Mr Patrick Lusty was awarded the iWantGreatCare certificate of excellence in 2024 for delivering outstanding care.



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Written by a private patient at Spire Wellesley Hospital
7th November 2022

Mr Lusty performed double hip replacement and I can't praise him enough he took good care of me from start to finish I was up and about after each hip operation without the aid of curtches within a week and had hardly any painI can highly recommend him and his team. Thank you so much Dr Lusty I am now pain free and can get on with my life.

13th January 2023
Response from Mr Patrick Lusty

I am so glad all has gone well with both of your operations. Thank you very much for taking the time to leave a review. Best wishes for the future. Patrick Lusty

Written by a private patient at Spire Wellesley Hospital
31st October 2022

Mr. Lusty performed a knee replacement on me and l can't praise his treatment enough. I suffered only very minor aches and pains afterwards and was walking without any aids within three weeks, and seven weeks post op., am fully mobile and walking two miles a day, something l haven't done in quite a few years. l put my rapid recovery down to the skill of this surgeon.

13th January 2023
Response from Mr Patrick Lusty

Thank you very much for your review and your positive comments. However the most important factor determining outcome after knee replacement is the patient. Working hard with physiotherapy helps ensure a good outcome. You are the main reason you have done so well. Best wishes Patrick Lusty

Written by a NHS patient at Spire Wellesley Hospital
1st August 2022

I cannot recommend Mr Lusty highly enough. I have had both my hips replaced and my kneecaps realigned by Mr Lusty. If it weren't for him I would have a very poor quality of life as I would have been too frightened to go through with the operations without his calm manner, patience and excellent way of describing the processes step by step. Don't hesitate, go to Mr Lusty.

21st September 2022
Response from Mr Patrick Lusty

Thank you very much for taking the time to write a review. I am very happy your hips and knees are working well. Hip replacement surgery is life transforming, I am lucky enough to be doing a successful operation.

Written by a private patient at Spire Wellesley Hospital
10th June 2022

If you are reading this review you already have a problem and are simply looking for the best surgeon to correct it. I have one simple piece of advice - don't look any further, Mr Lusty is your man, don't waste any more time simply book an appointment with him - the man is a genius. I had had a problem for a number of years which various physio's had told me with a groin issue and treated it as such. My latest physio was of the opinion that something else was wrong and in December sent me to a sports medicine specialist. After an MRI he diagnosed that I had advanced arthritis in my hip and gave me a cortisone injection. This lasted just over a month and what happened next was like my hip falling over a cliff. By the time I saw Mr Lusty for my initial consultation I was in constant pain, my sleep was non existence (if I got 20 minutes deep sleep a night per my Garmin watch that was a good night), I had a bad limp, was unable to walk any distance - I had given up walking the dogs as it was a chore note enjoyable, I was unable to play golf and was struggling to get my pants, trousers, shoes and socks on (on some occasions I had to ask my wife to do it). I had also got to the stage where the joint was beginning to lock which was unbelievably painful. When I saw Mr Lusty he had access to the MRI scans and after an examination and x-ray he advised me that I needed a total hip replacement and booked me in. The operation was due to take place on Wednesday 27 April and he suggested that I would be in hospital until the Saturday. I was taken down for the operation at 3pm on the Wednesday afternoon and was back in my room by 6.30pm. A physio came round later in the evening and got me to stand up with the aid of a zimmer frame. The physio's came round again Thursday morning and after seeing me use the zimmer frame gave me some crutches. I was able to walk to the end of the ward, down and up the stairs and back to the room. Mr Lusty came round Thursday afternoon and after an examination advised that everything was fine and I could go home. I have followed the instructions of Mr Lusty and the physio's to the letter - including sleeping flat on my back for 6 weeks, doing the exercises at least 5 times a day and getting out and walking - first with the crutches and then quickly without. I saw Mr Lusty yesterday - 9 June - being 6 weeks after my operation and he said everything was fine and signed me off. I can go back to the gym, albeit it there are limitations on what I am allowed to do, I can start driving again and basically I can get on with enjoying life again. Golf will follow in a few months but it is so long since I last played what is a couple more months. I have no pain whatsoever from my hip and between 14 May, 2022 and 8 June, 2022 I walked 100 miles - I think I have given the hip a good test. I now get between 90 and 150 minutes deep sleep every night (again the same watch recording it) am able to put my own pants, trousers socks and shoes on an am enjoying walking the dogs once again. An added bonus of all the walking whilst I have been recovering is that I have lost just over a stone. One other point to make - ignore what you see on the internet - yes like everyone else I did the google searches and was horrified by the scars that I saw. All I can say is that my incision is just under three inches and I understand it was stitched on the inside but glued on the outside. I was also pretty pain free from the moment I came round. I can't tell you how much Mr Lusty has changed my life for the better. So, as I said at the start - don't waste your time looking any further, pick up your phone and book an appointment to see Mr Lusty - I can assure you you will not be disappointed. Chris

