Mr Greg Rudol was awarded the iWantGreatCare certificate of excellence in 2024 for delivering outstanding care.



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Written by a patient at The Spire Elland Hospital
17th August 2019

I'm six weeks post op for a herniated disc and am very happy to say that I feel 'fixed' by the operation carried out by Mr Rudol (no more sciatic pain). Mr Rudol treated me as an intelligent adult throughout, patiently explaining my options and the risks. Now that the Sciatic pain has gone I'm convinced that having the operation was the right choice. Recovery wasn't nearly as painful as I imagined it might be and the relief of feeling that I'll soon be able to get back to the levels of fitness I had before my back trouble started is immense. If you're wondering whether sugary is for you, be assured that it isn't as big and scary as you might be imagining. You'll be up and walking again in no time and most importantly, chances are you'll feel better than you have for a long time.

Written by a patient at The Spire Elland Hospital
16th August 2019

Over 6 years ago I started the laborious path of my back pain with the NHS starting with physio then onto the personal exercise program in between this the usual 4 monthly visits to the MSK clinic, this went on five years. I was eventually admitted to Calderdale Hospital for a Right L5 Transforaminal Epidural under xray guidance this was not successful as they had trouble getting the needle in between my vertebrae, this was repeated some months later with the same outcome.Eventually I was placed on the waiting list for a L3/4/5/S1 decompression and Instrumental fusion L5/S1 under the care of Mr Rudol. I was amazed to find out that the waiting list was 2 years and growing!!! I have suffered with serious back pain for many years, I was a keen walker and anybody that does walk knows at our age (68) it is a great form of exercise AND you manage to talk to the wife which if your both busy and working this is a precious moment. I did some research and came across the NHS E-Referal programme this is where you can apply to have the operation done at a private hospital and the NHS pay...……………….I push and push through my own GP and within a few weeks it was on. I met Greg Rudol and the first time in 6 years I felt someone was listening to me, kind, understanding and not what most people have experienced from a consultant over the years. He explained all about the operation inc the things that could go wrong ( not good ) put me at ease with his caring manner. This was major surgery a 6 hr job but when you have suffered for so long there is no alternative. The date was set I had the operation and left the spire within two days. For about 2 weeks I was pain killers then weaned myself off them. It is now 6 months down the line had my final xray on 15/8/19 the metal work is fine and should be fused with the next 6 months. I am now able to walk 10 miles with ease no pain in the legs or feet. Greg Rudol is a one off and the NHS should be proud of this caring understanding guy. THANK YOU

Written by a patient at Leeds General Infirmary
13th August 2019

Mr.Rudol was very caring throughout the time I was referred to him, through the time of my operation, and the after care and follow-up needed. He has a very caring support team who at every part of the process were able to explain what to expect and how I would be looked after. At my final consultation we agreed that the operation had been a success and had attained what we had hoped for. Although I was full of apprehension at the start when I was told a serious operation was needed to help my mobility I wish it had been done some while ago. Modern surgery and methods are nothing like the stories of old when folk would say don't mess with your spine , careful consideration is given to your needs and risk assessment is taken into consideration for you as an individual. I would liked to have seen him get better support from the bookings arrangements which could have made life easier for us both but a big "Thank You" for care, skill and support.

Written by a patient at The Spire Elland Hospital
11th August 2019

Mr Rudol is a very caring surgeon he takes the time to explain the medical condition and to explain how he hopes to improve the condition. On the day of the operation he made the time to see me and to ensure I was prepared to go ahead with the operation and post operation he came again a couple of times to check on how I was feeling. If I knew of anyone with similar condition to mine needing spinal surgery I would not hesitate to suggest they go ahead with the operation especially if Mr Rudol is the surgeon.

Written by a patient at Leeds General Infirmary
20th July 2019

I cannot speak about his performance as a surgeon as he didn't operate on me for sound medical reasons. Nonetheless I thougth him an excellent doctor ( I ran a pathology department at King's College, London and am now retired).


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