Professor Ajay Mahajan was awarded the iWantGreatCare certificate of excellence in 2024 for delivering outstanding care.



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Written by a patient at The Spire Elland Hospital
28th May 2017

I am 54 years old an have had acne scars for most of my adult life an as we get older they looked worse with sagging skin I also had jowls an a turkey neck I say had because I have had my surgery two weeks ago an could not be happier with the results I have had very little bruising the swelling as completely gone now I am going back to work tomorrow having only had two weeks off work if you are considering having a face an neck lift I would highly recommend mr mahajan he was totally professional answered any questions an put me at ease if I am considering any more surgery I would not estate in using him again once again mr mahajan thank you

Written by a patient at Yorkshire Clinic
12th May 2017

Labiaplasty ... For many years I have thought about having this procedure done. I felt ashamed of my body – going for a smear test was so embarrassing, and being intimate with a new boyfriend for the first time was not easy for me. As I got older I found sexual intercourse was becoming more difficult, with my labia getting pulled and stretched, which made things even worse. When the menopause hit, maybe it was hormones, or the lack of them, the excess skin seemed to grow and fill out even more. I'd spent enough time thinking about having this procedure done and I finally decided to act. I spent quite a while researching the procedure on-line (pros and cons, and the various techniques). I found the Realself community to be invaluable in this regard. I also found the names of several plastic surgeons who performed this procedure. I wanted someone in the North of England, so narrowed my research to that area. Almost straight away Mr Mahajan struck me as being a very qualified and competent plastic surgeon – all his reviews are excellent. Although it meant travelling quite a distance I decided to request a consultation with him at the Yorkshire Clinic. He put me at ease straight away. He is professional yet has a gentle manner. After examining me he drew out a diagram and explained the procedure he would carry out on me, gave me plenty of time to ask questions, totally reassured me. I felt he was someone who would do the best job possible, someone I could put my trust in. It's such an intimate part of your body, so it is a big decision. He wanted me to wait 2 weeks before making a final decision. After my consultation I was determined I wanted to go through with it, and as soon as possible, so after about 10 days I got in touch again and confirmed I wanted to go ahead. Fortunately for me he was able to schedule my operation soon after. I had the procedure done under general anaesthetic at the Yorkshire Clinic – everything went really well. I could not believe what a neat job Mr Mahajan had done. He is a truly excellent plastic surgeon. There was hardly any bruising, just a bit of swelling, you could hardly see the stitches. I had taken 'before' pictures of myself and there is absolutely no comparison. Thank you so much Mr Mahajan, you are a truly gifted surgeon! A few weeks further on, I still feel so grateful to him. I've had my post op check up and everything is healing well. I just also want to say thank you to all the people at the Yorkshire Clinic who were involved in my care - they were all so friendly and helpful. I would be totally confident in recommending Mr Mahajan and the Yorkshire Clinic to anyone seeking plastic surgery. I feel so much more confident about my body, I wish I had plucked up the courage years ago to have this done!