21st September 2022
Response from Mr Patrick Lusty

Blimey thank you for your very detailed account of your hip surgery! I am delighted you are doing so well and that the team at the hospital has given you such a good outcome. Best wishes Patrick Lusty

Written by a private patient at Spire Wellesley Hospital
4th June 2022

Over the last few months my left knee had deteriorated to the point when walking even a few yards out of the house left me in complete agony. I knew that the current waiting time for surgery by the NHS was at least two years. I just couldn't live like this. I was recommended to Mr Lusty, and went to see him at the end of last year. I found that Mr Lusty listened intently to my problems, and couldn't have been kinder and more reassuring, especially important to me as I am very nervous of medical procedures. But he did put everything into perspective, and gave me a completely realistic assessment of my condition. He recommended a total left knee replacement. He also advised me that because I told him my husband had recently undergone major heart surgery, it would be better to wait a couple of months rather than us both being incapacitated together. And so on March 23 I entered the Wellesley Hospital to undergo surgery. Four weeks after coming home on March 26 I was able to walk without crutches around my neighbourhood for half a mile - with very little pain. Now I can walk for at least a mile, and go up and down the stairs in the normal way! I must also add that Mr Lusty's post-operative dedication and reassurance are second to none. He went out of his way to ensure that my "getting back to normal" was going to happen, and gave me much help with exercises and other post-operative information. He went "over the top" to put me on the right road, and there is no way I could have wished for better treatment. I am eternally grateful to Mr Lusty and would recommend him to anybody.

21st September 2022
Response from Mr Patrick Lusty

Thank you very much for your detailed account. The most important component in knee replacement surgery is the patient and how hard they work to recover from surgery. Well done! Best wishes Patrick Lusty


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Specialises in

  • Orthopaedic and Trauma Surgery


Treatment information
Some of the principal treatments carried out by Mr Patrick Lusty include:
Hip replacement surgery Joint manipulation treatment Joint pain treatment (joint injections) Knee arthroscopy surgery Knee ligament surgery Knee replacement,Sports injury and sports medicine

Professional profile
I have been a consultant orthopaedic surgeon since 2007. I completed international fellowships specialising in joint replacement and sports medicine surgery. I am an expert in hip and knee surgery.
I specialise in hip and knee surgery. I perform minimally invasive joint replacement surgery, revision (redo) joint replacement surgery of the hip and knee. I also practice soft tissue knee surgery such as arthroscopy (keyhole surgery), and arthroscopic anterior cruciate reconstruction surgery, and meniscal (cartilage) repair and resection.
I have been running a busy consultant practice for over ten years. I have performed more than 2000 primary joint replacements (hips and knees) and more than 200 revision joint replacements (redo hips and knees) on the national joint registry. My outcomes outperform the expected in terms of revision rates on the national joint register and patient function from Amplitude outcome data (from data of over 1000 patients at Spire Wellesley) I perform many knee arthroscopic procedures including anterior cruciate reconstructions. To ensure optimum patient outcomes I recruit my patients to the Amplitude clinical outcome system for long term follow up (
I welcome appropriate patients wishing to refer and pay for treatment themselves without the need for a GP's letter of referral. I am available for appointments at the Spire Wellesley Hospital on Monday, Thursday morning, evening and Saturday morning.