Mr Arunmoy Chakravorty was awarded the iWantGreatCare certificate of excellence in 2024 for delivering outstanding care.



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Written by a patient at Spire Bushey Hospital
28th July 2020

Such a warm, reassuring and knowledgeable man. I felt immediately at ease in his presence.

Written by a patient at Hillingdon Hospital
19th June 2020

I found Mr Chakravorty to be easy to talk too, he listened and responded to any questions and concerns I had. He is clearly a professional who takes great pride in the care and treatment he provides for his patients. I trusted that he was looking to provide me with both the best clinical and cosmetic outcomes when he performed my breast cancer surgery; I was very reassured by him at what was a difficult and anxious time.

Written by a patient at Hillingdon Hospital
7th April 2020

Having spent almost all of my adult my life in hospitals and other healthare settings due to my mother's multiple serious health conditions (from which she suffered all of her adult life until she passed away several years ago), I have had my fair share of interactions with healthcare professionals in multiple medical fields and settings. This included some of the best surgeons in the world such as Mr. Magdi Yacoub and Professor John Pepper, both of whom will always have a place in the hearts of my family and I, alongside the many other extraordinary healthcare professionals involved in her care. Mr Chakravorty is now also one of those extraordinary healthcare professionals that I will forever be very grateful to have met; his kindness, genuineness and true passion for his field really stood out to me from the first time we met. I found his truly caring and compassionate nature, together with his candid, honest communication approach refreshing and reassuring. I couldn't thank him enough for listening to my concerns and potentially saving me from existing and future health complications. At a time when the NHS is so thinly stretched that it may affect the level of care provided at times, I really appreciate people like Mr Chakravorty, who have maintained the ability to treat patients with such exceptional care and compassion. Such qualities are evidently at the core of his character. Thank you once again.

Written by a patient at Spire Harpenden Hospital
21st February 2020

This was a sensitive time for me and he was very understanding and listened to my concerns. He made me feel at ease.

Written by a patient at Spire Bushey Hospital
5th December 2019

I saw Mr Chakravorty at the end of August and was diagnosed with early breast cancer. It was a very stressful scary time but I always felt confident with the team looking after me. Mr Chakravorty explained everything with compassion, understanding and great knowledge. His 2 breast cancer nurses, Alina and Bridie were amazing. I really felt I had the best team looking after me. I knew what to expect with surgery and the outcome was amazing. An amazing team! Thankyou. Corinne Ricciardi


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Mr Chakravorty is an experienced Consultant Breast Surgeon in North London, with an expertise in Oncoplastic and Cosmetic Breast Surgery. He is the clinical Lead for his NHS Breast Unit at Mount Vernon and Hillingdon Hospital. He has had dual accreditation in Oncoplastic and Cosmetic Breast Surgery Certification by the Royal College of Surgeons. He believes in delivering a high quality and fully comprehensive breast care with a specialist team of senior breast radiologists, oncologists, pathologists and nurses. As an expert breast plastic surgeon, he strives consciously to provide good cosmetic outcomes following breast cancer surgery using Oncoplastic techniques. He does offer in each of his practices :
-one stop breast clinics with breast radiologists
-breast cancer diagnosis and management
-complex cosmetic corrections
-implant augmentations ( enlargement)
-breast reduction surgery
-immediate breast reconstruction with flap surgery
-use of ADM in breast reconstruction
-breast augmentations with implants
-mastopexy( breast lifts)
-surgical correction of gynaecomastia

Compassionate and high quality patient care is his practice ethos when providing one stop breast clinics and comprehensive breast cancer management with feedbacks both from his NHS and private cosmetic work. He is Honorary Senior Clinical Lecturer , Imperial College, London. He is conferred with Adjunct Honorary Professor for his role in academics and research by AHERF, New Delhi, India.