I was diagnosed as having stable angina and had an angiogram. Prior to this, I thought I was suffering from Long Covid. Because of Dr Sharma and his colleague Dr Malek's intervention and professionalism, within 3+ weeks, I had a double stent fitting to the right coronary artery which was totally blocked/occluded. I no longer have any of the symptoms of stable angina of chest tightness and slight breathlessness and can walk and cycle as before.
I am so greatly indebted to both these gentlemen that even in these very difficult times for the NHS, I was cared for and treated in a admirable way. I am truly so very grateful and wish to thank them so very much
After describing some mild symptoms to Dr, Sharma he recommended an angiogram to be on the safe side. During this he found unexpectedly dramatic narrowings in my coronary arteries and within an hour had organised an excellent team to perform bypass surgery the next morning. His professionalism certainly saved my life.
After sensitively informing me of the bad news he calmly said that we would have a catch up meeting when I was fit and well after my recovery. It was enormously reassuring and just what I needed to hear at the time.
Dr Sharma is easy to talk to and listen to the symptoms you are describing.
Fantastic consultant who saved my life! Doctor Sharma’s prime focus is genuinely about your well being and care and he went beyond the call of duty with me, he certainly does not focus on his fee’s. I would totally recommend Doctor Sharma.
I have seen Dr Sharma both privately and as an NHS.
In both instances he has been caring and thorough as I feel fortunate to be his patient
Specialises in
- Cardiology
Dr Sharma graduated in 2002 obtaining MBBS with distinction. He subsequently gained MRCP and trained on the South Thames Cardiology Rotation at St. Thomas' and Guys Hospital, Royal Sussex county Hospital, Brighton and King's college Hospital.
Dr Sharma was awarded a prestigious clinical MD Research Fellowship to study the endogenous thrombolysis, platelet functions and cardiovascular risks in high risk population with renal impairment. During this time he published widely in peer reviewed journals including European Heart Journal. He has multiple publications including research articles, review articles and book chapters. He has presented his research at internationally acclaimed cardiology conferences in USA and Europe.
He was appointed Consultant Interventional Cardiologist at Ashford & St Peter’s Hospitals Surrey, UK in 2016.
Dr Sharma has an interest in all aspects of cardiology including diagnostic coronary angiography, coronary physiology assessment with FFR, coronary angioplasty and stent insertion including Complex PCI and rotational atherectomy, intracoronary imaging with IVUS or OCT and cardiac pacing. His specialist interests include management of chest pain, prevention of cardiac risk factors and coronary artery disease.
Dr Sharma continues to take part in clinical research and is Principal investigator in several multi-national randomised control trials. He is also interested in training junior doctors and medical students.
Areas of interest
Interventional Cardiology; Coronary angioplasty and stent insertion; Complex PCI; Rotational Atherectomy; FFR, IVUS, OCT, Heart failure; Hypertension; Valvular heart disease; Atrial Fibrillation; Arrhythmias, Palpitations, Chest pain, Statin intolerance, Prevention of cardiovascular disease and risk factor management. Novel dyslipidaemia treatments.