Mr Greg Rudol was awarded the iWantGreatCare certificate of excellence in 2024 for delivering outstanding care.



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Written by a patient at Leeds General Infirmary
24th September 2020

I would really recommend Mr Rudol. He listened to what I had to say and took my pain seriously. I found him to be very thorough in trying to establish where the pain in back/hips was originating from, and he was very detailed and patient when explaining my options. I found Mr Rudol to be approachable and friendly, whilst remaining professional. Thank you Mr Rudol.

Written by a patient at Spire Leeds Hospital
22nd August 2020

I had been struggling with severe low back pain and sciatic pain down my left leg for over 6 months with worsening symptoms and the traditional treatments and medication were not working for me. I met with Mr Rudol who was keen to understand my symptoms and the impact on my life. He explained the possible causes and within 2 weeks I had the diagnoses which was a prolapsed disc and significant nerve compression. This was on the midst of Covid so the turnaround was impressive. Given the severity of the condition we agreed on surgery. I will admit that the thought of spinal surgery was terrifying to me. The Covid 19 risk added additional concerns but Mr Rudol was very straightforward and gave me all the information around the surgery itself, the statistics and the outlooks this surgery can provide to patients. He was very candid and explained the results in a meaningful way I could understand. In truth I was in so much pain and the condition was so limiting to me and impacting my family and work life - I just wanted the surgery to be done asap. This was arranged very quickly. I saw Mr Rudol before the Op. He was very reassuring and his team were great. The surgery was a couple of hours. I was able to get out of bed later the same afternoon and move around a little. The next day Mr Rudol came to check on me and I was able to be discharged. The rehab can be up and down. You are sore and stiff some days are better than others. This is all very normal and I was told what to expect in terms of timeline and how I may feel. I walked every day and kept as mobile as I could- again this was emphasised by Mr Rudol as the best way to get a good result from the surgery. After 6 weeks the surgery scar is very small (about 1.5 inch) the surgery pain is gone. There is some leg pain but the level is minor compared to pre surgery. It takes a while for nerves to settle so I'm optimistic this will settle further. Again these results were explained to me to set expectations. Overall the information and care provided to me was top notch. For me personally, the fear of the spinal surgery was allayed by the level of information and the confidence shown by Mr Rudol.

Written by a carer at Nuffield Hospital Leeds
14th July 2020

I am the mother of a patient currently recovering from recent successful surgery. I want to express my sincere appreciation to Mr Rudol and his team from the perspective of family members. Just over 2 years ago my son was injured in a road traffic accident, sustaining neck injuries, his increasing incapacity meant that he has been unable to work or enjoy life since then. It is difficult to watch a loved one deteriorate, suffering pain and incapacity over a prolonged period with the resulting anxiety and depression as debilitating as the physical trauma. I am overwhelmed by Mr Rudols' skill which almost immediately restored a great deal of function and mobility after lengthy surgery. After less than a week my son is now looking forward positively to rehab and an eventual return to work. In addition to the medical and nursing skills which we come to expect, it is kindness and care which encourages recovery. Initially my son had many misgivings about embarking upon extensive surgery, made worse by anxiety. During consultations he felt listened to and all his questions were answered, this allowed him to set aside his fears and accept the option of surgery. An initial date for surgery was cancelled 8 months ago due to the Covid pandemic but thankfully rescheduled forJuly, hospital visiting was not possible, adding to the stress but family enquiries were dealt with promptly and in a sensitive way by nursing staff. We are all aware that medical personnel are working under extremely challenging conditions and feel that everything possible was done to make the stay as comfortable as possible. Our only comment as to how his management could have been improved since his referral for surgery relates to administrative aspects and is no reflection upon Mr Rudol or his team. In these difficult Covid times I would like to encourage others who may be considering surgery to proceed with confidence and place themselves in the very capable hands of Mr Rudol.

Written by a patient at The Spire Elland Hospital
7th March 2020

I would definitely recommend Greg Rudol he is an excellent surgeon, he has made my everyday life pain free. Before my operation I was in a lot of pain with a cyst pressing on my sciatic nerve. I had a few consultations with Mr Rudol prior to the operation and he went into great detail about the procedure and described how he would remove the cyst and remove some bone from my spine (laminectomy). It is now 7 weeks since my operation and I am now back driving, going to Pilates and back to dancing. If I wouldn’t have had the surgery, I would have still been in a lot of pain and my lifestyle would have been sedentary. Thank you Mr Rudol.

Written by a patient at Spire Leeds Hospital
11th February 2020

I am very pleased with the support provided by Mr Rudol throughout my consultations and subsequent operation. I was advised on the expected outcome of the surgery and thankfully the outcome exceeded this expectation.


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Elective and emergency spinal surgery - cervical, thoracic and lumbar.

Nearest Orthopaedic and trauma surgeons