Mr Andrew Carrothers was awarded the iWantGreatCare certificate of excellence in 2024 for delivering outstanding care.



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Written by a patient at Spire Cambridge Lea Hospital
17th December 2020

I had a MAKO robotic knee replacement in November 2020 with Andrew Carrothers, and have had my new knee for six weeks. The first couple of weeks were quite hard. Each time there was a reduction in pain medication it was difficult. There seemed to be an endless round of pain relief, exercises and cold packs on my knee and the bruising was astonishing. At first I could move my leg a couple of inches, but by the end of two weeks I managed to get a bend of around 90 degrees and could fully straighten the leg. Also by two weeks I could reduce to using a single crutch indoors and manage to get into our over-bath shower. After that progress seemed much quicker. I stopped using crutches in week five. By six weeks I can do all the exercises fully and I have been walking with walking poles about 3km per day. So I am very pleased and looking forward to more walking and less stiffness over the coming weeks, and hope to get back to long walks over time. Sleep is still tricky but definitely improving.

Written by a patient at Nuffield Hospital Cambridge
14th December 2020

Just wanted to pop back and say i have just been to see Mr Carrothers for my 1 year post operative check - I had Right side THR performed using the Mako Robotic arm. Everything is perfectly as it should be, an I can honestly say i am amazed at the recovery - my renewed vigor for life and the expertise that Mr Carrothers displays, he is truly one of the very best. I can only speak of my outcome and will certainly be going back to see him when my left hip finally falls off the cliff! Thank you Andrew.

Written by a patient at Spire Cambridge Lea Hospital
11th December 2020

I was in extreme pain with my hip and because of Covid-19 was unable to have a hip replacement on the NHS so when I went to see Mr Carrothers at the Nuffield he confirmed the urgency with which I needed the operation and gave me an appointment at the earliest opportunity. Seven weeks on from my MAKO assisted hip replacement I am fully mobile and pain free.

Written by a patient at Nuffield Hospital Cambridge
30th November 2020

I was reluctant to have my hip replacement but once I had my first consultation with Mr Carrothers he was so professional and understanding and explained the procedure in layman’s terms, that once the scans confirmed that I needed the hip replacement I did not hesitate to have the procedure The procedure was successful and I would not hesitate in recommending Mr Carrothers. I am now on the road to recovery

Written by a patient at Spire Cambridge Lea Hospital
24th November 2020

Always seemed to genuinely care about me as an individual and how the condition affected my life style. Felt that he really wanted to help and enjoys his role as someone who can alleviate another's difficulties. Maintains an excellent balance of being very reassuring whilst at the same time being at the cutting edge of his profession in terms of technology and technique; my recovery has been rapid and the results excellent, which I am in no doubt is due to his skill as a surgeon and the technology involved. A complicated process was simply explained so that I clearly understood it all and felt very relaxed about it. I would whole heartedly recommend Mr Carrothers to anybody who needed a similar type of surgery.


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Andrew is a specialist hip and knee surgeon with interests in pelvic & acetabular surgery, hip and knee replacements, ankle and lower limb trauma reconstructive surgery.

Since 2012 he has been a Consultant in Trauma & Orthopaedic Surgery at Addenbrookes, Cambridge University Hospital NHS Foundation Trust. He also consults and operates at the Spire Lea Cambridge and Nuffield Health Cambridge Hospitals. In addition he is a Trauma and Orthopaedic Surgeon in the Royal Army Medical Corps (V), having served in both Iraq and Afghanistan.

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