
Dr Vinod Kumar Singaravelu

8 reviews


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Written by a NHS patient at Sue Nicholls Centre
15th February 2024

Dr Vinod played a hugely significant part of the treatment for my daughter’s anorexia. Without his support and care, I don’t feel her illness would have got better so soon. He also listened to me as her parent and completely understood what we were also going through in treating our daughter. I’m extremely grateful to him for his kindness and encouragement.

Written by a NHS patient at Sue Nicholls Centre
24th January 2024

Dr Vinod was absolutely incredible, he somehow knew what I was thinking and helped me understand my own thoughts. He listened and helped me to overcome my illness and was the most influential at CAMHS in my recovery, and without his input I doubt I would be as well as I am today.

Written by a NHS patient at Sue Nicholls Centre
25th May 2023

Outstanding support provided to our daughter to help her re-evaluate her views on her self-image and approach to eating. We honestly do not know what would have happened without this intervention. In particular Dr Vinod is excellent at speaking to a child in a way that they feel listened to and consequently they want to pay attention to what he has to say too.

Written by a NHS patient at Sue Nicholls Centre
19th April 2023

I was under the care of Dr Vinod from March 2020 to the beginning of 2023 and I honestly don't think I would've recovered from anorexia without him. He always challenged me which was crucial to my recovery because my illness was so resistant and I trusted nobody to help me. Not only did he help me to finally reflect on the causes of my eating disorder and other struggles, but supported me to challenge this thinking and I believe I could've deteriorated again without his help targeting the causes of my problems. He was firm with my illness where necessary but always respected and included me in a way I didn't feel was shared by any other doctor or nurse in my care- he always gave me as much information as possible about my options with medication and explained processes very thoroughly and clearly to me. This helped me realise I wasn't being manipulated or lied to, and this was necessary for me to let go of my issues trusting anyone to help me get better. I would most importantly like to say that I never felt like Dr Vinod wanted to rush me out of the CAMHS system. Despite my desire to leave the ED Pathway at times due to my illness, he respected my feelings and opinions while encouraging me to continue working at it, and he looked after me consistently rather than focusing on just my eating disorder. I felt that he saw me as a person rather than my illness, meaning he wasn't just trying to 'fix' me but looked at my overall needs. This means that when I left his care, I wasn't only in remission from my eating disorder but I had been helped with referral to the neurodevelopmental pathway and now I have recognition of ADHD and ASD. This has helped me with altering elements of my daily life to make it less overwhelming and also enabled Dr Vinod to create personalised care, including me in my treatment decisions. I cannot thank Dr Vinod enough for changing me and my family's lives and I hope everyone like me finds a doctor as understanding as Dr Vinod.

Written by a NHS patient at Sue Nicholls Centre
30th January 2023

Dr (Vinod) Singaravelu is an incredibly professional and caring clinician who was fundamental in supporting our daughter to a successful recovery from her eating disorder. I do not believe that the outcome to our daughter’s illness would have been as successful without his involvement in the process. Whilst our daughter was his patient, he provided a huge amount of support to both my wife and I, taking time to explain how our daughter’s illness presented and the impact it had on her as well as our family. He treated all of us with great respect, listening to our daughter’s concerns and objections, and despite some difficult sessions he remained calm and demonstrated great empathy throughout. He always found time to talk to us without our daughter present so that he could get our perspective on how things were going and what we were finding challenging. He showed a genuine interest in all of our views, and explained concepts in a very clear manner, using well-chosen examples to help us all understand what was happening and how her illness was impacting her. Crucially, he was consistent with her throughout and usually helped her to come to a conclusion by herself, rather than telling her what to feel or think, and he challenged her in a very constructive way which really worked for her. He treated her with great respect, and always included her in any decisions about her treatment, whether that related to meal plans, medication, or additional counselling. This resulted in our daughter trusting him which was very unusual through a period when she was struggling or unwilling to trust anybody. I cannot thank him enough for the support he gave us. Through the treatment and support he offered our family he genuinely helped to change our lives for the better.


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Child & Adolescent Psychiatrist with a special interest in Eating Disorders and Mood & Stress disorders.

He provides a holistic treatment approach that has an unique blend of life coaching, various psychological models and systemic framework. He sees the individual as a whole rather than just their symptoms and guides them through their difficulties in a professional, gentle, empathic, and reflective manner but equally firm and motivating to get the best out of his patients.

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