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Written by a patient at West Suffolk Hospital
11th November 2013

I had a major shoulder operation at the beginning of May at Addenbrookes. When I went in I was not sure what procedure would be taken to relieve me of my pain, it was going to be a 30 min clean out but instead Mr Kang decided he do repairs to my shoulder that were needed when he started the operation. He did a 2-3 hour operation on my rotar cuff amongst other things he repaired. With all my exercises since the op my quality of life has improved immensely and I hope to return back to work in the new year has a bricklayer. I can't thank him enough, my shoulder is 95% better and I must admit I didn't think I would return to my trade again. I am very happy with my treatment and a big thank you to everybody involved with my operation.

Written by a patient at West Suffolk Hospital
31st October 2013

Following my admittance to a ward at Addenbrookes this morning, I had a pre-op consultation with Mr Sertaz-Neil Kang. He was very kind and gave me the benefit of his considered opinion that since my last clinic visit a few months ago, my situation had changed. He felt that my shoulder had improved naturally on a pro-rata basis, enough to make surgery less beneficial and that it would probably not hasten the healing process any quicker than allowing time to do so naturally. He them gave me time to consider my options, without any pressure at all and I decided not to go ahead with the surgery. I really appreciated hos honest prognosis and being given the option to decide what was best for me. All my treatment at Addenbrookes has been exemplary and would recommend it to anyone needing medical treatment.

Written by a patient at Addenbrooke's Hospital
18th October 2013

|From first meeting Mr Kang in A & E to his clinic three weeks later he was extremely kind and considerate. After he carefully explained the procedure he was going to carry out and I felt both safe and confident about the surgery. I would like to thank both Mr. Kang and Addenbrooke's for everything they did to speed my recovery.

Written by a patient
11th July 2013

Mr Kang made every effort to put me at ease. He explained my condition in greater depth and clearly explained the treatment to me.

Written by a patient at West Suffolk Hospital
11th July 2013

Mr Kang not only performed perfect surgery on my badly broken clavicle, he also worked hard to ensure my operation was scheduled in good time following my injury and innovative post-surgery support was in place. As a result, I am recovering rapidly and have felt well informed and cared for throughout the process. This all made a potentially miserable experience completely bearable - and dare I say enjoyable! Mr Kang and his team went well above and beyond the call of duty in delivering the very highest quality of care and are a credit to the profession. World class in all respects.


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