Mr Arunmoy Chakravorty was awarded the iWantGreatCare certificate of excellence in 2024 for delivering outstanding care.



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Written by a patient at Hillingdon Hospital
3rd April 2019

My whole experience with Mr Chakravorty has been amazing. I have been waiting for my reconstruction since 2016 after a mastectomy on my right breast. An expendable implant was temporally placed while undergoing Chemo & radio therapy. During Radio Therapy my temporal implant reacted to the therapy causing the implant to expand even more making my body out of shape and also suffering back pain due to the constant lifting my thick bra straps trying to even up both of my breast, it was so uncomfortable that at night could only sleep on my back due to the heaviness. Two years later I was still waiting for my name to be called from the waiting list so in January 2019 I found out that my appointed plastic surgeon retired from the NHS and that no booking was made for my operation. I then contacted the Hillingdon Hospital Breast care unit as I was not happy with the whole situation however within days Mr Chakravorty arranged a meeting for us to discuss the surgery and within 2 weeks I was in for my op. I am still under his care at the moment but I just wanted to say a MASSIVE THANK YOU, to you Nadine, Terry Anne & Wendy for the excellent work that you do, for all the time & the understanding that you give me, you are amazing and you do an amazing job :). Thank you <3 Maria Cristina De Zorzi

Written by a patient at Spire Bushey Hospital
11th March 2019

I went to see Mr Chakravorty being worried about a pain I was experiencing in both my breasts. He performed the clinical examination in an extremely professional and reassuring manner. He was able to put my mind at ease very fast saying that it appears to be a fibrocystic change, which is all benign. I felt relieved to hear that!! He arranged for an expedite ultrasound the same evening (although the radiology was very busy that evening). The ultrasound results confirmed his pre-diagnosis. The entire team there, the nurses, Mrs Alina Caruntu, the radiologist, they are all fantastic people, very nice and kind, and highly professional. They made me feel safe and well taken care off. Great people, amazing professionals! I am very grateful! Many thanks to Doctor Chakravorty and his team! Kind regards, Bianca Brockmann

Written by a patient at Spire Bushey Hospital
1st March 2019

I had a lumpectomy from my breast over 20 years ago but recently suffered pain on that side. Went to the One Stop Clinic at Spire, Bushey. Had a mammogram and ultra-sound and was checked out by Mr. Chakravorty. Extremely nice doctor who explained why I had the discomfort and reassured me that all was well. Very happy with his care.

Written by a patient at Spire Harpenden Hospital
13th January 2019

Very good care given by Mr Chakravorty and his team - reassuring and caring.

Written by a patient at Spire Bushey Hospital
25th November 2018

I came in with concerns about a potential lump on my breast. Mr Chakravorty was very reassuring and thought otherwise , but to double check immediately organised a mammogram and ultrasound which concurred with what he thought. The whole team involved were very professional and very considerate and sensitive at such an anxious time.


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Mr Chakravorty is an experienced Consultant Breast Surgeon in North London, with an expertise in Oncoplastic and Cosmetic Breast Surgery. He is the clinical Lead for his NHS Breast Unit at Mount Vernon and Hillingdon Hospital. He has had dual accreditation in Oncoplastic and Cosmetic Breast Surgery Certification by the Royal College of Surgeons. He believes in delivering a high quality and fully comprehensive breast care with a specialist team of senior breast radiologists, oncologists, pathologists and nurses. As an expert breast plastic surgeon, he strives consciously to provide good cosmetic outcomes following breast cancer surgery using Oncoplastic techniques. He does offer in each of his practices :
-one stop breast clinics with breast radiologists
-breast cancer diagnosis and management
-complex cosmetic corrections
-implant augmentations ( enlargement)
-breast reduction surgery
-immediate breast reconstruction with flap surgery
-use of ADM in breast reconstruction
-breast augmentations with implants
-mastopexy( breast lifts)
-surgical correction of gynaecomastia

Compassionate and high quality patient care is his practice ethos when providing one stop breast clinics and comprehensive breast cancer management with feedbacks both from his NHS and private cosmetic work. He is Honorary Senior Clinical Lecturer , Imperial College, London. He is conferred with Adjunct Honorary Professor for his role in academics and research by AHERF, New Delhi, India.