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Written by a patient at Queen's Hospital
13th December 2018

A true hero! In 2014 I had a skiing accident and suffered a serious knee injury. I cannot speak highly enough of Mr Alam’s skill, expertise and caring nature. Mr Alam was brilliant at explaining things and willingly answered the long list of questions I bought to each appointment! Four years on from my ACL reconstruction and MCL repair, I am now more active than I was before my accident. I thank Mr Alam from afar for every exercise class I complete and each new hike I conquer!

Written by a patient at Oaks Hospital
19th November 2018

I had total confidence in Mr Alam, I quickly recovered after my total knee replacement and have been pain free for over 6 months and pain killer free as well.

Written by a patient at Oaks Hospital
20th October 2018

A huge thank you from me to Mr Alam. I am now 6 months down the line from my ACL reconstruction . As an ageing ballet teacher who managed to rupture her ACL skiing (obviously not very well!) the first thought was that I would be too old to undergo the repair operation. Mr Alam took the time to get to know me and totally bought into my need to have two fully functioning knees to enable me to live the active life I aspire too in the future. He was honest about the process, and yes it was painful immediately afterwards, but I followed his advice to the letter, and got on with all the exercises from day 1. With the help of a fabulous private physio, we used lots of ice, hydro therapy and plain old fashioned exercises and now I'm literally skipping around as usual. I can't recommend Mr. Alam highly enough. He is positive, patient and proficient.

Written by a patient at Oaks Hospital
15th October 2018

I first met Mr Alam in Nov 2017. Mr Alam is a lovely person easy to talk to and who takes the time to listen to any concerns and advise accordingly. He was extremely thorough explaining the procedure for my TKR showing me the results of my MRI scan and why the operation was necessary. He was honest about the pain involved in the procedure and the on-going hard work involved to get back to full recovery. Seven months on I'm walking well,painfree and back in the gym! You couldn't ask for a kinder more caring Doctor. The care I received from staff at the Oaks Hospital was 100%

Written by a patient at Oaks Hospital
4th October 2018

Very satisfied with the great care I received from Mr Alam and all at the Oaks hospital


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Consultant Orthopaedic Knee Surgeon

Specialist interests:
- Arthroscopic (Keyhole) Surgery
- Arthroscopic Meniscal Repair
- Knee Ligament Surgery (ACL Reconstruction and ACL Repair, PCL, PLC, MCL, Anterior-Lateral Ligament)
- Multiligament Knee Surgery, Revision Knee Ligament Surgery
- Patellar Instability/Dislocations, MPFL Reconstruction, Re-alignment
- Stem Cell and Cartilage Transplants, Platelet-Rich Plasma
- Knee Preservation Surgery (Partial Knee Replacement, Patellofemoral Resurfacing, High Tibial Osteotomy, Distal Femoral Osteotomy)
- Total Knee Replacement
- Complex Primary and Revision Knee Replacement
- Total Hip Replacement

Nearest Orthopaedic and trauma surgeons