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Written by a NHS patient at Addenbrooke's Hospital
10th November 2023

Excellent appointment. I was listened to and my condition and treatment were explained fully. I came away and felt hopeful for the first time in a long time!

Written by a NHS patient at Addenbrooke's Hospital
25th November 2021

I was extremely happy with my operation performed by Mr Francis. My care by Addenbrooks before, during and after the operation was brilliant. I will always be grateful to Mr Francis for giving me my life back. He was always very pleasant and explained everything to me through out the whole process. I would definitely recommend Mr Francis to anyone who has been through this awful pain and worry that I had experienced before the operation.

Written by a NHS patient at Addenbrooke's Hospital
5th November 2021

Dr Jibin Francis has been excellent throughout my fourteen weeks of treatment. He has always instilled, in me, total confidence of his abilities and I can honestly say that this has helped me tremendously in staying focused and positive, particularly with my unstable spinal fracture and the possibility of paralysis. I have now been discharged and want to thank Dr Francis and his team for their fantastic support.

Written by a patient at Addenbrooke's Hospital
23rd September 2020

I was treated with care and understanding before and immediately after a spinal operation but during my 12 month telephone review (due to COVID) I felt completely demoralised and depressed because everything he told me was negative and all the symptoms I had would stay with me. I really felt he could have spent a little more time explaining things. At no point did he say anything positive and I felt he just wanted to get me off the phone.

Written by a patient at Addenbrooke's Hospital
20th July 2020

1st saw on 17th march due to having been referred from nhs again as should have had a spine surgery at Woodlands by Mr AmitAmit, but because they have no HDUit had to go back to referral again. Been waiting nearly 2years now for this OP as have very small fracture, 4 bulging discs and bone on bone. This is what xray, ct and mri scans showed Mr Amit, that was why he was going to do op. So that I could get a long term solution to spine problem that is affecting my leg. Mr Francis when I saw him was pleasant enough but I did try to say to him have you read the letter from previous consultant, he dismissed me. Then told me to come of the tramadol before he would look or do anything. I have enough problems remembering things as it is, and because of covid being at the hospital I wasnt allowed anyone else I with me. I have not taken opiates since 26th may. I managed to get another MRI done and Mr Francis phoned me on the 6th july, telling me basically to wait another 6weeks and hopeful see how pain would be. The letter I received about this appointment has no mention of my spine problem or my mri scan just "persistent leg pain" I'm angry because it seems to me very dismissive of the actual pain and problems I have which are caused by my spine. If If Woodlands would have had a HDU I'm certain I'd have been well and truly sorted by now. I know covid is slowing things down. But mr Francis I feel seems not to want to listen to my wants and needs. When it's free to do so I want the spine OP. I've been all thoro everything already at Woodlands. And at least there they knew that the best course of action would be spine surgery which would give me the best outcome. Maybe he thinks my spine isnt worth a mention in his letter of "persistent left leg pain" yet I wouldn't have "persistent left leg pain" if it wasn't for my spine, which is getting worse each day. I'm angry because I'm in excruciating pain as only on pregabalin and not had opioids since end of may. Yet my pain has been getting miles worse over the 8 weeks and I've still got another 6weeks to go "to see how she is progressing and we will discuss further management plans at that stage." I dont like upsetting people and I find it hard to express the way I feel to drs etc. But I just xant keep going anymore pretending I'm ok with this as I'm not. And reading a letter that has no mention whatsoever that I have a spine problem hasn't helped. This is making me feel my life is worth nothing to him


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