Mr Rafid Al-Mahfoudh was awarded the iWantGreatCare certificate of excellence in 2024 for delivering outstanding care.



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Written by a patient at Royal Sussex County Hospital
5th March 2016

The man is a genius, long and short the man saved my life. I will be eternally greatfull to you sir. Not only is he a great surgeon he is a lovely human being. Always had time to explain and put me at ease.

Written by a patient at Royal Sussex County Hospital
17th February 2016

Mr Al-Mahfoudh performed surgery on myself in November,from my first consultation he explained everything from what could go wrong and what I would feel like if the operation were to be a success. He put my wife's and my mind at ease throughout the consultation. I found before and after the spinal surgery he kept me at ease,always answering any questions I had. Now in February 2016,3 months later my back is feeling so much better after he performed a PLIFF. Thank you Mr Stuart Eaves

Written by a patient at Royal Sussex County Hospital
4th December 2015

I can not thank Mr Rafid Al - Mahfoudh enough, I will be forever grateful and apprecitive for all of his care, before, during and following the surgery I received almost 5 months ago. He was very thorough in explaining exactly what the operation involved, and the possible outcomes. I felt completely at ease in his care. Mr Al-Mahfoudh is exceptional is his profession. Words can't convey my thanks. Prior to surgery, I couldn't walk, feel my leg at all, as you can imagine for anyone (I am a 37 year old woman) this was so frightening, not to mention extremely painful. When I met Mr Al-Mahfoudh, extremely warm in his manner and professional, which really gave me confidence before such a huge surgical operation. Following surgery he was kind enough to pay me several visits to check on my recovery progress. I was amazed that immediately I could feel the relief of the pain I had preciously had and I could feel my leg! Within a couple of days I was up and walking and even the nurses and physio staff were amazed at my progress. I continue to have 3-4 monthly checks with Mr Al-Mafoudh. He is always happy to answer any questions and it is so pleasing to see him so happy for me continuing to make such great progress! Thank you so much Rafid, you deserve a medal! Best regards Mrs F

Written by a patient at Royal Sussex County Hospital
1st December 2015

Mr. Al-Mahfoudh is thoughtful, patient and thorough. He could not have been clearer in describing the surgery I was to undergo, the attendant risks and the likely outcomes. I am very pleased with the surgical outcome and indebted to Mr. Al-Mafoudh for his skill and support. Vincent Clark

Written by a patient at Royal Sussex County Hospital
18th November 2015

I have recently had spinal surgery to remove a tumor from inside my spinal column under the very specialised care of Mr. Rafid Al-Mahfoudh. At all times Dr Rafid proved to be professional and caring. He put me as ease and gained my trust on our first time of meeting, which was very important and turned, what could have been an extremely stressful consultation, into a positive and light hearted meeting. He never gave false promises and made me see things in a more positive light. He answered all my questions, however trivial, in a way I could understand. The operation itself went well and the care from Dr Rafid and his team, both during my stay of 8 days in hospital and now as an outpatient has been exceptional. Recovery is still ongoing and will take time but I am improving thanks to Mr. Al-Mahfoudh. I can't praise my highly enough. Many thanks.


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MBChB, European diploma in Neurosurgery, FRCS (SN)
Consultant Neurosurgeon
Brighton and Sussex University Hospitals
