Dr Wolfgang Muller was awarded the iWantGreatCare certificate of excellence in 2024 for delivering outstanding care.



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Written by a private patient at St John & St Elizabeth Hospital
29th October 2021

We have seen Dr Müller for both our children a few times now, and always like to provide feedback. What follows is detailed but written in the hope it is of help to those parents / carers looking to get a holistic view of Dr Müller’s style of care. Since becoming a mum some 10 years ago I am consistently struck by how the UK’s paediatric model is so heavily geared towards illness, not wellness. So much focus on intervention at the point when children are poorly - and of course that’s a big part of the first few years as they pick up so many bugs - but barely any proactive airtime given to the foundational elements of a child’s health (diet/nutrition/physical activity, mental health, social/environmental/school influences etc). I get that system pressures make this difficult in the NHS, but the absence of such an approach in the private sector baffles me. And it’s exacerbated by so much reliance on parents to detect the early warning signs of physical and / or mental health issues. As mums and dads with so few reference points we simply do not always know what to look for and can struggle to distinguish between a parental niggle (one of so many), and a genuine concern. As our first (amazing, long since retired South African) paediatrician used to say “it’s important to notice, but not everything you notice is important”. So when Dr Müller shared his paediatric screening model with me (based on the one used in Germany where he trained), I felt a massive weight off my shoulders. It provided a welcome framework for a conversation of the sort I don’t think I’ve ever had before with a UK paediatrician (and he focused as much on asking the children questions as he did on asking me). Perhaps I am old-fashioned, but it is hugely refreshing to have found a doctor who is as experienced, competent and caring in cases of a child’s sickness (of which we’ve had our fair share) as one so clearly committed to educating for, and promoting, a child’s health and wellbeing. I am most grateful that Dr Müller brings the best of this European model of paediatric care to the UK, and combines it with his deep NHS frontline experience of acute paediatrics. N&A

Written by a private patient at St John & St Elizabeth Hospital
14th October 2021

Our family would recommend Dr Muller. He was very attentative, friendly and easily found a way to examine a toddler in fun and entertaining manner. Dr Muller seemed very competent and knowledgeable

Written by a private patient at St John & St Elizabeth Hospital
26th September 2021

Dr Muller has, for us, been one of the silver linings of the pandemic. In Feb/March 2021, as we prepared to emerge from our lockdown, I began researching the right paediatrician for our family. I read every one of Dr Muller’s IWGC reviews, looked up the mentions he got on social media mums groups, and loved that the landing page of his website featured one of my all-time favourite quotes (from Mandela): “there can be no keener revelation of a society’s soul than the way in which it treats its children”. 6 months later, that pretty much sums up our experience. A very good doctor for whom it is simply all about the children. An incredible breath of fresh air in a world that has gone so topsy turvy. As he continues to help us look after our children’s occasional bugs during the pandemic (and hopefully well beyond and into their teenage years), we are super grateful that in all he does he genuinely puts the children front and centre. N&A

Written by a private patient at St John & St Elizabeth Hospital
4th September 2021

A really kind, considerate, experienced paediatrician who inspires confidence and trust. As we continue to get to know Dr Muller, we see how much thought goes into every detail: from the mine of information on his website that is meticulously kept up to date, to the way he structures his clinics to facilitate access for patients with different needs, to the honesty and openness with which he shares his experiences as both a father and a clinician, and the candour of his advice and guidance. In the midst of an ongoing pandemic, when as a parent the world can still seem scary and uncertain, he makes you feel safe and looked after. As always, we are most grateful. N&A

Written by a private patient at St John & St Elizabeth Hospital
31st July 2021

dr Muller was really patient, knowledgeable and did a very thorough exam of our son, provided lots of advices and the test results very quickly. He is also very calm and reassuring. I am very happy I found a great doctor I trust to see my children when they are unwell.


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I am a Consultant Paediatrician at London North West University Healthcare NHS Trust and the Royal National Orthopaedic Hospital NHS Trust (Stanmore). I work as a Specialist in Paediatrics. I have completed my medical training in Germany and the United Kingdom. I studied at Germany 's oldest Medical School in Homburg (Saarland) and spend as a student a year on exchange in England  (Exeter and Newcastle) as well as India (Shimla). I qualified in 1992 with top grades. I completed my postgraduate specialist training in London at Hammersmith Hospital in Neonatology, Great Ormond Street Hospital in Intensive Care and Respiratory Medicine, Royal London Hospital in Respiratory and General Medicine and at Northwick Park and Hillingdon Hospital in General, Newborn and Community Paediatrics. I continued two years of research at Great Ormond Street Hospital on respiratory conditions in intensive care settings. I started as a  consultant in 2003 at London North West Hospital Trust and Royal National Orthopaedic Hospital NHS Trust. 

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