Written by a patient at Yorkshire Clinic
3rd May 2017

I am a 23 year old women who has always had small breasts. After taking up regular exercise, as most people will agree the first place it comes off is your breasts and is what happened to me. I had considered having a breast augmentation for about 6 years but never really looking into it properly, until being stable in my career and having been told the Yorkshire Clinic did this surgery. One of the massive things that worried me the most was knowing if the surgeon took pride in their work rather than feeling like “it’s just a job”. I then looked into the surgeons at the Yorkshire Clinic and discussed with the nurses, asking who was most experienced in doing this procedure. To which I found Mr Mahajan, being advised he has more than enough qualifications and is one of his most common procedures. I booked a ‘meet & greet’ with Mr Mahajan, to find out what he was like and ask my prepared questions about the surgery/aftercare. These appointments are only meant to be 10 minutes long, I had been there for 40 minutes which was reassuring that Mr Mahajan took his time and care in his work, thoroughly answering all my questions. Of course the extended appointment can’t always happen with schedules etc. but I got a great understanding of Mr Mahajan. He is a perfectionist, funny, caring and thoughtful man which takes serious pride in his work, ensuring you get exactly what you want from your surgery. After having my 2 weeks cooling off period, I booked my official consultation (a fee of £120). This is where we discussed how he was going to do the surgery; either above or under the muscle and which implant I wanted to going for; the rounded or tear drop shape. I also chose the size I wanted to go for. As I had asymmetric breasts I was advised to have different cc (volume of silicone) in each breast. Mr Mahajan took a vast amount of measurements of my breasts prior to advising me what size cc he advised for my intended cup size. I had bought both a C & D cup, no padded, wired bra to try on at my consultation which definitely helped with my decision of a C cup, tear drop shape implant and under the muscle. However, a week & a bit before my surgery (a week after my consultation) I had been worried that the C cup wouldn’t have been big enough for me. Resulting in me booking a second consultation (free after initial consultation) on the Monday before my surgery the following Thursday, to which I was reassured by Mr Mahajan, the nurse and my mum; the D cup suited me better. Prior to my surgery the advice I had received from the Yorkshire Clinic/Mr Mahajan’s secretary was really helpful and reassuring. I had been worrying/eager for my surgery which resulted in me contacting them nearly every day to ask questions/pay for my surgery. They were very patient with me and reassured me of all my worries, including offering to book another appointment to discuss these worries again with Mr Mahajan. I didn’t need this as they had helped me enough. One of the issues I did have with the Yorkshire Clinic/Secretary was that the cost of the surgery I was advised by Mr Mahajan on my consultation and what I was invoiced was roughly £300 more expensive. I had taken this up with them, also saying this is what was still on the website, therefore shouldn’t have changed. They proceeding in telling me this is what I was to pay regardless. I do not believe this was anything Mr Mahajan had done as on the website and right up to that date I was always advised by the Yorkshire Clinic and secretary of the lower price. Of course because I was so far into the preparation of the surgery I paid the higher amount, feeling it would have been a waste of Mr Mahajan’s/my time and money cancelling at this stage. I am still miffed about this. I had received my surgery pack in the post the previous day which advised me of the things I needed to know about food & drink before my surgery/take with me, paperwork I had to fill out prior to my surgery and take with me and all the information I would need to know about aftercare and recovery. Once arriving at the Yorkshire Clinic, ready (not that nervous and starving) I was shown to my room. It was very spacious with an en-suite and some gorgeous flowers from Mr Mahajan. It felt more like a hotel than a hospital bed. Several nurses came to visit me and take notes including Mr Mahajan had come to visit me and draw all his notes on my chest (making me look like a maths equation). Finally the anaesthetist had visited and discussed my history. I had surgeries before and had been sick after due to the anaesthetic so was given a mixture to prevent me from being sick this time. He also advised me the surgery would be at about 6.30pm, however due to move around of patients I didn’t go down to theatre until 9pm. I was met by Mr Mahajan again and some lovely nurses/anaesthetists that look very good care of me prior to being put under and whilst asleep. On arriving back into my room where my lovely mum was waiting eagerly to see my result, I was also greeted by my lovely night time nurse. She was so friendly, funny and caring throughout the night of the surgery. I was not allowed to lay down for the first night as I could pull my stitches and cause my scares to be bigger (I had dissolvable stitches inside and one big butterfly type stitch on the outside for the skin, then covered with waterproof plasters-that’s it, no big bandage which I was happy about). The nurse came to check on me almost every hour to pull me back up into a sitting position as I naturally slipped down the bed to get comfy. I also had a very dry mouth/dehydrated even with a drip in and the nurse came to me whenever I buzzed to fill my water up and pass me my cup to drink out of (reaching & lifting is very difficult for the first few nights). In the morning I was given breakfast and a cup of tea and felt very refreshed. The night nurse left then and I was assigned a different nurse who was very busy and couldn’t give me regular care. I didn’t need that much caring for once I had been fed/urinated/got comfy again, however regular pain killers were needed. Mr Mahajan came to visit me and check on my recovery and again advise me of what I could and couldn’t do now. I was then advised by the nurse she will get my discharge papers and be back. It took them 3 hours after that to discharge me, I was very unhappy, uncomfortable and in pain for the duration of this time. I was also left 6 hours without painkillers or anti-inflammatory (pain killers were meant to be every 2 hours and every 5 hours for anti-inflammatory), which made me very upset with the fact I was paying for private health care and getting NHS care instead. I had buzzed the nurses several times to ask to be discharged/given pain killers, only to be still waiting. I understand the nurses were busy but to leave me in pain and the bed in use when someone else could have it just doesn’t comprehend it for me. After the surgery I was very swollen and also have one implant bigger than the other, that side was more swollen. Now having my plasters off and the swelling going down a lot I am over the moon with the results. The D cup was definitely the better chose to go with as they fit the frame of my body perfectly. If Mr Mahajan hadn’t advised me that the D cup with suit me better I probably would have felt I had paid for something that wasn’t much different to my original size. The question most people will ask is ‘can you still feel your nipples’ or ‘have you lost the sensation in your breasts’ the answer is my breasts feel normal, there no change. I was advised that having the implants under my muscle helps to reduce the risk of losing sensations in my breasts. Having keeping on top of my codeine, paracetamol and ibuprofen my pain for 1 week, wasn’t as bad as everyone made out it would be. The only pain I really felt was in my back (a winded pain) which I normally get if I sit in an awkward position (I had slept like this the first night). Often when I stretched too much or contracted my pectoral muscle, I could feel my stitches pulling which hurt for a few seconds and stopped, this happened for about 5-7 days. You don’t realise how much you use you pectoral muscles until you can’t use them. Putting my car in reverse or 5th gear was a real struggle for about 2 weeks. It took me about 3 weeks to be able to lift things (not as much as normal but average) without being in pain, still being very careful not to push myself too much. One thing that wasn’t mentioned prior to my surgery was having to sleep on your back for 6 weeks to allow for a membrane to form around the implant. This is uncomfortable and difficult to get used to but is worth it! After 2 weeks I got my plasters off and was able to wash properly, this was a huge relief as they were super itchy. I have been advised that the scares could take 1-2 years to disappear but massaging them with oil will help to reduce this time. I was also advised to not expose the scares to the sunlight without a high factor. Mr Mahajan hadn’t advised me directly to wear a post operation bra but on forums like this he had advised someone to wear one for about 6 weeks after the surgery. Wearing underwired bras can be uncomfortable on the scares but this most likely varies with each person, for me I was happy to not wear a wired bra (I love sports bra) so didn’t until I really had to. Mr Mahajan is a lovely surgeon, he is a very busy man but very organised. In my consultation he could book me in the next week to have my surgery, I would have accepted if it hadn’t been for my job. He is a very calming, reassuring man. He is very passionate about what he does, you are reassured by the way he talks to you that he “knows what he’s talking about”! Especially with all the thorough measurements/notes and calculations he does. I honestly can’t fault Mr Mahajan, I knew from the first time I met him that he was going to be my surgeon. I would highly recommend him!

