Professor Ajay Mahajan was awarded the iWantGreatCare certificate of excellence in 2024 for delivering outstanding care.



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Written by a patient at The Spire Elland Hospital
2nd January 2017

On a Thursday morning in September, I was told I had a cancerous growth which had to be removed. As I had one removed previously, I did not want to wait the 2-4 weeks it would take for an operation via the NHS. I decided to ring BUPA. They were helpful, and told me to go ahead with contacting a private consultant at the Elland Spire Hospital. The next dayI saw the consultant, who arranged the operation to take place 3 days later. It was all so easy. From the moment I entered Spire Elland everyone was pleasant and helpful whilst remaining very professional, so thank you all very much. Six days later I was sheltering from the hot Autumn sun on a terrace overlooking the Mediterranean sea, whilst my stitches dissolved in their own good time.

Written by a patient at The Spire Elland Hospital
2nd January 2017

Mr Mahajan is a gentleman and a true professional. It was clear to me at my first consultation he has a wealth of experience and expertise in cosmetic surgery. He understood my motivation for the procedure, whilst clearly explaining the risks involved. Ultimately the decision was mine. I was able to make an informed choice and this resulted my trust in Mr Mahajan, as a surgeon. Mr Mahajan is not one for small talk but he does listen to you. He follows through on everything he says and he has never cancelled or changed any appointments, even if he is in surgery late. When I had my surgery, Mr Mahajan met me when I was admitted and talked through what to expect when I went down to theatre. He was there when I woke up and he was very diligent in my after care, both as a patient in the hospital and as an out patient, after my surgery. Mr Mahajan has a great team, they looked after me with skill and care, which made me feel safe after a major operation. I cannot recommend him enough for the brilliant work he has done, he has totally changed my life!

Written by a patient at Yorkshire Clinic
31st December 2016

Bilateral Pinnaplasty After 16 years of having ears which not only were completely different in appearance, but both of which also stuck out almost at right angles. I decided to take the plunge and get something done about them. Mr Ajay Mahajan Plastic Surgeon Of Bradford, Kirklees and Calderdale offered to undertake the operation. From his very prompt response to the initial email to the appointment when the bandages were removed I cannot speak highly enough of his expertise and proffesionalism. The results are Fantastic and well worth the short lived post operative pain. Review by Ben Rhodes. Aged 16

Written by a patient at Yorkshire Clinic
7th November 2016

My labia were very asymmetrical, one was roughly six times the length of other. This was not only causing me very severe physical problems including chafing and sores but also physiological problems, which essentially left me unable to form relationships as I was frightened of showing my body to anyone. Mr Mahajan is a truly exceptional surgeon, he was not only friendly but made me feel very at ease about a problem that I have felt incredibly ashamed about for years. He was very patient and explained every aspect of my surgery and recovery in detail, answering all my questions and calming my nerves! I cannot recommend Mr Mahajan more highly, he is a truly gifted surgeon and I could not be more pleased with the outcome of my surgery, everything has settled beautifully and looks perfect.

Written by a patient at Yorkshire Clinic
7th November 2016

Prior to my surgery my breasts were very asymmetrical, the left breast was a normal shape but a very small AA cup and the right was a tuberous shape and a C cup. This led to me being very body conscious and incredibly ashamed of my appearance, I was very doubtful any surgeon could make them look normal. Prior to surgery I discussed with Mr Mahajan the best way to proceed to get the best possible outcome. He was exceptionally patient in answering all of my questions and discussing all possible options. Firstly, I had anatomical (tear drop) expander implants inserted in both sides, so that both breasts could be evened out and slightly increased in size. Following this I had a second surgery to replace the expander implants with permanent anatomical (tear drop) implants. I also had a small amount of breast tissue removed on the left side so my breasts would match in shape as well as size. I truly cannot believe the wonderful results Mr Mahajan has achieved, my breasts now look completely symmetrical and in proportion with my body, something I would have never dreamed possible. Mr Mahajan definitely is a gifted and very friendly surgeon. 6 weeks on my breasts have settled beautifully, I am so happy and much more confident I can now wear a costume without a t-shirt!


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Professor Mahajan is a very experienced Consultant Plastic Surgeon who takes great pride and derives immense satisfaction from his work that helps change lives for his patients.