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29th June 2023

I had a tricky break to my little finger. Mr Karuppaiah advised that manipulation and resetting of the fracture may not be successful as the break was twisted. Following discussion, we agreed to proceed with this rather than resorting to surgery to reset with a pin. Thanks to Mr Karuppaiah's expertise the manipulation and resetting was successful, and no surgery was required. I was very happy with the care I received and the results.

29th June 2023

After suffering from recurring issue with my right arm for many years, I was recommended to see Mr Karuppaiah to have a surgery on my elbow. Mr Karuppaiah was highly recommended by another doctor. Throughout the whole journey (from the first consultation, pre-surgery, and post-surgery), Mr Karuppaiah was open and informative about the process. It helped me to stay calm even though it was my first experience having a surgery. Having had the surgery 1 year on, I cannot be happier with the result. The issue has been solved and I was able to have my normal life back in much less than 6 months. Now I can use my arm in the same way I used to use! Same to the doctor who recommended me to see Mr Karuppaiah, I would highly recommend to anyone! I also thank Mr Karuppaiah’s administration team who has been very helpful and supportive.

29th June 2023

Very good scars that heal well.

31st March 2023

I had an extensive break of my collarbone in 3 places. I was originally advised by a different doctor that it would heal on its own. Having waited 10months for it to heal. I was still in pain and had limited function in the arm/shoulder as a result. It really restricted me from being able to exercise appropriately and effected my confidence. After seeing Mr Karuppaiah, he advised that surgery was the way to proceed. Having had the surgery 4 months ago. I could not be happier. I have been strengthening it up and able to do everything I wish with out any concerns. I am indebted to Mr Karuppaiah for the amazing work and allowing to enjoy my life to the fullest. I would highly recommend to anyone.

28th December 2022

I returned to Mr Karuppaiah as he had successfully treated by right hand as i had developed pain in my left thumb too. He diagnosed De Quervain tenosynovitis in my left thumb, referred me for X rays and an ultrasound scan and then recommended a steroid injection. I returned for a follow up consultation 2 months later and was pleased to confirm i have zero pain. The injection was a complete success, Mr Karuppaiah explained that these injections can sometimes wear off, but for now i am pain free. I would thoroughly recommend Mr Karuppaiah.


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Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon
Special interest in Shoulder, elbow, hand and wrist surgery

Mr Karuppaiah joined as a Consultant in King’s College Hospital, London, in 2014 following completion of his advanced training in shoulder, elbow, hand and wrist surgeries. With this experience, he manages a wide range of orthopaedic conditions affecting the shoulder, elbow, hand and wrist. His clinical expertise is comprehensive evaluation and management of sports injuries, arthritis, nerve and tendon problems in the upper limb. He also treats multiply injured patients, at King’s College Hospital, one of the busiest Major Trauma Centres in the UK and also provides tertiary referral service for complex upper-limb conditions.

He regularly lectures both nationally and internationally at leading conferences and training courses and continues to teach the modern orthopaedic techniques to trainees. He is intensely involved in teaching and training the trainees from SE Thames Orthopaedic rotation.

He is a faculty member in King’s FRCS intense revision course, Hand surgery FRCS (Orth) revision course and Medway Upper-limb course and is a clinical and educational supervisor for foundation year and speciality training doctors. He is a keen teacher who teaches orthopaedics to undergraduate students at Guy’s, King’s and St Thomas’ Medical Schools.

He has a brilliant academic career and has published more than 30 articles in peer-reviewed indexed journals. He has special interests in upper-limb research and has won several research accolades both at the national and international levels. His research work is cited by numerous authors, journals and orthopaedic textbooks. He is a member of the editorial board and is also a reviewer of various international scientific orthopaedic journals.