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5th December 2019

Mr Satyadas provided me with continual reassurance and support before, during and after my Gall Bladder removal and hernia repair surgery. He has a friendly, calm, professional and thorough nature where I felt at ease asking questions and he gave me the confidence in his ability and trust in his expertise from start to finish. His customer understanding and customer service is excellent and this was demonstrated when one evening at home post surgery we were concerned I had a blood clot wife rang the hospital who responded well too, but soon after (at 9.30pm!) Mr Satyadas rang us to talk through the symptoms and provide additional support. That to me shows, he really does care about his patients wellbeing. I'd like to take this opportunity to thank Mr Satyadas and his team.

Written by a patient at Manchester Royal Infirmary
3rd December 2019

Thomas Satyadas performed a liver resection on me in October 2019. I had earlier this year been diagnosed with colon and liver cancer and had been receiving chemotherapy from Christies in Manchester with the view to arrest the growth of the initial tumour. After successfully steming the growth of the colon tumour, we were referred to Mr Satyadas at the Manchester Royal Infirmary. He was very enthusiastic and whilst initially talking to me, he had the nous to address important stuff - medical terms etc to my wife as I have Parkinson's and struggle to process a lot of information at once. Thomas's plan was to isolate the tumorous part of the liver and remove it. Then to return to chemo with a view to shrinking or arresting the growth of the other tumour and ultimately have this taken out too. My wife and I were amazed as we had been led to believe elsewhere that my case would only be one of damage limitation until the tumours really took hold. Thomas explained that he believed I was young and healthy enough to go with his plan. After the procedure to stem blood supply into the damaged part of the liver, I was scanned to see if the healthier part of the liver had shown any of the growth necessary to make the operation possible. We were disappointed to find that it had not. Whilst it was explained to us that there were many other avenues to explore, Thomas seemed keen to push on with his plan. We chatted about my family and I must admit that his enthusiasm was infectious. He decided to give the good liver a few more weeks than scan it again. This time the liver showed signs of growth and we had the green light for a liver resection. That was a few weeks ago. I am now sitting at my desk at home recuperating after a fully successful operation where Thomas and his team removed all the cancer from my liver. Tomorrow I will return to Christies to resume chemotherapy aimed at the other cancer. I do this with renewed hope and belief in those fantastic professionals around me. I owe my life to Thomas Satyadas, for the long hours at his clinic, for his team's availability to answer questions at any time to reassure us and for his skills in theatre. I am mostly grateful for his decisiveness and self belief. Our nine year old son (also) Thomas is Mr Satyadas's greatest fan and wants to be a surgeon when he is older. Before we left his clinic, Thomas senior gave us a stethoscope to pass on to our son. Thomas loves his gift but even more so, likes having his dad home. Thank you Mr Satyadas.

Written by a patient at Manchester Royal Infirmary
2nd December 2019

Through what was a somewhat challenging time and a long stint in hospital, Mr Satyadas provided me with continual reassurance and support. I trusted his expertise from start to finish and despite complications due to the nature of my gallbladder issues, I was confident in his long term plan. Mr Satyadas always took his time to talk me through my diagnosis and proposed procedures in a friendly and professional manner. Me and my family cannot thank him and his team enough for overseeing my care and performing the complex surgery that has put me on the road to recovery.

19th November 2019

I had my gallbladder removed by Mr Satyadas at The Alexandra Hospital in September and have never felt better than I do now! His kindness, professionalism and bedside manner is second-to-none, and at each consultation he made sure I was informed and reassured at every step of the way. I had a holiday booked and he fit my surgery in quickly to allow enough recovery time so I didn’t have to cancel my holiday. On the day of the operation he allayed my fears and he personally checked on me afterwards a few times up until discharge. It must have been a long day for him with multiple surgeries, yet his level of care and compassion never wavered. If you have any gallbladder issues, I would highly recommend Mr Satyadas as your first port of call, you will definitely be in the best hands and receive the highest level of care.

13th November 2019

From excruciating pain to pain free within weeks, and all stages explained thoroughly and action taken promptly by, in my opinion, one of the best specialists around. I suffered a random attack of actue pancreatitis. As soon i was under the care of Mr Satyadas and his team, all the relevant tests and observations were ordered. He even came to see me on a Sunday morning during my stay in hospital under his care. I ended up having a laproscopic cholecystectomy (a copy of the procedure was given for viewing in my own time). Myself and my family are thankful to Mr Satyadas and his team.


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