Written by a patient at Bradford Royal Infirmary
29th April 2017

I was referred from my doctor to dr Mahajan where I learned that I had tuberous breast, he advised me the best way forward would be to have saline implants to begin which have valves in so that they ld be filled up over time they would the be replaced with silicone ones once my skin had stretched, I cannot thank Dr Majahan enough he made me feel very comfortable and answered my questions I had, obviously I was a bit sore after the main procedure but the way my boobs look now compared to what they were are unbelievable he is an incredible surgeon, highly recommended my scars are so neat and I recently I have had the implants changed to silicone ones and my aureolas made smaller and once the scars have settled you are not even going to be able to see them!! Definitely worth it Thank you Mr Mahajan

Written by a patient at Bradford Royal Infirmary
28th April 2017

I had always been rather large in the 'chest area' since the age of 13; I assumed they would stop growing after a while, but they continued to grow and by the time I was 18, I was a 38F, suffering from back pain, and extremely low self esteem. I sought help from my GP and discussed the possibility of a breast reduction on the NHS, (I was a student at the time, so paying for it myself would have entailed saving for a long long time). I had to meet specific criteria, and to do this I had to lose a significant amount of weight (the student diet caught up to me rather quickly and I was a size 16/18). It took 3 years of countless physiotherapists, bra measuring, medical photos and a drastic lifestyle change and at the age of 21 and a size 10/12, I was a 34H! I loved running, but unfortunately had to give that up due to back pain which was caused by my breasts: I had lost the weight I needed to but my upper body didn't support my breasts and running put a massive strain on my back and was therefore doing more harm than good eventually. There were so many things I wanted to do (and wear - I love my clothes!) but it just wasn't possible. I finally got the much-desired 'yes' from the board in November 2016 and now, over a month after the surgery, the pain in my back and shoulders has quite simply disappeared! I am finally in proportion! I can finally wear the clothes I love and in the next month, I will be able to start running again. I was so lucky as to be referred to Dr. Ajay Mahajan; I went for a consultation in January 2017 and he explained everything to me in such a way that my mind was immediately put at ease. I knew exactly what was going to happen and how long recovery time would be and how to take care of myself during this time. On the day of my surgery he came to see me before the op and once again, made me feel completely calm, so going into the op I was so relaxed! He came to see me straightaway after surgery and, although I wasn't quite with it from the anaesthetic, he reassured me that everything went really well! I stayed in hospital for 2 nights and the doctors who saw to me during this time were very professional and explained everything to me so I knew exactly what was going on and when I would be allowed home. I had my post op with Dr. Mahajan 2 weeks after the surgery and he answered any questions I had with a smile; he removed the tape which covered my stitches and told me I was healing well. It has been 5 weeks since the surgery and my scars are already starting to fade; they're so neat and fine that already I'm starting to not notice them! My new breasts look fantastic! I am so grateful for him and what he has done for me. I am so much more confident with myself now, and he has honestly done something which I never thought would be possible. I now have a chest which is in proportion to my body, and is giving me the ability and the confidence to do the things I love, pain-free! I cannot thank him enough.


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Professor Mahajan is a very experienced Consultant Plastic Surgeon who takes great pride and derives immense satisfaction from his work that helps change lives for his patients.