Mr Mark Wevill was awarded the iWantGreatCare certificate of excellence in 2024 for delivering outstanding care.



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Written by a patient at Optegra
28th April 2020

From start to finish the information sharing , the staff interaction and the reassurance provided by Mark Wevilland his Optegra team was exemplary. To say I was nervous about handing over control of my eyesight to someone that I had only ever read about is probably the biggest understatement ever. However frustration and exasperation with either , losing glasses , forgetting glasses or repeatedly taking them off and on motivated me to make the necessary enquires and attend the free consultation that was on offer. From that initial assessment of my eyes my determination grew to proceed with Lens replacement surgery. I was still nervous but I was reassured . Meeting Mark Wevill was pivotal in consolidating my decision to definitely have the surgery. He was warm , confident , positive and approachable. What impressed me most was his personal attention to detail he was attentive and I felt he took time to individualise my care. Following my surgery his follow up and aftercare service was also reassuring . He rang to check on my well being and progress and I was able to personally contact him. The outcome of my Lens replacement surgery is all I hoped it would be , I have excellent vision , I am able to read short and long distance , no fumbling around or groping for spectacles and no more squinting of eyes . It is not an inexpensive procedure , but for me the describe factor was what price can you put on good eyesight ? My quality of life has improved significantly and You can’t put a price on that .

1st May 2020
Response from Mr Mark Wevill

What a lovely review, thank you so much!

Written by a patient at Optegra
27th April 2020

I have been wearing glasses from the day I was born, I had been doing a lot of research into what procedure was right for me, this was ( ICL) after confirming this Dr Wevill explained both positives and negatives of the operation, listened to any concerns I had. The atmosphere was relaxed and I enjoyed having a laugh , all the staff showed their personality’s and this made for comfortable atmosphere. Dr Wevill on the day of the Procedure made me feel at ease. There was some great tunes playing on the radio. The overall care and professional manner made this experience outstanding and the ability to contact Mark anytime to discuss any concerns. This makes me feel that care is at the forefront.

1st May 2020
Response from Mr Mark Wevill

I'm pleased you enjoyed my playlist & thanks for your kind words!

Written by a patient at Optegra
26th April 2020

I had decided to take the plunge and have laser eye surgery (SMILE) after wearing glasses for roughly 15 years. Throughout the entire operation, Mark’s professionalism and friendliness (including his team) put myself at ease. The operation was very swift (lasting roughly 15-20 minutes), shortly later I was then free to go home and recover. I instantly noticed a massive improvement with my vision and not only that Mark had phoned me later in the day to see how I was getting on and if I had any problems. This is greatly appreciated and now there is someone I can contact personally if I have any questions/concerns with my vision. I highly recommend anyone who is considering laser eye surgery to go for it. I can’t thank Mark enough for changing my life! Yahya

1st May 2020
Response from Mr Mark Wevill

Thanks for your great review Yahya & I'm pleased you're smiling after SMILE treatment. Thanks again.

Written by a patient at Optegra
23rd April 2020

Last summer I had finally had enough of wearing contact lenses and glasses so decided to pursue my dream of unaided vision. I am so glad I did because after a couple of brief procedures, I have 20/20 vision which is still a novelty after years of waking up to a very blurred world! My sight is all thanks to the amazing skill of Mark Wevill whose care and expertise have given me the wonderful gift of sight. If you are like I was, don’t hesitate! I can not recommend Mr Wevill and his team highly enough. I am so very grateful for what to them is routine but to me has been life changing.

24th April 2020
Response from Mr Mark Wevill

I'm pleased you pursued your dream & you're so happy with the result. Take care & thank you for writing this review.

Written by a patient at Optegra
21st April 2020

Mr Weville immediately put me at ease, dispelling any nerves/doubts. He was very thorough with his examination, explaining in detail the procedure, aftercare, etc. The operation went painlessly and smoothly (and took less than 20 mins), and by 6pm that evening I could already see better than I ever had. Mr Weville phoned me at home to make sure I was OK and assured me I could call anytime if I had concerns. My aftercare was exemplary and the only negative - if it can be called such - is that I wish I'd been on a position to do it years ago. As corny as it sounds, Mr Weville and the team have given me a whole new life. Thank you.

22nd April 2020
Response from Mr Mark Wevill

Thank you, I'm pleased your quality of life is so much better. Take care.


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A Fellow of the Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh, Mark Wevill has been restoring vision with cataract, lens exchange and laser eye surgery for over 20 years. He has postgraduate qualifications from the Royal College of Ophthalmologists and has been invited to speak at over 20 surgeon conferences. And he regularly works in Eye Hospitals in Africa.
0121 4870877