Dr Adrian J Fowle FRCP BSc

645 reviews

Dr Adrian J Fowle FRCP BSc was awarded the iWantGreatCare certificate of excellence in 2024 for delivering outstanding care.



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Written by a patient at St Peter's Hospital
15th April 2015

Excellent service. Thorough testing, careful analysis and thoughtful, helpful advice on the outcomes and next steps for treatment.

Written by a patient at St Peter's Hospital
23rd February 2015

I had no idea this field of medicine existed and it was fascinating to see on the monitor the graphs of the nerves' activity. Dr Fowle explained as much as was needed at the start but was happy to go deeper into what was happening and what it meant. Although the conversation was entertaining in itself, it was also as serious as it needed to be at times. So I learned a lot about a problem that has been troubling me and can move on to the next stage.

Written by a patient at St Peter's Hospital
13th February 2015

I saw one of Dr Fowle colleagues in January of this year for treatment on my hand and he asked Dr Fowle if he had time to see me between meetings that afternoon to test the muscles in my hand. I was asked if I minded waiting until he came out of his meeting as it would save me having to come back another day. While I waited which was only about 15 minutes the other doctor made me a cup of tea which I thought was extremely nice of him. When I meet Dr Fowle he was very pleasant and courteous and didn't seem to mind that be had been asked to see me at such short notice. My impression of the whole department was they work very well as a team and the atmosphere was very friendly and welcoming.

18th February 2015
Response from Dr Adrian J Fowle FRCP BSc

I think the "other doctor" was one of our clinical physiologists (aka health care scientists). I am very proud of my whole team, who are individually excellent as well as good as a team. It is always a thrill to me when they get the recognition they deserve. Thank you!

Written by a patient at St Peter's Hospital
10th February 2015

Saw him today to get a diagnosis for the difficulties I have been having with my right hand. Such a nice man, very approachable and put me at ease. He explained everything and I left the consultation happy and informed

Written by a patient at St Peter's Hospital
2nd February 2015

I found Dr Fowle a helpful and considerate consultant, apologising, himself, for the delay in seeing me. (Not his fault, another Doctor had over run) He then listened to all I had to say and frequently asked how I was feeling and If I was in any discomfort. He put me at ease during the examination and fully explained all that would happen afterwards.


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I see patients in several NHS and private hospitals.

I enjoy teaching, with patients or in tutorials. I am quite active in my specialty and I was President of the British Society for Clinical Neurophysiology for 3 years from 2017- but seeing patients remains the best part of the job.

From 2002 - 2018 I led West Surrey Clinical Neurophysiology at St Peter's Hospital, part of ASPH NHS Foundation Trust. I am proud of the team in neurophysiology that I left behind me. My NHS base is now at The Whittington Hospital in North London. I am Medical Director of Mediservices Healthcare, although I rarely see patients face to face in that capacity.

I trained as an undergraduate at St Thomas's Hospital Medical School and trained in clinical neurophysiology at Kings College Hospital, in one of the largest departments in the country.