
King George Hospital

Barley Lane, Goodmayes, Ilford, EssexEngland, IG3 8YB
197,906 reviews




Page 1437 of 19416
Review of Outpatients Department
24th August 2023

I have no problems to complain about everything was

Suggested improvements
I can't think of anything you could have done better.

Doctor communication
Communication nurse
Review of Outpatients Department
24th August 2023

Polite professional, listened and explained things very well

Suggested improvements

Doctor communication
Communication nurse
Review of King George’s - Accident & Emergency
23rd August 2023

I waited in A&E from 6.30pm till 11.15am the following day. The long wait was to see a doctor. Initial assessment and blood tests were done reasonably promptly. My reason for attending was a recurrent one, that I was very reluctant to attend for in the first place. The doctor who I had never met before made a judgment that my condition was due to anxiety, and even suggested I should take sleeping tablets!! I came away exhausted and none the wiser, and my problem has neither been resolved nor dealt with.

Suggested improvements
Get seen by a doctor sooner. Somewhere for people in pain to be able to lie down, other than on the floor. Don’t make assumptions that symptoms are caused by anxiety just because you don’t know what’s going on.

Doctor communication
Communication nurse
Review of King George’s - Accident & Emergency
23rd August 2023

Did not receive assistance set there for 7 hours until I couldn’t anymore and I left. No one bothered to help.

Suggested improvements
Communicating to your patients, assist where necessary and not ignore them especially if it’s an attempted suicide coz a person can get up and Jill themselves in your hospital and you won’t even notice till it’s too late.

Doctor communication
Communication nurse
Review of King George’s - Accident & Emergency
23rd August 2023

I felt that all staff I met were engaged and interested in helping me, even though they were obviously very busy. The time I was there the hospital was kept clean

Suggested improvements
I waited for 5 hours, in the urgent treatment clinic, then about 8/9 hours in A&E. I understand that there was a doctor's strike on at the time, contributing to the length Of the wait, but it was exhausting. If there were some books, papers or other reading materials it would have helped to pass the time. I was waiting from about 8.15pm to approximately 8/9am before seeing the doctor ( a nurse regularly came to take my blood pressure) it would have helped to have had somewhere to lie down

Doctor communication
Communication nurse
Review of King George’s - Accident & Emergency
22nd August 2023

An extremely poor treatment, I was taken hospital as I got faint and had severe pain and apparently siesures( not sure though) but any ways, ambulance took me to hospital after pulling me all way through stairs somehow without any streture and left me in corridor of hospital without any treatment for 12 hours waiting for doctor... Insane treatment with the patient with dizziness and pain in whole body and also complain of pain beneath chest. Spent whole night crying on the chair waiting for doctor and there was no one to tell when would doctor see us. If we can go back home or lie down on the bed. If 12 hours wait was there people could have been treated like jk e human and can be sent to home and asked to come back by some time like gp appointments... No bed no treatment just checking blood pressure to see if person is alive and not dead of pain. Insane and human less behaviour until my doctor met me and saw my condition there was no one to take care. Me and my husband were in pathetic situation at hospital. Insane

Suggested improvements
Please if people have to wait that long tell them expected time to come back and get themselves checked. Literally no more than 50 patients were there in emergency and could have treated much better than they are getting treated right now

Doctor communication
Communication nurse
Review of King George’s - Accident & Emergency
22nd August 2023

Some nurses and staff were extremely friendly, empathetic and compassionate but some staff were terribly abrupt and rude just when asked simple questions. Reasonable people understand that people are just trying to do their jobs but they are in a sector that requires consideration and courtesy. This needs to be the basis of every interaction in order to ensure smooth flow and cooperation. If you are over worked and just there for a pay check or clock your hours then this sector is not for you

Suggested improvements
1. The hospital needs better processes and systems. You need to streamline the waiting areas and designate them based on initial entry and treatment: area for registration, 1 area for bloods, 1 area for pre-screening, an area for scans and X-rays, area for seeing the doctor (improve process flow) 2. Your systems need to be in sync: if a patient is gone for X-rays, the nurses should be able to pick it up and call the next patient rather than running to each waiting area to call for the patient. 3. All of the staff need to be more informed about the treatment they are doing: I asked: what blood tests are you drawing blood for? The answer was the basic tests. I want to know whether it is a FCB, D-dimer. 4. I understand that waiting is based on criticality of the patient but there’s a more efficient way to segregate patients. You can assign 2 doctors to extremely critical and 2 doctors to medium to low rated patients. Or even 1 doctor to each rating. This will improve the flow of patients and reduce the waiting time rather than having people in the waiting room for 12 hours to 24hours 5. Rather than trying to rule out critical illness treat the patient based on the symptoms they exhibit. 6. Put up a process flow and timeline for the steps that patients will follow: Prescreening =15mins, bloods=1hour, X-rays = 1hour, etc. this is called “waiting time management” 7. If you are going to tell a patient that they will be called within 2 days so an ultrasound appointment can be made, actually call the patient. Do not wait for the patient to call and then proceed to tell them that we will call you within 6 weeks you just have to wait, with no other explanation. The doctor already informed the patient that they need an ultrasound in a week. Provide better feedback. 8. Provide the capability to share reports and results with the patient should they request it so that they can decide whether they want to wait or take their results to a doctor that they feel can tend to them faster

Doctor communication
Communication nurse
Review of King George’s - Accident & Emergency
22nd August 2023

Great service

Suggested improvements

Doctor communication
Communication nurse
Review of King George’s - Accident & Emergency
22nd August 2023


Suggested improvements

Doctor communication
Communication nurse
Review of King George’s - Accident & Emergency
22nd August 2023

My visit was first to urgent care which was very poor. Then sent to emergency where I waited until the morning doctor's arrived. Urgent care staff were rude, bored and unhelpful except for the nurse who did my bloods and ECG. The nurses in AE, were good, especially one of them, much better than Urgent care. The night doctor I saw in Urgent care was dreadful, rude and shut his eyes if i didn't understand his question! Never made eye contact or put me at ease at all. It's dreadful considering I waited 5.5 hours . The toilets are disgusting.

Suggested improvements
Employ more than 1 day doctor and 1 night doctor. Ask the nurses and doctors to be polite and try to be friendly to put you at ease. Open the windows to give us some fresh air Clean the toilets more often! It's disgusting Get the Doctor to tell you his name. I can't submit a proper review without a name

Doctor communication
Communication nurse
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