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Written by a patient at Worthing Hospital
13th October 2017

Doctor Uncles in our experience is a wonderful human being who happens to be a Doctor, we have been treated with love care and knowledge. With so much patience he explained everything, in a language that we could understand, regarding our worries reassured us and treated us with dignity. We recommend Dr David Uncles to anyone that is in need of medical attention. The antenatal clinic at Worthing is outstanding and it is our opinion that they set the standards on how to give care to human beings, every nurse and training Doctor or anyone that is working in Worthing and Chichester Hospital should spend a week in the Antenatal at Worthing so they can irrore our hospitals with so much compassion often the best medicine to begin any treatment. With gratitude Mr and Mrs Russo, Mark and Serena

13th October 2017

Mr. Uncles exudes confidence and competance and is just the right anaesthetist to prepare a patient for an operation who is of a slightly nervous disposition.

Written by a patient at Worthing Hospital
13th October 2017

I found Dr Uncles extremely helpful and understanding, he explained in detail exactly what was going to happen before and during my procedure, and so when it came time for me to go to theatre I was much more at ease.

Written by a member of staff at Worthing Hospital
9th October 2017

I'm currently on my surgical rotation as a final year medical student at Worthing Hospital and Dr Uncles was my supervisor for the anaesthesia section. I was fortunate enough to have some of the best teaching that I've received at medical school so far from Dr Uncles and his team today. The information was perfectly paced; linking theory directly with clinical practice, and structured so that I could appreciate the scope and breadth of anaesthesia as a specialty in addition to learning several of the core anaesthesia concepts. Physiology and pharmacology combined, I greatly appreciated the enthusiasm, patience and time taken to demonstrate the interplay of alpha, beta and muscarinic receptors with drug MOAs, the clinical skills and the patient interactions. Thank you very much.

5th October 2017

I was very impressed with the care I was given, to the extent that I didn't even realise I had already had the operation. I would highly recommend Dr David Uncles.


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I am a specialist Anaesthetist with interests in Obstetric, Ambulatory and Inpatient anaesthesia. I employ a variety of anaesthetic techniques including general or regional anaesthesia, although I often use them in combination to optimise and enhance patients' peri and post-operative experience.
I am dedicated to putting the patient first through the provision of safe and reassuring care delivered in conjunction with my colleagues and associates.
I was present at the inauguration of the Helsinki Declaration in June 2010. This enshrines the values essential to the promotion of the highest professional and safety standards expected of anaesthetists. It is my hope to match or even exceed the expectations of patients who place their trust in me.