Mr Andrew Carrothers was awarded the iWantGreatCare certificate of excellence in 2024 for delivering outstanding care.



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Written by a private patient at Nuffield Hospital Cambridge
14th March 2023

I had two knee arthroscopy approx 4 years ago now as I have an old skiing injury on one knee which had previously had 2 arthroscopy inc ACL reconstruction with another surgeon some years before. I was increasingly getting a lot of pain in the 'good' knee due to overloading & the knee with the original injury was getting increasingly painful again. I was at the point where even cycling was getting painful, let alone walking the dogs. I was actively avoiding stairs & my knees were starting to really impact on my every day life. Scans show that I now have v little cartilage in both knees, I think also a slight tear in one meniscus again (it was a while ago & ive had 4 ops now so lost track slightly!) as well as wear & tear on back of patella. Mr Carrothers listened to my needs, and lifestyle and helped make a plan around what worked best for me & spent time discussing various treatment options & long term care. He also then helped work around my competition schedule for ops & follow up injections as post op care. We decided to go with N-Stride PRP in both knees post op to help protect them from further damage. I am now 4 or 5 years post op and having moved to North Yorkshire, I'm walking the dogs on the big hills on the moors, and am also now managing to do weighted squats at the gym which is helping me get my legs stronger to protect my knees. I frequently now choose to take the stairs too. Squats & stairs are two things I wouldn't really ever be doing again till I got new knees All in all, I couldn't be happier with the outcome & am feeling like new knees are now quite some time away rather than round the corner

Written by a private patient at Nuffield Hospital Cambridge
13th March 2023

I had a right hip replacement on the 10th January, 2023 and the result has been fantastic. I am just about back to normal, no pain and driving. I would highly recommend Mr Carrothers and the Nuffield Hospital in Cambridge for an absolutely first class experience. Very good physio aftercare.

Written by a private patient at Nuffield Hospital Cambridge
11th March 2023

Mr Carrothers is a kind and compassionate surgeon, explaining what the operation would entail and put my mind totally at ease. I am very pleased with my new hip. The xray of the new hip revealed the excellent job done by Mr Carrothers. I would highly recommend him.

Written by a private patient at Nuffield Hospital Cambridge
4th March 2023

Totally first class in every way, from initial consultation with complete explanation of procedure and future expectations. Surgery performed with 100% success, without any hesitation would recommend this gentleman. Any possible future surgery needed this would be the surgeon for me, the other hip or indeed knees should the situation arise I would require this surgeon to perform the surgery. His bedside manner exception, polite, calm and so very reassuring.

Written by a private patient at Spire Cambridge Lea Hospital
4th March 2023

I never actually reached the operating table because I developed other symptoms which I was not able to discuss with the doctor because he was so busy according to his secretary. He had suggested partial knee replacements. The curious thing is that one year later without the operation I have very little pain in my knees. It moves around- in my ankle at the moment. I had been walking stiff legged for five years but it suddenly straightened out last November and the pain moved. Unfortunately I was just paying a long visit to the area. I was rather put off seeking to discuss it with him by his secretary. I do not know whether this is a miracle or if I have lost feeling in my knees.


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Andrew is a specialist hip and knee surgeon with interests in pelvic & acetabular surgery, hip and knee replacements, ankle and lower limb trauma reconstructive surgery.

Since 2012 he has been a Consultant in Trauma & Orthopaedic Surgery at Addenbrookes, Cambridge University Hospital NHS Foundation Trust. He also consults and operates at the Spire Lea Cambridge and Nuffield Health Cambridge Hospitals. In addition he is a Trauma and Orthopaedic Surgeon in the Royal Army Medical Corps (V), having served in both Iraq and Afghanistan.

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