ran a marathon before, so that's fine. Mr Lusty, is pleasant, easy to talk to and inspires confidence. He takes the time to listen to you and makes everything sound so straight forward, he has a good sense of humour and is a very pleasant man to deal with. I have only ever heard praise of him from the ward staff. I must also mention his team, who take the time to explain everything fully after the operation. This makes the whole experience much easier.

28th August 2019
Response from Mr Patrick Lusty

Thank you for leaving this review. A fractured hip can often be fixed rather than replaced, Some repairs are at risk of avascular necrosis which unfortunately happened here. I am glad your hip is now working well and that the team all helped improve your experience.


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Specialises in

  • Orthopaedic and Trauma Surgery


Treatment information
Some of the principal treatments carried out by Mr Patrick Lusty include:
Hip replacement surgery Joint manipulation treatment Joint pain treatment (joint injections) Knee arthroscopy surgery Knee ligament surgery Knee replacement,Sports injury and sports medicine

Professional profile
I have been a consultant orthopaedic surgeon since 2007. I completed international fellowships specialising in joint replacement and sports medicine surgery. I am an expert in hip and knee surgery.
I specialise in hip and knee surgery. I perform minimally invasive joint replacement surgery, revision (redo) joint replacement surgery of the hip and knee. I also practice soft tissue knee surgery such as arthroscopy (keyhole surgery), and arthroscopic anterior cruciate reconstruction surgery, and meniscal (cartilage) repair and resection.
I have been running a busy consultant practice for over ten years. I have performed more than 2000 primary joint replacements (hips and knees) and more than 200 revision joint replacements (redo hips and knees) on the national joint registry. My outcomes outperform the expected in terms of revision rates on the national joint register and patient function from Amplitude outcome data (from data of over 1000 patients at Spire Wellesley) I perform many knee arthroscopic procedures including anterior cruciate reconstructions. To ensure optimum patient outcomes I recruit my patients to the Amplitude clinical outcome system for long term follow up (
I welcome appropriate patients wishing to refer and pay for treatment themselves without the need for a GP's letter of referral. I am available for appointments at the Spire Wellesley Hospital on Monday, Thursday morning, evening and Saturday morning.